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I am Trans


Meaning Go On GIF

Hip Hop

Did you like have a big ol birthday party for the special occasion of turning 40?

And for your 50th?

I hope you did.
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Gold Member
I feel like I did in my 30's lately and I'll be 51 in a couple of weeks. A few weeks ago I stopped eating processed foods and cut out refined sugar and most of my age related pains have disappeared. Losing weight, sleeping better, more energy. It's been pretty good.


Later 30's. I don't mind getting older. What I do fear is my hairline receding quicker than the ocean at low tide. Only thing that does legitimately suck is how much things randomly hurt. Currently I'm hobbling around like a cripple because my foot hurts and I have no clue what I did. I'm not over weight and I exercise regularly. Just fucking hurts. But I think I'd take a full head of hair over my foot hurting. Guess I'm vain like that
I am 25 years old, and this is my biggest fear.
Its like time is going super fast.
Time moves faster when you've settled into a routine. Finding new things to do, going on trips, etc. will make time slow down again for you.

The movie Click with Adam Sandler was a really great movie that should be mentioned in the same breath as The Truman Show with how layered both movies are, but somehow it isn't.


I am 25 years old, and this is my biggest fear.
Its like time is going super fast.
It only gets quicker. I think perception of time is relative, so when you're 4 a year is 1/4 of your life. But when you're 25 it's 1/25th, so it feels smaller on the scale of time. Will a year feel 10x fast when you're 40 compared to 4? Before you know it you'll be able to tell me yourself.

Have a nice day, though.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I know OP got banned once here.

So sadly his virtual age doesn't match with his actual one.


Mid-late 20s to early 40s literally flew by. Felt like 3 years. I used to hear people say that and thought they were just burnt out older people. But it's a thing can confirm.
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I am 25 years old, and this is my biggest fear.
Its like time is going super fast.
There's no need. I'm 32 now and while i did some retarded shit back in the days, life has actually gotten better as I aged (I wouldn't believe this when I was younger).
Yes times flies when you're stuck doing the same shit on a daily basis, but that should motivate you to do something that you actually enjoy.

This all sounds cringy and cliche, but it'll be alright man.

John Bilbo


I do not
What it is
I've done wrong
Full of holes
Check for pulse
Blink your eyes
One for yes
Two for no

I have no idea what I am talking about
I am trapped in this body and can't get out

You killed the sound
Removed backbone
A pale imitation
With the edges sawn off

I have no idea what you are talking about
Your mouth moves only with someone's hand up your arse

Has the light gone out for you?
Because the light's gone out for me
It is the twenty-first century
It is the twenty-first century
It can follow you like a dog
It brought me to my knees
They got a skin and they put me in
They got a skin and they put me in
On the lines wrapped 'round my face
On the lines wrapped 'round my face
And for anyone else to see
And for anyone else to see
I'm a lie

I've seen it coming
They've seen it coming
They've seen it coming
They've seen it coming


Gold Member
Mid-late 20s to early 40s literally flew by. Felt like 3 years. I used to hear people say that and thought they were just burnt out older people. But it's a thing can confirm.
This is true. I have a hard time accepting that being 23 was 20 years ago that I’ve been alive longer since 9/11 than I was before 9/11 because it all feels so recent to me. Yet also being a child feels like it was so long ago that it never actually happened.


This is true. I have a hard time accepting that being 23 was 20 years ago that I’ve been alive longer since 9/11 than I was before 9/11 because it all feels so recent to me. Yet also being a child feels like it was so long ago that it never actually happened.
That happens a lot and you start noticing it. It's like when they point out Star Wars is closer to Gone with the Wind than now. (FWIW next year Raiders of the lost ark will be closer to GwtW than now.)
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