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I am meeting a Trump supporter this week. Help.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
People in here acting like "Trump supporter", at this point in the game, is just a normal, reasonable point of view that should be accepted and respected.

Fucking trash.

I can't imagine living in society and going out of my way to attack someone I've never met for their political beliefs and treat people as one dimensional caricatures.

"Hi, my name is Bill and I think Muslims and other non-whites are ruining America and we need to elect leaders that will do something to take care of that. Please respect the depth and nuance of my political beliefs."


I remember once being at a party at my girlfriends school. I was approached by a random woman, who introduced herself by saying "Aha.. yeah, okay. So that's how a member of the liberal right looks". Needless to say, there wasn't any reason to continue that conversation.

In other words - don't talk politics with strangers. There's no winners there.
I can't imagine living in society and going out of my way to attack someone I've never met for their political beliefs and treat people as an animal at the zoo/one dimensional caricatures.


I remember once being at a party at my girlfriends school. I was approached by a random woman, who introduced herself by saying "Aha.. yeah, okay. So that's how a member of the liberal right looks". Needless to say, there wasn't any reason to continue that conversation.

In other words - don't talk politics with strangers. There's no winners there.

Exactly. It's not that the Trump supporter's opinions are reasonable, it's that arguing with a stranger hoping to change their entire worldview is simply unrealistic and guarantees that the interaction will be a bad experience for all.
I mean, if you need us to provide you evidence that Muslims aren't destroying America, then I think you need to further your own insight on your views and opinions before you start randomly bashing someone else's.


It might help to state that I am not willfully going to bring the subject up. But I know it will come up due to prior knowledge of the whole situation. I'm sorry if i am vague, but I have been asked not to tell any specifics, and I will respect that.

What i am asking for is general facts and references to use just in case. I came to this forum to ask for advice from the experiences of those who have to live with these people everyday. People who trully follow the subject.
My google-fu is not so good.

You've got it. Give up on trying to convince him and either avoid him or kill him with kindness.

Unless we get more context we can't really help you.
Whats left about what? What is even the question here?

What is left of conservative theories that havent been completely disproven. Would you like to talk about the Friedman economic model vs Keynesian? Abortion. I'm not sure what conservative ideals you think are left to discuss.
To keep a long story short, a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them.
I would like specific evidence to use to counter argue this man. I've always accepted his way is wrong on a moral level. But I need evidence of facts as to why Trump is bad. Also specifically as to why muslims are not destroying america.

I know the sane move is to not interact with him. I know nothing will come of it. But nevertheless I need to try. For more information this guy is very anti-muslim, pro-trump, anti-clinton. He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.

People have different opinions in life you'll be fine.


Just remember that people are idiots online.
People who write idiotic things online probably aren't spouting their idiotic things in real life the way they are doing it online.

Don't bring the online assholism into the real world, please. If the other one brings it, sure, go ahead, give him all you've got.

People can come along with each other when they are interacting with each other face to face. You might even have a nice day with that guy.

If your only reaction to that is "oh but he's a trump supporter, I refuse to have a nice day with someone like that!", then I guess pot meets the kettle or something like that.

If the real world would have everyone acting like they do online, things would be waaaayyyyy worse than it is now. That's why it's good to just leave some things online.

btw, I'm really surprised at the replies here. I've seen enough "cut ties with your family and friends if they are a trump supporter" type of nonsense here, so I was pretty prejudiced towards this thread. Glad to see I was wrong.


I don't think anyone is going to be able to provide you with a source to win an argument with a Trump supporting stranger. Its like Wargames. The only way to win is not to play.


I wouldn't intentionally start a political argument.

If it does come up, I've found focusing on basic competence is an easier starting point.

You want to chip away at a couple things instead of attacking their entire worldview because that will make them dig in harder.


How do you function day-to-day when you can't even talk to someone unless they believe in the same things you believe? I've got friends from all walks of life, even had a long-term girlfriend who was pretty much on the opposite end of the political spectrum to me.

Just stay away from discussing it, and if you do just listen to his opinions, try to understand why he might have them, and either respectfully disagree or get over it. Jeez. What a boring world it'd be if everybody thought the exact same.
What is left of conservative theories that havent been completely disproven. Would you like to talk about the Friedman economic model vs Keynesian? Abortion. I'm not sure what conservative ideals you think are left to discuss.
This depends on what you view as conservative. You came out with some of the most extreme talking points of some conservatives and act like 100% of them are behind that.

The whole notion of conservative = always bad, progressive = always good, is a bit useless. There are idiots on all sides. The problem is not that, it is that the heads of one of the parties saying they represent those terms caters to their extremists these days.

Either way, here in Europe your Democrats probably wouldn't even be called left wing if they run their program in an election.


If you don't have evidence then why are you against Trump OP

Dont just believe what other people say you should believe. Hate him for your own reasons
People in here acting like "Trump supporter", at this point in the game, is just a normal, reasonable point of view that should be accepted and respected.

Fucking trash.

"Hi, my name is Bill and I think Muslims and other non-whites are ruining America and we need to elect leaders that will do something to take care of that. Please respect the depth and nuance of my political beliefs."

You literally just proved his point about treating people as one dimensional caricatures lol.


I wouldn't intentionally start a political argument.

If it does come up, I've found focusing on basic competence is an easier starting point.

You want to chip away at a couple things instead of attacking their entire worldview because that will make them dig in harder.

This exactly. The only thing that's starting to rattle his base in polls is that he's fucking up the awful things he said he'd do. Here's a list of things to bring up:

1). Healthcare
2). Where's the wall
3). ISIS was supposed to be defeated by now
4). Trouble with his staff. I thought he was going to get the greatest people?


You're probably whipping yourself into a frenzy going down the route you seem to be. If you get so emotionally wrecked inside and prepare yourself as if you're going to meet a deathrow inmate, you'll risk coming off the worse if your emotions get the better of you and your actual introduction to them is "you're a piece of fucking shit wanker cunt loser and shouldn't be in this country and I got advice on the internet to tear you apart. So there.".

Why not just go and see what the person is like and adjust accordingly like most of us need to do with anyone we meet? If the person is a friend of your friend? then just accept that and deal with it without making the whole situation about yourself. I routinely sit through extended family gatherings that include staunch conservatives that I internally roll my eyes at when they get going but still manage to have a somewhat decent social occasion without trying to pour gasoline everywhere and light fires. Debate with family/friends can get intense enough but remember you're meeting a stranger. Don't turn yourself into an asshat over sleepless nights like you're going to meet someone likely to stab you in the face. Calm down, think rationally and go and meet the person and adjust accordingly as interactions happen. They might not talk much about politics, and you'll have to accept that. Or they might well be the kind who do want to talk openly about politics, in which case, have at it, but remember about how you want to see yourself behaving.

This is some advice more for you on interacting socially with people you don't have lots of information on or are meeting for the first time. Replace Trump with anything unlikeable. For your own sake away from the internet and a keyboard, social interactions offline can be a lot different than arguing on a message board. Hence why you often need to adjust accordingly and not get yourself stressed everyone you ever meet who isn't the same as you is going to have to be a fight scene between you and them. There may be a decent probability the guy harbours shit views and isn't a person you really want to befriend, but you still have to adjust accordingly to social situations like that from time to time. You did give very little information in the OP, so most of this post is written making an assumption the person is a friend of your friend. Not that you've just gone onto some Russian mail order bride like website, but instead orderaTrumpsupporter.com.

But even this

a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them

Makes it somewhat unclear. You and your friend aren't just hunting random people who step off planes you think are "Trump supporters" are you? I mean, I really hope the OP isn't an elaborate fake to drum up a conversation about a situation that isn't going to happen... Apologies in advance for thinking that, but the OP is written rather strangely.


To keep a long story short, a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them.
I would like specific evidence to use to counter argue this man. I've always accepted his way is wrong on a moral level. But I need evidence of facts as to why Trump is bad. Also specifically as to why muslims are not destroying america.

I know the sane move is to not interact with him. I know nothing will come of it. But nevertheless I need to try. For more information this guy is very anti-muslim, pro-trump, anti-clinton. He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.

Actually the sane move is to interact with him, because your both adults and should be able to have a conversation.

But if you want to gaf it up, you should scream nazi and punch him in the mouth.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
How do you function day-to-day when you can't even talk to someone unless they believe in the same things you believe? I've got friends from all walks of life, even had a long-term girlfriend who was pretty much on the opposite end of the political spectrum to me.

Just stay away from discussing it, and if you do just listen to his opinions, try to understand why he might have them, and either respectfully disagree or get over it. Jeez. What a boring world it'd be if everybody thought the exact same.

This isn't a damn ketchup vs mayo Splatfest. We're talking about blatant, open white nationalism. White nationalism that has, somehow, found its way into power as the commander-in-chief of the world's largest army. Ffs, they don't need your help normalizing their nonsense.

You literally just proved his point about treating people as one dimensional caricatures lol.

That single dimension is pretty prominent and informs pretty much their entire worldview. You can feel free to waste your time trying to find nuance in their arguments if you want though.


Preparing to argue about politics with a total stranger is so funny though, I mean think about it, you pretty much have less than 0% chance of changing his mind, you might as well be arguing about whether or not his God exists

This isn't a damn ketchup vs mayo Splatfest. We're talking about blatant, open white nationalism. White nationalism that has, somehow, found its way into power as the commander-in-chief of the world's largest army. Ffs, they don't need your help normalizing their nonsense.

That single dimension is pretty prominent and informs pretty much their entire worldview. You can feel free to waste your time trying to find nuance in their arguments if you want though.

First of all, your view of this is literally not nuanced. Lol. Not everyone who voted for Trump is a "white nationalist" and if that blows your mind you also have to remember like 85% of the population thinks everything in the news is a lie, many of those thinking that Trump is an underdog that the media and Washington/the illuminati are trying to take out, and that they are not racist. You also have to remember that the largest factor that determined Hillarys loss was Obama voters flipping to Trump. (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/28/...nout-wasnt-the-driver-of-clintons-defeat.html) Not everywhere in the USA is urban metropolis, there are a lot of places that really just think very differently than us. That's not to say theres not a bunch of racism mixed in there too but the majority are much less nazis and much more just afraid of brown people and communism. Also this militant "THEY ARE ALL NAZIS THEY ARE TO BE EXTERMINATED" view of republicans is just as stupid and even more dangerous as their idea of liberals being young stupid people who just want free things and are bad at finance. This infighting is exactly what Russia wants.


To keep a long story short, a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them.
I would like specific evidence to use to counter argue this man. I've always accepted his way is wrong on a moral level. But I need evidence of facts as to why Trump is bad. Also specifically as to why muslims are not destroying america.

I know the sane move is to not interact with him. I know nothing will come of it. But nevertheless I need to try. For more information this guy is very anti-muslim, pro-trump, anti-clinton. He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.

Why not just talk to him like a normal human and avoid talking about politics? If he starts talking about Trump tel him you are not interested in talking about that. You will not change his mind so you are wasting your time and probably making yourself seem like a jerk.

My father is Trump supporter, he has the right to be, we disagree but I do not sit and "arm" myself with stuff to argue about.


Old Member
First off, real life isn't GAF, so the heroics you're imagining in your head won't happen. Most likely, you're going to end up looking like a confrontational asshole and no one will want to be around you.

Just treat him like a normal dude, and I'm assuming if no one brings up politics shit will be fine. In real life, you can't provide receipts or a post history to call someone out on, nor are you safe from being called out for acting like a dickhead yourself.

Just act like a normal person, for God's sake.
could just talk like actual people instead of having to debate those that have different views?

Why do you feel it necessary to go on the political attack/debate stance straight away?


I mean, you don't have any actual reasons in the first place, hence you're asking for evidence. Wtf lmfao

I swear people just hate Trump to fit in or something.
This depends on what you view as conservative. You came out with some of the most extreme talking points of some conservatives and act like 100% of them are behind that.

The whole notion of conservative = always bad, progressive = always good, is a bit useless. There are idiots on all sides. The problem is not that, it is that the heads of one of the parties saying they represent those terms caters to their extremists these days.

Either way, here in Europe your Democrats probably wouldn't even be called left wing if they run their program in an election.

Of all of those crazy things I said conservatives believe in. Most do. Over 40% still believe Obama is a kenyan muslim.

I could go point by point through all of these and find signifigant supposrt for all of my points in that post. All close to 50%.

My real problem is that I'm old enough to have seen 2 sides to America and the Republican party. I'm old enough to see no doubt that America is way fucking dumber than they were 20 to 30 years ago. Most of the embarrassing things I mentioned about conservatives werent true 30 years ago. Thats a big fucking problem that is only getting worse. How could this country be more successful than it was 30 years ago and yet be dumber at the same time.


If anything comes up in conversation then it's fine to have a discussion. Otherwise, just act like they're another human being because that's what they are.


It might help to state that I am not willfully going to bring the subject up. But I know it will come up due to prior knowledge of the whole situation. I'm sorry if i am vague, but I have been asked not to tell any specifics, and I will respect that.

What i am asking for is general facts and references to use just in case. I came to this forum to ask for advice from the experiences of those who have to live with these people everyday. People who trully follow the subject.
My google-fu is not so good.

Specifics, you are meet someone a friends knows, what specifics are there that is some huge secret?

If you are unable to "defend" your point without asking help from GAF because you cannot google yourself, you are not anymore educated than the person you are meeting it.


People in here acting like "Trump supporter", at this point in the game, is just a normal, reasonable point of view that should be accepted and respected.

Fucking trash.

"Hi, my name is Bill and I think Muslims and other non-whites are ruining America and we need to elect leaders that will do something to take care of that. Please respect the depth and nuance of my political beliefs."

I'm sure you debate every Trump supporter you come across.

No one is saying to respect his beliefs. OP is choosing to do the least likely thing to change the Trump supporter's point of view and will only just lead to a shouting match.
Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

I know Trump is the worst thing in modern memory. I know he's a crook and a liar. A tax dodger, a sexist, a racist, and idiot. These are the facts, I know these.
When I made the thread it was in the knowledge that this conversation would pan out:

Him: 'those muslims eh. Killing is their way.'
Me: 'i think your talking about extremists. Majority of muslims are peaceful people.'
Him: who told you that? Your fake news media?'
Me: well 1, i know muslims. And 2 (insert fact reference matierial here) if you wanna check it out yourself, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, this man is my moral enemy. But I will keep the peace for my friend. I want him to spout his nonsense so that I can casually rebuke him. In this way it will show him that other cultures don't put up with his shit.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.

I know you shouldnt judge somebody by their political beliefs, but genocide? Slavery? Racism? Sexism? I refuse to be anything but contempt to hostile to an individual who wears these words like a badge of honour.


Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

I know Trump is the worst thing in modern memory. I know he's a crook and a liar. A tax dodger, a sexist, a racist, and idiot. These are the facts, I know these.
When I made the thread it was in the knowledge that this conversation would pan out:

Him: 'those muslims eh. Killing is their way.'
Me: 'i think your talking about extremists. Majority of muslims are peaceful people.'
Him: who told you that? Your fake news media?'
Me: well 1, i know muslims. And 2 (insert fact reference matierial here) if you wanna check it out yourself, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, this man is my moral enemy. But I will keep the peace for my friend. I want him to spout his nonsense so that I can casually rebuke him. In this way it will show him that other cultures don't put up with his shit.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.

I know you shouldnt judge somebody by their political beliefs, but genocide? Slavery? Racism? Sexism? I refuse to be anything but contempt to hostile to an individual who wears these words like a badge of honour.

alright guy sounds like a real piece of shit

if he says shit like that just leave, being against him and possibly resulting in him having any leverage or sympathy from her by being attacked by her friend will probably only bring her closer to him


Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

I know Trump is the worst thing in modern memory. I know he's a crook and a liar. A tax dodger, a sexist, a racist, and idiot. These are the facts, I know these.
When I made the thread it was in the knowledge that this conversation would pan out:

Him: 'those muslims eh. Killing is their way.'
Me: 'i think your talking about extremists. Majority of muslims are peaceful people.'
Him: who told you that? Your fake news media?'
Me: well 1, i know muslims. And 2 (insert fact reference matierial here) if you wanna check it out yourself, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, this man is my moral enemy. But I will keep the peace for my friend. I want him to spout his nonsense so that I can casually rebuke him. In this way it will show him that other cultures don't put up with his shit.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.

I know you shouldnt judge somebody by their political beliefs, but genocide? Slavery? Racism? Sexism? I refuse to be anything but contempt to hostile to an individual who wears these words like a badge of honour.

Meet him, don't bother debating him. If he gets too obnoxious, just take the first opportunity to leave and get out of that situation.

Odds are you'll probably have your opinion of him reinforced, as which point you tell your friend exactly what you think about the guy.

Tell her that you're happy to meet up with her alone but you don't want to hang out with the guy anymore. It's likely, though, that if she's really staying with this guy you'll find that her opinions will soon conform to his, so I'm not sure if the friendship is long for this world.

If that happens, be polite and just fade out the friendship until this relationship has passed.


Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

I know Trump is the worst thing in modern memory. I know he's a crook and a liar. A tax dodger, a sexist, a racist, and idiot. These are the facts, I know these.
When I made the thread it was in the knowledge that this conversation would pan out:

Him: 'those muslims eh. Killing is their way.'
Me: 'i think your talking about extremists. Majority of muslims are peaceful people.'
Him: who told you that? Your fake news media?'
Me: well 1, i know muslims. And 2 (insert fact reference matierial here) if you wanna check it out yourself, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, this man is my moral enemy. But I will keep the peace for my friend. I want him to spout his nonsense so that I can casually rebuke him. In this way it will show him that other cultures don't put up with his shit.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.

I know you shouldnt judge somebody by their political beliefs, but genocide? Slavery? Racism? Sexism? I refuse to be anything but contempt to hostile to an individual who wears these words like a badge of honour.

Tell your friend that you won't support her boyfriend's views and leave it at that.

Have you considered that maybe she either agrees with him or is apathetic to his views? Do you really want to be friends with someone like that?

L Thammy

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.

Okay, I think this is what the thread should have been about. I don't think reasoning is going to work with this person.

However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him.

Now I feel like either your friend is setting herself up for disappointment or they're a lot less unable to be hateful or spiteful than you think.


There's no point arguing facts with trump supporters.

If you really HAVE to engage with them politically, the best thing you can do is try to build a bridge for them to come closer to your side by finding some way in which you are already on their side, whether it's economics or social issues or whatever. Find a point of agreement and try your best to seem like you understand their thought process in voting for Trump. It will increase their chance of trying to understand where you are coming from. Otherwise you're wasting your time arguing with a wall.

Or just don't talk politics.


Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

I know Trump is the worst thing in modern memory. I know he's a crook and a liar. A tax dodger, a sexist, a racist, and idiot. These are the facts, I know these.
When I made the thread it was in the knowledge that this conversation would pan out:

Him: 'those muslims eh. Killing is their way.'
Me: 'i think your talking about extremists. Majority of muslims are peaceful people.'
Him: who told you that? Your fake news media?'
Me: well 1, i know muslims. And 2 (insert fact reference matierial here) if you wanna check it out yourself, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, this man is my moral enemy. But I will keep the peace for my friend. I want him to spout his nonsense so that I can casually rebuke him. In this way it will show him that other cultures don't put up with his shit.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.

I know you shouldnt judge somebody by their political beliefs, but genocide? Slavery? Racism? Sexism? I refuse to be anything but contempt to hostile to an individual who wears these words like a badge of honour.

I hate Trump, but it's a mistake to say that Trump Supporter = someone who wants to commit genocide on Muslims and put women back in the kitchen. Trump is awful regarding both issues, but even that incompetent fool would find those positions a bit extreme.

Arguing against Muslim genocide should be fairly easy. If we wiped out groups based on relatively isolated terrible people within those groups then there would be no one left on Earth. Whatever faith, political affiliation, ethnicity this person belongs to has had people within those groups commit horrible crimes. Should those groups be wiped out because of that? Obviously not.


This thread is so weird.

If you can't talk to anyone who voted for Trump, the problem is with you. But you're under no obligation to interact with an actual neo-nazi, if that's what this person is.

Trump supporter doesn't equal neo nazi though. It's important to realize that.


See this is far worse than being a simple trump supporter.

I really really urge you actually disconnect trump supporter = Nazi as that's some bullshit naming convention and simply isn't true.

Again, it's your friends life and if she wants to be with him there's nothing you can do.
If she loves him you're more likely to lose her than you are break them up by acting out debating the guy.

You unfortunately just have to go with it and meet him.

Facebook is pretty much cancer when it comes to dumb click bait share worthy views.

The guy actually may not be as extreme as his facebook views come off.

Again you don't know him and nor do I but you should start neutral before attacking.
That way if it turns out the guy is a piece of shit, you can then just distance yourself from the pair of them.


To keep a long story short, a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them.
I would like specific evidence to use to counter argue this man. I've always accepted his way is wrong on a moral level. But I need evidence of facts as to why Trump is bad. Also specifically as to why muslims are not destroying america.

I know the sane move is to not interact with him. I know nothing will come of it. But nevertheless I need to try. For more information this guy is very anti-muslim, pro-trump, anti-clinton. He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.

Prepare to bang your head against the wall of you insist on trying to enlighten him.

Personally I suggest leaving it alone. If they are still supporting him now one person arguing with them isn't going to change anything. At best you may chip a little at his support (but you won't see the benefit of that so it'll still be like banging your had against the wall).

But you are just going to make it uncomfortable for all if you insist on trying to change his ways.
I was actually having a conservation about this with a coworker the other day. He’s a Trump support. Pretty conservative guy, 50 years old with +20 years in law enforcement, he’s also Indian. Another coworker and I were just clowning on him the whole time. Anytime we had a sound argument. He just start talking about how it was fake news and blah blah. If you watch CNN or MSNBC it’s all fake. Then our Lt came by listened to our conversation for a bit, just smirked at the guy and left. He’s not a bad guy and I’d definitely have his back if anything went down, but there was no point in trying to discuss politics with him. At the end, there really were no hurt feelings between the three of us.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'm sure you debate every Trump supporter you come across.

No one is saying to respect his beliefs. OP is choosing to do the least likely thing to change the Trump supporter's point of view and will only just lead to a shouting match.

Lol no, I don't debate every Trump supporter I come across. I live in Trump central. I wouldn't survive. I agree that the best course of action here is "don't." It just seems like OP is going to be roped into this and I think, especially given that this person isn't American and likely has a loose grasp on what to expect, "talk about the weather instead" likely isn't very effective advice. If "Trumper" Is such a prevalent part of this person's identity that the neutral friend doesn't want to be around him without a more politically-inclined buffer, this discussion will likely be driven in the direction everyone here is advising him to avoid.

EDIT: just read the update. Yikes. Cut and run or, if you're insistent on going through with it, don't give him any respect that he wouldn't give to a muslim.

L Thammy

Also, did this guy actually say anything about slavery? You mentioned slavery, but I'm not sure if that's you extrapolating from them being a Trump supporter or what.
In my opinion, the best way to deal with people who think this way is to acknowledge their beliefs and ask critical questions. "How many Muslims are there in the United States? Of that number, how many have committed notable acts of harm towards others?" Be passive, let them speak, introduce questions and seed doubt in a reserved and regular manner. Bring them to less radical and more reasonable positions based on what they know. Cool their passion for bigoted beliefs. Make them sincerely face their own assumptions in a friendly and personable way.

And be a friend to your friend.
Tell your friend that you won't support her boyfriend's views and leave it at that.

Have you considered that maybe she either agrees with him or is apathetic to his views? Do you really want to be friends with someone like that?

I have. It is why I agreed to the meeting. To see if she is either naive... or she agrees with him.
If that is the case, I know I cant stay friends with her.

Also I used trump supporter namely because the sheer fact that anyone would still support that man is an excellent judge of character for me. Was hoping it was the same for everyone else.


Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

I know Trump is the worst thing in modern memory. I know he's a crook and a liar. A tax dodger, a sexist, a racist, and idiot. These are the facts, I know these.
When I made the thread it was in the knowledge that this conversation would pan out:

Him: 'those muslims eh. Killing is their way.'
Me: 'i think your talking about extremists. Majority of muslims are peaceful people.'
Him: who told you that? Your fake news media?'
Me: well 1, i know muslims. And 2 (insert fact reference matierial here) if you wanna check it out yourself, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, this man is my moral enemy. But I will keep the peace for my friend. I want him to spout his nonsense so that I can casually rebuke him. In this way it will show him that other cultures don't put up with his shit.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.

I know you shouldnt judge somebody by their political beliefs, but genocide? Slavery? Racism? Sexism? I refuse to be anything but contempt to hostile to an individual who wears these words like a badge of honour.
When you already know that he thinks slavery is a good thing, etc., I am pretty sure she also knows and either doesnt care or is to much in love and overlooks it.
I dont think you jumping in and profe a point will help, but I would advise you to try to not get to personal or emotional (I can 100% understand when you would, would not be way different for me) otherwise she will side with him against you.


Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

I know Trump is the worst thing in modern memory. I know he's a crook and a liar. A tax dodger, a sexist, a racist, and idiot. These are the facts, I know these.
When I made the thread it was in the knowledge that this conversation would pan out:

Him: 'those muslims eh. Killing is their way.'
Me: 'i think your talking about extremists. Majority of muslims are peaceful people.'
Him: who told you that? Your fake news media?'
Me: well 1, i know muslims. And 2 (insert fact reference matierial here) if you wanna check it out yourself, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, this man is my moral enemy. But I will keep the peace for my friend. I want him to spout his nonsense so that I can casually rebuke him. In this way it will show him that other cultures don't put up with his shit.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.

I know you shouldnt judge somebody by their political beliefs, but genocide? Slavery? Racism? Sexism? I refuse to be anything but contempt to hostile to an individual who wears these words like a badge of honour.

This reads a bit like fan fiction (no offence), but if it's genuine and you aren't being hyperbolic you have your own individual autonomy to say no I'm not meeting this person and want nothing to do with them? If your friend is in love with what you describe and you are a real friend to her, you shouldn't be entertaining her being with this "literal walking Nazi". It's her choice, but you don't need to go along.

I mean

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is

She knows everything above and that he is a literal genocidal Nazi and really just can't see how hateful and nasty he is?

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.

Your friend can read/see that and thinks otherwise?
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