Well, let's see the story for today.
We're renting an half of a double-block, because we just knocked our house down and will be building a new one in its place. This place doesn't have a washer or dryer. This leaves us with having to go to a laundrymat to get our clothes clean.
I do not have a drivers license, only a learner's permit, so I cannot drive myself anywhere when I need clean clothes. Thus, tell my mother when I have dirty clothes, or she'll just take them and wash them on her own.
Well, this week, she decided not to wash my clothes. Since wednesday I've been out of clean socks. Yesterday I wore my last clean pair of pants and underwear. All I have left is two clean shirts.
I told my mother that I was running out of clean clothes the other day, and she said she'd take care of it. Yesterday I wore my last pair of pants to college, and I got yelled at becuase I was supposed to go to a football game with my parents last night, and I got my pants dirty at school.
Today my mother knew I had plans to go out with my girlfriend to the mall this evening so she could apply for a job. The problem is that i now have no pants, underwear or socks.
I came downstairs a bit ago after showering to go out, and asked if my clothes were cleaned, and I immedietly started getting screamed at.
God I hate it here.