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I find myself using ChatGPT instead of Google now to look up much of my information


Neighbours from Hell
Not all things, but many things. Like medical stuff I'll still go to medical sites. And very niche things. But say I want an explanation of something or I have a question that I'm not sure quite how to phrase it, or want to know random facts, ChatGPT is my go to. It saves typing your question into Google, clicking websites, scrolling down, finding the right information in an article or whatever. You just go on ChatGPT, ask the question, and boom you get the answer. Like I mentioned, I find it best for questions that I'm not quite sure how to ask it or what I'm referring to, and it has been on the money even with my vague questions. I had a science question a few months ago and I just punched in basically "What is it called when X, Y, Z happens" in a really unscientific way and it gave me the exact answer I was looking for.

I've heard people say it might not be 100% accurate or trustworthy with information, but so far everything it has given me has checked out as correct.

Curious if I'm the only one who uses ChatGPT as their resource for random info now instead of Google or other search engines.
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Gold Member
I do as well and it's great for a lot of everyday stuff that can quickly personalize just for you. Google can't replicate it. But seeing as I use it every day, I'm also impressed at how absolutely stupid it can be. Even the o-1 model can get stuck in a dumb loop where if you didn't know the subject matter, you would be fed a load of confidently wrong bullshit hah!


well they both essentially do the same thing. One just has a language model to formulate the responses rather than having to go through it all yourself.

i would say personally i'd use something like perplexity over Chatgpt purely cause it's easier to see what it's sourcing and you can follow the provided links.
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Gold Member
I have only tried the free version. I was relatively unsuccessful with my questions. Perhaps things have improved in the meantime. But I still use google and bing.


The problem is the AI can lie and absolutely not show it. If you know the subject you know the answer cannot be right. If you point it out the AI will go: “You are completely right!”. Not really an answer if you are not an expert.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Google results are trash nowadays. ChatGPT tends to give better information and even if the first result isn't great, it's very easy to follow up and iterate.

This - google has enshittified its search results and has been the target of so much SEO bullshittery more often than not I find myself carefully scrutinizing each link and even then sometimes I land on some AI autogenerated garbage.


I use it to punch up anything of length I have to write. It usually takes a few passes back and forth, but it has been immensely helpful for me. I recently was looking for a job and this was great for cover letter, thank yous, and correspondence bullshit I was apathetic about writing myself.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I hope you do not take any medical or decision making advice from the brainless prop. Bing and DuckDuckGo are far better search engines than Google nowadays.

Thank god NeoGAF users provide expert advise!

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I’m too old-fashioned to use that and will probably keep that up for a long time. Don’t see why I need it, as I simply enjoy figuring things out myself.


Gold Member
I also use ChatGPT, BingAI and Brave AI to do my searches, especially for information.
Google search has become worse with time. And the Youtube search is a complete turd.


I only use it for stuff I need to know from a language model, like it will only have a very specific answer.


That's not even a real, 459 straws would never fit into a nose, and no search engine returns anything of the sort. That guy however may have held a record for most straws in his mouth at some point.
Ever since I started paying for the plus subscription, yes, I have been also. if you ask it something that it hasn’t been trained on it will search 6 or 7 websites using Bing. It’s amazing.


How much are you paying?

I’m so annoyed with Google for upping the price of YouTube premium. It’s out of my reach now.


I just use the Copilot (which is ChatGPT) search on Bing these days.

It summarizes the results with Wikipedia-style notations and everything.


Gold Member
As ChatGPT itself admits, it does not double-check its responses: “I rely on my training to provide information quickly, but I don't have the ability to independently verify facts in real-time.”

I also don’t find it reliable and its biases distort reality for ideology.
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I work in Japan so I write in Japanese (bad but still I’m thinking how to write ). For the past months I just use chatgpt; “write this next sentence in Japanese using N3 to N2 level”.

I kinda got worried and I decided to go office two times a week and have real communication lol
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