In the uk at the time I had two years of collage for free. First course was Engineering, we were told we would be able cut up bits of metal and make things by the collage recruiter. That's what everyone in the small class wanted to do. It was just lies to get us to sign up as it was actual engineering, maths, computer programming, chemistry and making electronic schematics. We complained and was told maybe in the second year we'd get some shop time. Fool us once, I don't think anyone did the second year.
So my parents pushed me to take something for my second year and decided I was good at art so I should do that. My good grade in art was based on sculpting and pottery work. Creative stuff like the cutting up of metal I wanted to do. I can't draw for shit, I can't paint for shit and have no interest in graphic design. Last straw was when we had to do a still life drawing of this fat naked model, she was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. "What the fuck am I doing with my life?".
So I dropped out, picked up extra weekday shifts at my part time job then made the jump to full time. I learned a hell of a lot more life skills and social networking that way that I'd ever have in further education.