Turin Turambar
Hopefully Crap Puka dies PAINFULLY.
yes YES!
Hopefully Crap Puka dies PAINFULLY.
I got into HxH in-between the most recent 2 year hiatus, if that makes sense. Junior in Highschool, now I'm a just Junior in college. I can only imagine how rough it is for the people who's been around since the beginning.At that time it had been 2 years since a chapter from then, and 2 years before that, too (not counting the special chapters accompanying the movie that was basically the HxH musicals, except...only entertaining enough in the beginning imo)
https://hiatus-hiatus.rhcloud.com/ (click the 'Arcs' button to the upper-right for a better understanding)
Hopefully Crap Puka dies PAINFULLY.
I always thought there were limits to what kinds of abilities Chrollo could steal. My memory is so bad that I didn't know he stole Neon's ability.
I always thought there were limits to what kinds of abilities Chrollo could steal. My memory is so bad that I didn't know he stole Neon's ability.
Yeah he was fiending for Zeno's Nen dragon.He can steal anything, it's just being able to use the abilities he steals that's the issue.
Also explains why the Zoldyck's wanted to keep him heavily occupied.He needs to have the wielder of the Nen he aims to steal touch his book's cover with the palm of their hand, and a couple other requirements which I forget
That response is such a non-response, though. Would they reveal the resume date to a journalist, or reveal it by themselves?
Its coming back next month! Mark your calenders!
Its coming back next month! Mark your calenders!
next mother fucker to bump this thread and its not about the return i have legal authority to kill you in 37 states and 9 countr-
nvm god is real
IS THIS REAL LIFE!?!? Blessed are we for this most glorious gift. Truly we arent worthy. Now if you could write about 10 to 12 chapters before going on break thatd be the best.
Usually how it goes.
I want either a bit more chapters than that, or for Togashi to finally get back to the Gyro/Meteor City stuff already
I'm reading the last batch of chapters to refresh my mind on whats going on to get ready for the new material. I love the build-up going on. So many important characters on this boat. Princes at war with one another. Mystery, action, suspense. This is going to be sooooooooo good. I feel like we're going to have the amazing atmosphere and sense of strategy of the Yorkshin arc coupled with a higher amount of fights between a variety of characters like we saw in the Chimera Ant arc. And it's all happening on a massive boat.
Kind of reminds me a bit of that string of episodes from the Kanto Pokemon anime where Ash met with other Pokemon trainers on that boat.
And the crazy thing is that this is just the beginning of a much, much larger story.
Something that stood out to me on my re-read is someone says all the princes need to keep up civil appearances with the guests on the boat though this murder game will be going on in the dark. I think it's Kurapika who says this to his allies as he is telling them about the body guard mission. There is going to be such a fascinating atmosphere on this boat. I'm getting chills thinking about how good this arc is going to be
Re-read the Chrollo vs Hisoka fight and man, i still have no fucking clue about Chrollo's tactic.
Then they'll reach the decoy island and drop the civilians there, and then they'll go back to the boat where they'll probably fight without reserves anymore, and then reach the DC only to find even more supernatural shit.
Plus, Hunter Association vs Beyond quarrel, and Phantom Troupe is also on the boat right? Holy fuckamole what a GoT-level of impending chaos is this.
I gotta re-read as well, tho I wonder: is there a good breakdown of that battle somewhere?
I completely forgot about this! You're right. There is a "fake" dark continent they will make use of for the general public, isn't there?
No idea, should check it out.
Yep, because Kakin and the G5(?) wants to avoid bringing civilians into the Dark Continent (for good reasons i'd say).
And I don't think Kakin minds if the civilian nobodies go to the dark continent at all. That's just how things were set up when V5 went on board with the expedition because they (supposedly) worry.
I'm reading it again right now and I'm thinking about posting about the chapters in order here until the manga restarts. Should be some long posts, considering how dense some chapters got, but I think it'll be useful in the future since we're doomed to get new hiatus anyway. I'll post about the first one soon-ish.
Next hiatus is inevitable at this point, but if Togashi can bring atleast 10 new chapters for this batch I'll be content.
That is honestly my favorite part of the arc. I think that arc is pretty much Togashi channeling his Dragon Quest lust. I mostly think it's a bit of a drag frankly cause Genthru is a shit tier villain. It's like Togashi just shrugged his shoulders with him and went..."ehhh I can't think of something creative" and just farted the dude out.Hey, Greed Island is good. Worth it for the dodgeball alone.