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I acquired a PSTwo for only $40.00 US. Can you, too?



Well, remember that overstock.com sale a couple of weeks back with the $2 games? Well, I picked up one copy each of Wild Arms 3 and Arc the Lad, and two copies of Amplitude.

My cash outlay: about $10 with shipping.

Wal-Mart gave me $120 credit for these unopened games, with which I turned right back around and bought a PSTwo.

I don't think it gets any better than that.

Beware, though, I had to really sweet talk the customer service manager, so unless you're as supremely charismatic as myself, you likely will be talking to the hand in no time at all.

Anyhow, I can now say with total conviction that R-Type Final is kick-ass, as is VF4:Evo and Katamari Damacy.

Now, back to whatever it was that you were doing.


My girlfriend gave me the look later that night when I arrived home with my bounty, though - the look that, without words, says "We need a new vaccuum cleaner more than a Playstation" :eek:

I beg to differ. :D


Why do people defend Wal-Mart? Think of the farmers!


GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
BuddyChrist83 said:
Last year's $20 Xbox Wal-Mart scam was much more impressive.

Can you refresh my memory because I forgot how that scam went.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Jet Set Radio Future was $4.99 at Circuit City. 4 copies acquired for $20, brought to Walmart for $200 credit. Xbox for $20


Wario64 said:
Jet Set Radio Future was $4.99 at Circuit City. 4 copies acquired for $20, brought to Walmart for $200 credit. Xbox for $20

How did you do that when CC games have those stickers on them?


Baron said:
Wal-Mart gave me $120 credit for these unopened games, with which I turned right back around and bought a PSTwo.

Wario64 said:
Jet Set Radio Future was $4.99 at Circuit City. 4 copies acquired for $20, brought to Walmart for $200 credit. Xbox for $20

My Wal-Marts don't play that shit anymore...


impirius said:
People like Baron are the reason Wal-Mart's prices are so high

I think you're wrong. Wal-Mart is making boatloads of billions of dollars. They're one of the wealthiest companies in the world. And in spite of this status, they still can't find it in their generous hearts to pay their employees a living wage, or to form a union.

Me being able to stick it to Wal-Mart in any way possible is a good thing.


I got mine essentially for free, though I had to trade in an old system and a number of games with it. But I didn't have to commit fraud to do it, so at least that's a plus :D


I wouldn't quite call it fraud. Sure the games weren't walmarts, but they were new unopened copies so it's easy just to say "I got them as birthday gifts from relatives by mail, they said they got the games at walmart but there was no receipt and I allready own copies of these games" . Sure you may be lying but it's not outright fraud... not like the time I brought dark cloud 1 back for 85 canadian 7 months after it's purchase date.... when not a thing was wrong with it...


Baron said:

Well, remember that overstock.com sale a couple of weeks back with the $2 games? Well, I picked up one copy each of Wild Arms 3 and Arc the Lad, and two copies of Amplitude.

My cash outlay: about $10 with shipping.

Wal-Mart gave me $120 credit for these unopened games, with which I turned right back around and bought a PSTwo.

I don't think it gets any better than that.

Beware, though, I had to really sweet talk the customer service manager, so unless you're as supremely charismatic as myself, you likely will be talking to the hand in no time at all.

Anyhow, I can now say with total conviction that R-Type Final is kick-ass, as is VF4:Evo and Katamari Damacy.

Now, back to whatever it was that you were doing.

I can get a PSTwo for Free, actually! Whenever I want!

But I'd probably get run down in the parking lot by the security people before I could get the box to my car.


Pachinko pretty much nailed the point on the head of the screw. Nail. Whatever. Look! Elvis!

What I am getting at in a painfully obtuse manner, is that Wal-Mart will turn right back around and sell those games for the price of the credit they gave me. And some poor sod will buy them. Wal-Mart will get their money, I got some neat-o electronics, and everyone is happy.


Baron said:
I think you're wrong. Wal-Mart is making boatloads of billions of dollars. They're one of the wealthiest companies in the world. And in spite of this status, they still can't find it in their generous hearts to pay their employees a living wage, or to form a union.

Me being able to stick it to Wal-Mart in any way possible is a good thing.

<-- joking


Pachinko said:
I wouldn't quite call it fraud.
No, it's pretty much the definition of fraud. Lying in a transaction to get someone to give you money or credit is fraud.
Baron said:
Wal-Mart will get their money, I got some neat-o electronics, and everyone is happy.
Uhhhh, no not really. When someone buys your returned copy for fifty bucks, all that happens is that Wal-Mart gets back the fifty bucks you scammed out of them. They don't profit at all. If that person had bought one of their original copies that they got for a wholesale discount, then they would profit. The whole scam basically forces them to take on extra inventory and shortchanges them.

Not to mention that most of the games that people run these scams with are totally unpopular. Chances are that Wal-Mart is not going to be able to sell the game at full price, and it will eventually have to go on Clearance. At that point, they are taking a loss on the returned copy rather than breaking even (which is still technically a loss, as explained above).

I'm a relatively amoral person, but I figure people oughtta at least realize what they're doing with stuff like this. The scammer is really the only one that benefits from the whole thing.


People like Baron are the reason Wal-Mart's prices are so high

Uh? Excluding membership-only/buy-in-bulk places like CostCo and Sam's Club, Walmart has the lowest prices of any supercenter-style stores.


border said:
I'm a relatively amoral person, but I figure people oughtta at least realize what they're doing with stuff like this. The scammer is really the only one that benefits from the whole thing.

Please don't tell on me, Border.


I've got five kids to feed!


When I was a kid there was a deal where you got one of five Genesis games free with a system proof of purchase and reciept, so a friend and I made some fake upcs and reciepts, sent them in, and got all all five games.

That was very bad.
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