aka IMurRIVAL69
The timing of this is insane.

-HiFi Rush
-Yakuza LAD
- Bravery and Greed
- King of the Castle
- Amanda the Adventurer
Can’t link to Humble on GAF but it’s there.
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I think only if the publisher specifically gives them keys that are timed. It's honestly pretty rare.Dont humble keys usually expire? They arent going to delist HFR
Unredeemed games each month will be able to be redeemed at any point in the future for the month that they are tied to (codes do not expire unless otherwise states).
Dont humble keys usually expire? They arent going to delist HFR
Probably nothing, but...
yeah but it‘s still too much at >$10
I played all of these but may get it so i can have Like a Dragon on Steam and then play it with the real time combat mod. Steelrising was fun for a soulsclone.
Humble should copy Fantatical's bundles. Half of the games are dupes for me (or not interesting).
Humble should copy Fantatical's bundles. Half of the games are dupes for me (or not interesting).
Humble should copy Fantatical's bundles. Half of the games are dupes for me (or not interesting).
Hi-Fi Rush features a lot of licensed music from big names like The Black Keys and Nine Inch Nails. There is a toggle in the settings to play without them but it is possible they'd rather delist the game then patch it when those licenses expire. Music licensing is really crazy and games get delisted over it all the time.
Hello friend, 1 Hi-Fi Rush pleaseI pretty much have all the games I would play here, but might get it to gift it to a few friends.
You're probably right but the game will be much worse off if that happens.They will probably eventually patch it so you can only play without the licensed music
Guys on reddit said that that leak was an undercover sting operation faked by humble bundle to find the person who was leaking games every month.I want the leaked bundle with Returnal