Ninja Scooter said:Pringles>Lays. Good day, sir.
Ninja Scooter said:Pringles>Lays. Good day, sir.
Hooker said:Pringles are horrible. Chips need to be made from slices of potatoe, not some paste plastered into a mold
MrAngryFace said:white cheddar popcorn > all
IAWTP.DarienA said:Ruffles w/Ridges > Lays
Repeat til blue in the face baby!
And I better not see any MD, DC, VA people talk that crap about the nasty potato chip that's made in these parts whose name I keep forgetting but has the red and white bag... oh yeah Utz.... should be Yuckz.
Bacon said:
FortNinety said:And thus the great GAF OT potato chip fight begins (John Titor mentioned this)....
Newbie said:Only people from Ireland would know what i'm talking about, but Hunky Dorys rule all
Meatpuppet said:People from Ireland would know you're full of shit.
Old-school Tayto Salt & Vinegar were the Crowned King Of Crisps.
The abomination that replaced them can rot in hell. Prefereably while being force fed to the chumps who decided to change them.
Newbie said:Nothing Tayto has ever produced could take the 'king of crisps' title.
They're tinker crisps, pure and simple
Edit: I forgot about these, if they count
Totally true. Though I am starting to really enjoy Lay's stack chips. Since they taste more like the usual potato chip. But Pringles comes in so many different yummy flavors, that I can't give it up. BBQ is my favorite.Ninja Scooter said:Pringles>Lays. Good day, sir.
DarienA said:Ruffles w/Ridges > Lays
Repeat til blue in the face baby!
And I better not see any MD, DC, VA people talk that crap about the nasty potato chip that's made in these parts whose name I keep forgetting but has the red and white bag... oh yeah Utz.... should be Yuckz.
Hmm do people realize that Frito Lay makes Ruffles and Lays?
maharg said:Ruffles used to have more flavours. They were my favorite then, but they cut out a bunch of types and now they're meh.
Shouta said:Tim's Cascade Jalapeno rocks.