What I am even supposed to respond to this?
Last I checked said game got a live action, super faithful iteration which is currently at 99% critic score and 96% from audience.. after hearing for years (from people who, again, never played the game) that story was only praised because of videogame standards and it would make for a B-Movie tier product at best in the "real world".
I'd love to see what would happen with your candidates..
You don't like it, fine, that's just a drop in the ocean of praises and cultural significance the game had.
1 - This is about The Last of Us, the single game came out in 2013 directed by Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann.
Not about "TLOU series", which I couldn't give a shit about.
2 - Said TV series is also a huge downgrade in directing, art direction, and cinematography from the game, and imo even performances, along with the complete lack of the special sauce which made the experience so memorable and unique, which is obviously the interactive nature of its storytelling.
Listen to Herr Claus. Your opinion just doesn't match up with the consensus. Take a deep breath and remember Claus's words of absolute truth.

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