I was about to become a representative for this telecommunications company called Excel (also known as Vartec) basically what this company does is sell its products through word of mouth instead of the tradition advertising exploits (TV and print ads). Two guys from the company came and gave a presentation on how great the company is and how you can make easy money within a matter of days. What they dont tell you is how the system really works, its a pyramid scam and that youll have to pay $500 just to get started and licensing fees for your business. They encourage you to take advantage of your friends and family by forcing them to sign long distance and cell phone plans at higher rates than most of the competition, and even persuading them to join in and become a rep. I did research online and found out that roughly 90% of the reps that sign out quit without making a single cent. Also, the company wants its reps to fail so they can keep the initial start up fee and profit from that. Its sad to think that companies like this are able to operate and get away with this shit.