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I figured out what the Graham Norton Effect is...

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It causes studio audiences to go deathly quiet. This guy is bombing HARD on the Daily Show, harder than most political lackeys. It's not quite a Spice Girls level of bombing, but it's not too far off. Yeesh.

The TV spots have been pretty bad as well... is anyone looking forward to this show? I'd like to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm not counting on it.


Drunky McMurder
I don't think Comedy Central is allowed to have two good shows running at a time (in addition to the Daily Show).

Since Reno 911! is in a season and Crossballs looks to be hillarious, things aren't looking good for Graham.
You're forgetting Tough Crowd. But I guess seeign as how The Daily Show is insurmoutable idiocy at it's best Comedy Central really only does have one good show on.


What is the Daily Show? Because he had some shit TV show called ‘The Graham Norton Show’ in the UK on every weekday… wondering if it is the same shitty format.


StrikerObi said:
You're forgetting Tough Crowd. But I guess seeign as how The Daily Show is insurmoutable idiocy at it's best Comedy Central really only does have one good show on.
If you're gonna try and point out that something is idiotic, try checking your grammar first, chump.


They had an "Introducing Graham Norton" show on earlier tonight that was HILARIOUS. It basically showed clips from the upcoming shows, and it was very entertaining.

However, I also saw his Daily Show appearance, and I think he just tried too hard...he needed to let the conversation flow more naturally (you could tell he's not used to being the interviewee).


Dammit, I like both TDS and Tough Crowd. :(

It should be interesting to see how Norton's show performs, though. I caught a couple episodes of "So Graham Norton" on BBCA awhile back and it was entertaining enough. He does go a lot farther than any American talk show host, probably due to the more lax censorship on European TV. Its also a bit more of a "variety" show than a straight-up talk show. There's not really one, clean format to it and it can go in some pretty random directions. Moreover, it seems that he does a lot more with celebrities than merely *talk* to them. British comedy is REALLY hit or miss in America. You're either going to rock like Monty Python or you're going to be condemned to comedy hell like League of Gentlemen or Trigger Happy TV (both of which I thought were at least amusing, but apparently most people don't). I have a feeling that Norton is going to fall a little towards the wayside, but I do wish him success because I think he's pretty genuine about what he does.


Dekajelly said:
What is the Daily Show? Because he had some shit TV show called ‘The Graham Norton Show’ in the UK on every weekday… wondering if it is the same shitty format.
The Daily Show is just a mock news show. Then for the last 10 minutes, Jon Stewart interviews a celebrity.
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