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How many hours do you NEED a night, and how many hours do you actually get?

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GA sleep deprivation study!

I've found that I function at optimum levels with around 7.5 hours of sleep. Anything over 9 hours, and I'll usually feel lazy for the rest of the day.

I usually get 6 hours of sleep.


as far as i can tell i need about 10-12 a night. 14 seems to be the magic number. i actually get about 3-4


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Need, around 8. Get, lately, around 5. I've been having really bad sleeping problems lately, but I've had enough of it, so I went to walgreens today and got some sleeping pills. Next to duct tape, drugs are the most useful thing in the world!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I get about 7 on weekends, need 9.

I sleep 11 hours a night on weekends seems to balance things out.


8-9 is good for me. I usually get that much too. My problem is once the sun rises I'm done. Plus everyone is up early in my house as it is. And once I just have the "sense" that the day is starting I can't go back to sleep.


From what I hear, 6 hours of deep uninterrupted sleep (all you need) is better than 9 hours with a few interruptions.


When I worked shipment at Old Navy, I adapted to sleeping 3 hours a night, and I can still function perfectly normal doing that. I get about 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night nowadays. I still wake up at 7 or so like I did back in high school. At first it used to annoy me, but now I'm glad I do. Also noticed I seem to be able to wake up exactly when I need to, ie if I have to go to work at 6, I'll wake up at 5 if I need to.


I NEED around 10 hours of sleep; I only get about 4 or 5 when I get up to go to my summer internship everyday.

Thank God for Saturdays and Sundays.


Depends on my work schedule. If I work in the morning, I get 6 hours tops, usually 5, days I work at night, or not at all, I get at least 8.

I typically end up sleeping 10 or more hours on my days off. I have to make up for the less I slept on workdays.

I need 7.
Jeez, you guys actualy sleep ok from the sounds of thsi thread, I am terrable when it comes to sleeping, I am usualy up untill 3:30 am and I get up around 12 or later...

But when I work (when I am NOT suspended from my shitty job for 2 weeks) I sleep around 6 hours.

~Black Deatha


Since I have sleep apnea, I should get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. I only get that on my days off, though. I've been averaging 5-6 hours on workdays.


Well i work 3-11PM, i usually go to bed around 1-3:30am wake up around 8-9am. Usually it's interupted by getting up and using the bathroom and looking at the time :p It's hard to get GOOD sleep.



Looking for Pants
I get 7-8 hours currently. I have class starting at 8:30, earliest in 1.5 years. I go to sleep a bit past 12:00 and sleep till 7:45. During the weekends, I can sleep around 10 hours then I naturally wake up. I've found that waking up earlier leads to a much more productive day.


I generally need 6 hours - I'm always groggy after I wake up, but the only time I sleep more than 6 hours at a time is when I'm drunk.

As for what I get, 2-6 depending on how well my internal clock is synched up with reality.


i've recently discovered that i only need 4 or 5 hours to get through a day but i like to get a lot. well really i just like to sleep until the afternoon, regardless of when i fall asleep.


6 hours is my magic number, I'll be completely alert and ready to go after a few minutes. 8+ makes me dead tired all day, though I'll certainly take those extra hours when I can. I'll usually grab an hour nap if I'm on my 6 hour schedule, but this summer I've been mostly 1 AM - 10:30 sleeping, when I'm not working
I have a nasty habit on non-workdays of staying up until sunrise, going "Holy shit, look at the time", going to bed, and then groggily rolling out of bed around 1PM.

Doth Togo

8 hours sleep does me really well. Anything more than that and I feel hung over the next day.

Most times I get 6-8 hours.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I got 5 last night...and I feel alright. I don't have to be at work until 1:15 and yet I woke up at 7am, I have no idea why I'm an idiot. I know I'm going to start crashing as soon as the lights dim and we start talking about today's strategy. :(


I find that I don't need much time these days. I've been averaging 5 hours and doing okay with a long commute, work and school.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
On weekdays I usually sleep from 3:00-4:00 untill around 8:00. I always have a can of coke ready for when I wake up because I wouldn't be able to get out of bed without it.
I'm usually groggy for the first hour I'm awake, and then for a short period at around 5:00, but then I feel great untill I go to bed.

Though I never get it, I think 10 hours is the perfect amount to sleep.


I need between 6-8. Anything in that period normally has me feeling quite refreshed. Unless I wake up like 4 times during the night..

I generally get between 6-8 also. Everyonce in a while I'll go on 3-4 hours sleep, but then the next day I sleep my 6-8 and I'm back feeling normal.


I don't know how many hours I need, but I do know that I need to reach the deeper type of sleep, which I haven't been able to do the last couple of weeks. Unless I reach the deeper sleep, 4 or 8 hours won't make a big difference.

Recently, I always wake up after 4 hours of sleep. Then, if I go back to sleep, it's another 4 hours. And it doesn't exactly help that I do some morning shifts at work, which means I have to get up at 4 am. And I'm a night person, so I usually end up getting 1-3 hours of sleep. Sometimes, I simply stay up until 4 am. Morning shifts are hell.
I need 8 hours and usually get 8-10. If I don't get my minimum 8 hours I'd be considering skipping my morning classes. This doesn't mix well with my tendency to stay up late.


Since I had surgery nearly two months ago I have not slept right yet. First two weeks I did not sleep at all. I was very delusional and actually suidical(which for me quite rare). Its gotten abit better but that and few of my other organs are still not functioning like before surgery. Sigh..its really messed up.


I need at least 10, usually 12 or more to really be happy. I rarely get 10. During the week, I'm usually running on 4-6 hours of sleep, and on the weekends, it can be anywhere from 8-14 depending on how much I wrecked myself the night before. Sleep-deprived is no way to go through life, but it's the way the world works I guess. :( PEACE.
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