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How's the Gameboy Player?


I bought a GBA a while ago to pass the time on long-distance flights, but I've gotten sort of addicted to Fire Emblem and Magical Vacation, and the GBA isn't exactly the most comfortable of game systems. So I was thinking of buying a GB Player, but I'm not so sure how the image quality is. Is everything blown up with oversized pixels and so, or is there some sort of smoothing used? And does the device offer anything the GBA doesn't, and vice versa?


If you like RPGs on your GBA... Game Boy Player is for you.

It made Pokemon Ruby, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and Fire Emblem much better than they were when I was playing them while travelling.


Yeah, you can finally lounge back and play without holding your hands up to your face. I think it's entirely worth it.


There are some games that look good, and some that don't - some games were NOT meant to be played at TV sizes.

It's great for me to kick back and play some Advance Wars 2, and I think Fire Emblem looks all right as well, but I can't say for sure. I think someone on GAF didn't like how it looked (Fire Emblem).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The Faceless Master said:
only if you don't own the game...

I dunno, I'm pretty sure that it is illegal regardless of whether or not you own the game. Could be wrong, though...
GBP has worse IQ than the native GBA screen. However with component cables the GBP can make some games look really really nice, see: Metroid ZM. However, some games like Fire Emblem look like absolute crap.

Nice feature? Oh yes.

Do I use it? Yes.

Do I prefer to use my SP half the time? Definately.

Deku Tree

Miburou said:
What about the image quality?

It's good but not great. GBA games look better on the GBA than they will on your TV--especially if you have a big TV. But some games, say Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission, look better than others, like say Mario & Luigi.


I use it all the time for some games. Generally it depends on either the controls or the length of the game. Some stuff feels better (to me) on the GC controller than the GBA, like megaman zero 2.
Mejilan said:
I've used it twice since it came out!

Seems to be quite common. People going nuts for it (hey me too) and once finally getting it, playing it just once.... maybe twice.... then never using it again.

But hey... it makes your GameCube an actual cube shape!


I got both & i don't regret my purchase ! Buy it ! It worth the money !!

I use it for games i spend hours on like Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, Yoshi island, Mario & Luigi ...
Image quality is good ! You'll RE-discover your games with the Game Boy Player !



Running off of Custom Firmware
I got it more for the fact that it "expanded" my Gamecube than anything else. Kinda like the same reason I got the PS2 hdd and network adaptor, as I've yet to actually use either. Oops!

At least I used the GB Player, however. Honestly, I prefer handheld gaming over consoles anyway, so I'm 'biased.' It doesn't help that the GBPlayer makes some of my favorite games, such as Fire Emblem and Golden Sun 2, look like ass. (Though other games, like the Metroids and Castlevanias, look awesome on it.)


Mejilan said:
It doesn't help that the GBPlayer makes some of my favorite games, such as Fire Emblem and Golden Sun 2, look like ass. (Though other games, like the Metroids and Castlevanias, look awesome on it.)

Err, Fire Emblem doesn't look like ass at all for me o_O It looks even better with the GBP IMO ^_^
I guess he should ask for a demonstration in the shop ...


Don't forget one of these too:



Running off of Custom Firmware
amrum said:
Err, Fire Emblem doesn't look like ass at all for me o_O It looks even better with the GBP IMO ^_^
I guess he should ask for a demonstration in the shop ...

I found FE too look much clearer and sharper on my SP than the TV.
I need to get off my lazy butt and rig up a Gamecube component cable for RGB. It's my only bet for seeing GBA games on the GBP with decent picture quality. GBA games on my 27" through s-video + interlacing + bad convergence + blur = puke.


The GameBoy Player is one of the best accessories ever, even though it's not 100% original. It's available at a great price, so there's no point in not buying one. =D


I don't really like it, it looks a bit weird to me having the game stretched out to fit on the TV screen, it just makes me uncomfortable, and I feel like i'm missing out and not enjoying the games properly. SP for life!


I love it with the Hori Digital pad. Most games look pretty good on it, especially if you use the smaller of the two display sizes. The increase in brightness and better play control makes up for the slightly softer picture.


I'm playing Astro Boy: Omega Factor on it as we speak and having a blast.

I play all my GBA games on the GBPlayer (at the largest screen size too), image quality is very good, sound is good too.

Play Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Metroid Zero mission, Advance Wars 2 to name a few. Mario and Luigi: SuperStar Saga looks amazing on it (it even uses rumble in the controller).
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