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I do not trust any game magazine or website!


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Reviews are bought and sold these days in main stream media. Most game journalist know little about gaming and should be writing for political magazines.

My criteria for good games to purchase are:

1. Myself, my own eyes.
2. Metacritic where there are thousands or millions of opinions.

Agree, disagree?


Not really a website for gaming, but a couple of the podcasts I listen to do a “what you’ve been playing” segment and that can usually come off as a quick review. I have found some really good games based on the this segment especially on Player One Podcast and the CAGcast.
They are only useful in the sense that they can give a consensus to the overall quality of a game you might be unfamiliar with. But overall I agree. There are so many ways one can learn about a game before they buy it these days, like demos, videos, previews, etc. that most of the time reviews are unnecessary and tend to be filled with ulterior motives and inuendo, involving identity politics and political idealisms that the reviewer can't seem to separate from reality, therefor making them inaccurate.


I think it's best to just form your own opinion on things in general. 🤷‍♂️

Everyone has different tastes when it comes video games, movies, books, music etc.

Just because a reviewer hates or loves a games, doesn't mean you will too.

& vice versa.

I guess some are easily swayed by others opinions or maybe want their opinion to be validated by someone else?

Hell, I jumped into the fallout 4, uncharted 4, hellblade & Nier Automata hype trains and I found the games to boring/dull. (I can see the appeal though, they are sadly just not for me)
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Not even your friends here? :messenger_crying:

you should have any of those first

rage comic me gusta GIF
I agree largely with the OP, although I don't like review-bombed metacritic, especially on the bought and paid for. Be wary of review embargos. I am not a fan of embedding political takes into everything, whether it's a review, or what the OP is doing.
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Many years ago I realized reviews weren't really doing it for me. This was before the big influencer/streamer movement, so I found myself flocking to GameTrailers' reviews. They were always a decent length and showed enough gameplay that allowed me to make a decision. But I would make a decision off of what I saw. Not the score.

Eventually when content creators came to exist, I would go to their content to see how the game looks. Or even just playthroughs with no commentary. So that's basically where I'm at now. If it's something I know is gonna land great, I don't care for reviews at all. If it's all up in the air, I do the above.

It's just wild to me that we're in 2023 and people STILL give review scores SO much power. If you genuinely feel excited about a release, check it out yourself. Or just unbiased/no-commentary playthroughs. Don't let someone else's opinion/score sway you. Because you may enjoy it a LOT more than they did.
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If I fired up boogie2988 video as well as other ytbers and found he hated the sequel of [insert game] would that let you down ? me ? absolutely, would rather unsub than let someone borrow my senses, don't care who he is , as if there are many choices to begin with , there aren't choices, big games are numbers.


Reviews are mostly entertainment products for me these days rather than research. I watch gameplay and get the general forum/reddit vibe.


Steam reviews can help give an idea to if you sift through the reviews a little you'll learn plenty about the game. I use my own judgment on whee I think I'll enjoy and I rarely regret a a purchase it would be far far more if I took reviewer opinions into the equation


Disagree. Plenty of games have high metacritic scores and while I'm sure these games are objectively good at what they're trying to achieve, they don't do anything for me personally.

Call of Duty, GTA, Assassins Creed, pretty much any Sony first party game, the list goes on and on. All incredibly boring games to me even though they review incredibly high at metacritic.

Meanwhile, most of the games I personally adore, are small niche games that often fall in the 70%ish percentage and don't really sell a lot, or even get talked about at casual forums like this one.

The trick is simply to find content creators that match your own tastes.


Marlboro: Other M
Don't cut yourself with all that edge, op.

It's weird, you act like a gaming review is something you should trust upon. It's not. It's just a gaming opinion of someone who played a lot of games. Just act mature about them.
I agree with what the OP, but isn’t the personal Metacritic reviews known for review bombing? I’ll admittedly occasionally use a “professional” reviewer to get a general idea of the game, but I rather formulate my own opinion on the game with YouTube footage or word of mouth and play it myself if I’m unsure of it. I’m rarely wrong in my purchasing decisions also.

Personally, I think WAY too many gamers put ALL their trust in professional reviewers to the point where they will miss out on a game if it scores below an 8 and will not try it for themselves. I’ve played plenty of games people didn’t like and ended up really enjoying them.


Gold Member
Best reviews are ones that go into detail and can prove with the text or video they played the game. I forget which video it was (Skillup?) but there was a hilarious video I think about Dark Alligience where the AI was so bad they picked it apart showing how bad it was (monsters stand there doing nothing until you pass that magical line in the sand and then they activate).

The best way to judge a game is going by their demo...... oops. Most games don't have one anymore unlike the 360/PS3 era where every game had a demo/trial.


voted poster of the decade by bots
I use a combination of both professional reviewers and user reviews. There's a subsection of both that are useless or flawed, or just crazy.
But the average of both usually ends up close to right.


One of the green rats
Who really ever has? If there is a game I’m am interested in I’ll just watch videos of it if I am unsure. Back in the day you would just rent them. Game pass is the closest thing to renting these days really. I just don’t want to pay for any more subscriptions.
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I think you can pick a critic that you historically like and follow their reviews.
However i think the average score of critics says something, even though i have favorite games with lower scores and games i hate from higher scores..when looking at the average vs turn out of games i play, it appears that critic scores do matter, most likely the highest ones are games i have bigger chance of liking than games with low scores, not all the time, again sometimes you may dislike some genres, like for example i think the cinematic AAA games or family platformers tend to score very high but i personally dont find them as good, which is fine, but a lot of games around 88-94 critic score are games i really love, and a lot of games on the lower scale are indeed mediocre games.

So what i would say is you can somehow build an estimation based on that.

With that said though, i will point out that some games are not to be trusted at all when it comes to critic scores, and those are games with agenda behind them or controversy, if its either of that then expect the score to either be inflated or deflated.
Like right now with Atomic Heart near release, i tend to approach its review scores with a grain of salt, you just dont know if the controversy surrounding it will affect the game score regardless of the actual game quality.


I agree on the 1st one, i only use youtube reviews now, see the gameplay myself, online game magazines have been giving
dodgy reviews for quite a while now, i stopped reading them,

I,ve never used metacritic for a game review, so have to disagree on 2.


Gold Member
Who really ever has? If there is a game I’m am interested in I’ll just watch videos of it if I am unsure. Back in the day you would just rent them. Game pass is the closest thing to renting these days really. I just don’t want to pay for any more subscriptions.
I'd say the best mags to read with zero fluff and bias were old ass PC gaming mags from the 80s and 90s. Video game mags were always more colourful and full of big name gaming company ads. I'm sure every had their advertising deals and such, but it was no holds barred telling gamers how good or bad games were in computer mags. Bugs and all. There didn't seem to be an overarching corporate aura about PC mags back then.

PC gamer would give games less than 20% ratings grilling the games. Big name games could get grilled too. Now, you dont really see that anymore.

Just about every game video game or PC game site follows the same thing now. A terrible game still squeaks out a 5 or 6/10. Back then, this score would be an average game.

Too much ad revenue and free product on the line to be honest and grill games a 3/10 if they are that bad. In 1995, they'd get a 3/10.
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The key is to go to a few outlets, watch a few yt or streams and then decide, for me unless I know its something I will play, for example Destiny, Zelda or a Mario release:

  • Check IGN's review
  • ACG if he's done one
  • If Digital Foundry have a video on it before or around release
  • then maybe some check out a few mins of streams of known streamers that are or come across as unbiased or more typically not being sponsored (Cohhcarnage, Elajjaz and some smaller streamers tend to be good for this)
I only use mainstream outlets for previews or gameplay footage these days, they're far too political or not focused on the right things these days
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