I've got a sinus headache and congestion behind my nose. It's weird but I feel as though I would feel better if I just cut off my nose and lay on my stomach and let all the shit just leak out of my head...
My throat hurts like a BITCH and I can't stop coughing, on top of how I normally cough... I have bodyaches and my back hurts like hell. I keep switching from feeling extremely hot and sweating, to very cold and shivering. Yesterday I had a fever of 102 when I went to the doctor to see what was up. I still have the sinus infection I had a month ago.
About a month ago I had the same thing except with less severe symptoms. I went to the doctor and she said I have a sinus infection... so I went on amoxicillin and after a week or so, my major symptoms seemed to subside but for a month I could not shake a bad cough. Two days ago I got all my symtoms back again in full force.
So yeah, I feel like shit... and I still have this sinus infection, at least that's what my doctor says. I puked about an hour ago, so I don't know what the fuck I have.

My throat hurts like a BITCH and I can't stop coughing, on top of how I normally cough... I have bodyaches and my back hurts like hell. I keep switching from feeling extremely hot and sweating, to very cold and shivering. Yesterday I had a fever of 102 when I went to the doctor to see what was up. I still have the sinus infection I had a month ago.
About a month ago I had the same thing except with less severe symptoms. I went to the doctor and she said I have a sinus infection... so I went on amoxicillin and after a week or so, my major symptoms seemed to subside but for a month I could not shake a bad cough. Two days ago I got all my symtoms back again in full force.
So yeah, I feel like shit... and I still have this sinus infection, at least that's what my doctor says. I puked about an hour ago, so I don't know what the fuck I have.