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I feel empty inside

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When I listen to Radiohead.

It's not that the music is any more inherently depressing than, say, "Yesterday" by the Beatles, but with Radiohead it is lyrically unclear what their discontentment is with.

The melodies are beautiful, but at the same time they are sickly and haunting. The dissonance of harmonies is disconcerting.


It's because that Yorke guy left Bjork hanging at the Grammys a few years ago, so she had to sing their duet as a solo. No one likes a quitter. -_-
bjork said:
It's because that Yorke guy left Bjork hanging at the Grammys a few years ago, so she had to sing their duet as a solo. No one likes a quitter. -_-
I never heard about that one. Did he have a good excuse?
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