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I feel so fucked up...I need help. (Girl issue)

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...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
This came out insanely long...I didn't really want to post about this, but I really need to vent because I feel so downright lousy and unsure right about now. Last Saturday, my best friend (Baruch) and I were at the pool hall we always go to. We play for about 1 hour 30 mins and then decide to finish up. I still had a plate of fries, so we decided to sit down eat it quick and go. As we were finishing up, a friend of ours (we'll call her Vee) walks in with her two friends -- one I particularly and instantly noticed. I didn't think of it as anything at first, and once we finished the fries I said to my friend "let's go play with them," and we did. We played two games of doubles, and then for some reason all of them but the girl I noticed went to the sitting area to talk about something. So here I am, playing with this girl (Adelina) and I can't help but notice that she is all kinds of fine.

Beautiful lips, beautiful green eyes, nice hair, great skin, cute face, and a great body overall. We play a few games, we're talkin here and there; not talking much though, 'cause I didn't really know her -- but there were some sarcastic coments exchanged. During the games, I told her I was going to Bridgeview on Tuesday (club in Long Island) and if she wanted to come with me. She said she's already going with her friends, so I just said "ok, cool". So we play for a good hour before I decided to call last game and close the table. After we finished playing, she got a phone call from somebody. So she went outside and I ran straight to my best-friend, who was also sitting with Vee. I told Vee that her friend is cute, is she seeing anyone, how old is she, etc. etc. She answered the questions, but vaguely. So I told my boy that I'm gonna' get her number as soon as she gets off the phone.

I'm waiting for a little, she's still on the phone. While she was on the phone, I stepped outside and walked over to my car to unload a bunch of quarters out of my pocket. As I was opening my car door she comes up to me and says "hey, are you leaving?" and I told her I wasn't, and she says "oh, alright, 'cause I wanted to say good game. You know I would've won that second game, right?" I told her that I'll give her the 2nd game, so she can consider it a win.

For another 10 minutes she's still on the phone. I'm standing outside, ready to leave. We're all outside, and I told Baruch that once she's done, I'm asking her for her number so I can meet her up at Bridgeview Yacht Club. She goes inside, gets off the phone, comes back out...and before I can even open my mouth this girl asks *me* for my number so she can meet me up at the club. Baruch who was standing somewhat behind her was shocked and so was I. A girl asking a guy for his number is unheard of...at least to me. We exchanged numbers and she tells me to call her sometime.

Taking a cue from Swingers, I figured I'd do the whole 3 day wait thing...and well, it worked. She called me first. It's Tuesday afternoon, I picked up my mom from work and am driving back home when I get a phone call from her -- to my surprise. I pick up and she asks if she could come with me and my friends to the club. At first I wasn't sure, because we already have 4 people, and she wanted to bring a friend of hers too...but what the fuck, they're all pretty thin they'll be fine.

So fast forward a few hours, we're all getting ready. I go pick up Baruch, then from there on our two friends Kira and Liz, and then went to pick up Adelina and her [Rachel Leigh Cook looking] friend Julie. So we get to the club, I park my car, and everyone gets out. Baruch, Liz, and Kira all walked ahead -- meanwhile Julie and Adelina were behind. I didn't want to seem clingy so I played it cool and kinda jogged past the two of them to catch up with the other three. As I'm passing Julie and Adelina by...I heard Julie say "is he the cute one you just met?" (At this point, my interested is piqued...apparently I'm already being talked about to her friends, good times). But I kept on going. We all got our IDs ready and went in. Baruch, Liz and Kira split up to look around, and I stayed with the other two girls. We went outside to the patio and just sat there for a bit until the party got started and all. We talked a little here and there and Adelina says that she can't stand guys who are immature, which is why she likes a guy who's like 22+. That bothered me. The more she kept on talking, the more I was getting upset. So I was about to get up to go find the other three and just as I did, they were approaching us. I took Kira by the hand and told her I wanted to just go and dance; and we did just that. After dancing around, Liz and I left to get some air. As we were doing that, a few weird comments lead us into making out, which managed to continue on for the rest of the night.

I had lost Adelina, and I wanted to go find her to dance with her. I found her once before but not intentionally, so I said I'd be back. So I go looking for her again and couldn't find her. I wait some more and went looking again. It was so frigin' dark at the club that I couldn't see a damn thing around me -- eerily though, the lights went on for a *split* second along with the beat and our eyes were just locked on. She saw me, I saw her. We were both looking right at each other when the light flashed, it was so cool. She pulled me in and I finally got to dance with her for a bit, until she gets up on to the box and starts dancing on it -- so that kind of bugged me out and I left her again. So, by the time the night comes to an end, I've accomplished practically nothing with her -- and I should actually be somewhat thankful, because she's "seeing" this guy that she's not too keen on, but he was the club and with her a few times, but still...fucking lame. The night ends, and she says she's gonna' go back home with some other people (one of which was the guy she's "seeing") and tells me to call her sometime so we can go hang out. So it ended up just us four going back home (Me, Baruch, Liz and Kira).

I realized when I got home that Adelina forgot her ID with me. I called her the next day and told her that I had it. She asked me if I could come out and hang out for a bit with her and I told her I didn't feel like it. She said she'd call me back because she was driving and that she'll meet me somewhere to pick up her ID -- she didn't call back, I'm guessing because I said I didnt want to hang out. So the next day comes and at around 9 I leave to go see how Baruch is doing at his new job. I pay him a vist for a second and then leave. As I'm leaving, I call Adelina and ask her where she is so I can return her ID -- she was only 2 blocks away from me, so we met up. Her friend Julie was with her, and she asked me if I wanted to hang out with them. The three of us ended up shooting pool, where only Adelina and I played. We were having a pretty good time, and like an ass I blew a chance to ask her friend Julie what's Adelina's deal with me. So we play some more, and then leave to pick up Baruch from work. We waited for like 30 minutes and just talked about stuff...talked about each other's families. At the end of the night, I dropped her off in front of her building and about 5 minutes later as I'm bringing my car inside the garage of my house, she calls me and tells me she forgot her jacket in my car. I figured I'd just go bring it to her since she only lives like 3-4 blocks away, but she says "oh well, you can give it to me tomorrow when we chill again".

I liked the sound of that. I didn't call her that "tomorrow", but I did just come back from the pool hall with her about 30 minutes ago. I ran out to get some Wendy's with Baruch and as I'm finishing it she calls me and asks me where I am and if I wanna' hang out. I told her that I'd just eaten and that I wouldn't mind hanging out a bit again. So I picked her up about 10 minutes later and once again, to the pool hall we went -- where everyone kept on asking her if I was her boyfriend or not (ARGH!!!). At this point, I was determined to tell her that I can't be just friends with her because of how I feel...I really, really wanted to. But I couldn't...I didn't give her her jacket back because I took it out of my car and I didn't want to go back home and potentially wake up my parents and leave again.

So I took her straight home after about 3 hours at the pool hall (we ran into Vee again) and when I pulled up to her building...I wanted to say it so bad, and I even think that she was bullshitting when she was just looking for something through her purse -- she was just waiting for me to grow some fucking balls and come out and say it! But I didn't...I choked. I want to tell her so bad that it hurts. I can't work because I have her on my mind. I can't sleep. I can't think. I have trouble eating when she's on my mind. She's so pure, too -- still a virgin. I know this shit is long as hell, but I just *HAD* to vent.




He's obviously photoshopped into the story

Fool me once, shame... shame on you. Fool me... can't get fooled again


ok that was a boring ass story.. no one dies.. crap ending.. horrible dialogue.. and i just don't relate to any of the characters..


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Jonny said:
ok that was a boring ass story.. no one dies.. crap ending.. horrible dialogue.. and i just don't relate to any of the characters..



funny, when i saw your thread i thought it was something important. try again when you have experienced life and having something real to say.
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