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How to crash a McLaren when you're a Gen Zer


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

1. Stare at your phone while hydroplaning
2. Pay someone to film you
3. Panic
4. Crash
5. Order your cameraman to continue filming while he has a gushing head wound
6. Claim he was totally fine so it's not a big deal


7. Delete the tweet.
8. Get permanently banned from the Kick streaming platform for endangering your cameraman.
9. ???
10. Profit


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I watched this earlier today and had complicated emotions. On one hand, apparently this guy is a total turd and deserves this entirely—he apparently streams harassing random people (like throwing eggs at them and shit) but has bodyguards, so no one gets close to him.

But on the other hand, it’s hard to see any McLaren get totaled 😩


He should be banned from driving for life.
  1. A danger to others.
  2. A danger to others' property.
  3. A danger to public property.
  4. A terrible example to others while in a position of influence.
  5. A danger to McLarens - even just that hideous paint job.
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. A danger to himself.



1. Stare at your phone while hydroplaning
2. Pay someone to film you
3. Panic
4. Crash
5. Order your cameraman to continue filming while he has a gushing head wound
6. Claim he was totally fine so it's not a big deal


7. Delete the tweet.
8. Get permanently banned from the Kick streaming platform for endangering your cameraman.
9. ???
10. Profit

Hes young and stupid.

Hopefully he learns from this mistake. Hes lucky to still have his life to do so.
I watched this earlier today and had complicated emotions. On one hand, apparently this guy is a total turd and deserves this entirely—he apparently streams harassing random people (like throwing eggs at them and shit) but has bodyguards, so no one gets close to him.

But on the other hand, it’s hard to see any McLaren get totaled 😩
First Half GIF



1. Stare at your phone while hydroplaning
2. Pay someone to film you
3. Panic
4. Crash
5. Order your cameraman to continue filming while he has a gushing head wound
6. Claim he was totally fine so it's not a big deal


7. Delete the tweet.
8. Get permanently banned from the Kick streaming platform for endangering your cameraman.
9. ???
10. Profit

At least the rich and famous never use to be so narcissistic enough to record themselves being a retard, let alone trying to cash in on it.

Celebrities always crash they stupidly excessive sports cars... they were just clever enough not too long ago to try and stay away from media, I remember growing up that rowan Atkinson was like always crashing something 🤣. I'm sure it happened at least twice


He professionally harasses people for content, which is about as low as it gets in modern society.

I ultimately always reserve a measure of sympathy for young people especially in crazy times such as the ones in which we exist... but I also believe in actions having real consequences, and eventually if he doesn't wizened up they will catch up to him.


Saw this earlier.
Guy's a douche and shame on him for not caring more about his associates well being.

It seems Karma wants what's hers.
wait, so you're telling me Kick actually has a line they're not willing to cross, and it's not yelling racist shit, or harassing people, or any of the other degenerate BS, but that line is at reckless driving and endangering the passenger?


Gold Member
Colossal malignant cunt of the year material right there. I genuinely hope he gets banned from driving for life (won't happen) and if possible his friend sues him for endangerment. People that use their phones whilst driving are the scum of the earth!


So many questions.

Who is he?
How can he afford a McLaren at his age? (I know, GenZ'ers follow him, ad revenue etc ... but why, what does he do....)
Why does he have so many people following him? He's a nobody
Why do people constantly give these bell ends a platform? Why follow a complete nobody? Same goes for all the other pricks on Insta/Youtube etc.



The Internet & predominantly social media is a fucking gutter of shit & people like this.


So many questions.

Who is he?
How can he afford a McLaren at his age? (I know, GenZ'ers follow him, ad revenue etc ... but why, what does he do....)
Why does he have so many people following him? He's a nobody
Why do people constantly give these bell ends a platform? Why follow a complete nobody? Same goes for all the other pricks on Insta/Youtube etc.



The Internet & predominantly social media is a fucking gutter of shit & people like this.
He might be hugely successful as a streamer and it's been built up from there. But it wouldn't surprise me if he's got very wealthy parents who have always given him anything he ever wanted, no matter what it is. He can then rely on their resources to fund his "career" ambition of becoming a successful streamer. Then because he's able to do ridiculous shit with expensive things it becomes this self-fulfilling thing where he attracts an audience based on that.


Neo Member
Oh he can’t drive. Makes sense.

Hydro planning is one of the easiest things to avoid.

You simply let off the gas. No breaking no turning violently. You just slow down till you sink back to the road….


Neo Member
I'd be shocked if the idiot even had a license.
And the. I watched it. He literally sped up. He lost control way before he even realized it.

Maybe cars like this shouldn’t exist. Because of awesome driving we just get destructive 29 year olds that aren’t even stimulated by actually driving them.
"Would I risk killing my camera man and others while streaming myself doing stupid, reckless shit in the name of making money only to deny doing said dumb shit later?"

This is the same kid who talks shit to strangers while his bodyguards are around and clams up when they're not. He's the worst. I hope his frontal lobe fully develops some day and he changes his ways.
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