I’m honestly trying to think of some advice to give you but I’m coming up with nothing.. Just chug through the shitty feeling and you’ll be fine. Just lie down and binge watch something. Even though just watching something isn’t even enjoyable when you feel like ass.Going through what you experienced right now. The fever, temp fluctuations and headaches a real pain and keeping me up for about 2 days without long term sleep.
Taking paracetemol (tylenol) at night to help.
This current strain supposed to be mild or are we just lucky? None of us had the vaccination either.
Are the current variants in circulation considered less risky than Delta and previous ones?
Basically this .. it’s a nasty virus , my brother in law who always laughed about it , caught it almost 2 months back and smells nothing .. it’s so sad going through life without smell . There is worse like dying from it .. but this still is shitty .How your body responds to being exposed to the virus depends on a mix of everything. Variant, health, age, immune system, vacc, virus dosage, "luck", timing..
It more has to do with YOUR DNA or getting it without knowing .. I even saw people with Omnikron going to shit . With all vaccinations.. explain me this ? So it’s totally random.That's what I've heard.
Are the current variants in circulation considered less risky than Delta and previous ones?
I tested positive on Friday. Half of my company is on sick leave, turns out everyone has it.
Mild fever at night, running nose... But I got a really bad cough since yesterday which does worry me as omnikron apparently isn't attacking lungs that much.
Hoping for the best.
oof, one of my family members currently has covid as well. Take it seriously people, the pandemic isn't over!
Yes it is.
2,800 people died from it just this week. I work in healthcare IT, and our main systems are still requiring weekly updates to keep up with new findings about its effects on the heart and brain.
Sure it's not as bad as it was at its height, when thousands were dying daily, but we're still dealing with it and it's still very obviously a big deal.
keep up with new findings about its effects on the heart and brain.
From the German autopsy that the family had to ask for?