Ah, the closed loop of continual waking. The only thing scarier is the closed loop of continual waking into a state of sleep paralysis, I've gotten into those loops many times but thankfully the are hazy and less intense these days with sobriety and age and when it is intense I lock up in paralysis and realize I'm in bed, put effort into wiggling my toe before the shadows, chest demon or the infinite falling comes along.
It's usually based in reality, like being in the bed you went to sleep in and waking up from there, I can turn lucid on occasion and I have control these days to get around these states happening from years of practice and nights of horror but I once had a dream in my early 20's that consisted of waking up in different scenes of seemingly stable reality, more than a dozen or two times that memory held and I still believed I was awake every time until the dreams started breaking down ever so slightly and each time I felt relief waking up into what I believed was my reality, What I believed was me and feeling completely normal but was actually a completely foreign environment, in houses i'd never seen before and some with people I'd never met who were so, so fucking real. They all seemed so real and rigid realities until one little thing like the time on a clock changing and my knowledge of this from lucid dreaming practice would jerk me into a state of panic and onto the net dream scene. It was so glaringly and almost unmistakably real that it still frightens me to this day and remains the single worst nightmare I've ever had, even though I only remember a dozen or two of those states it felt like there were dozens before I was aware enough to remember and not only that but when I finally figured out what was going on and woke up into me own room and familiar reality I continually woke up over and over again only to get to the fridge (for some reason) and realize I was still in bed, paralysed ready to wiggle my toes and get to the fridge again. I spent hours that day questioning my reality even though I knew I was awake, the thought still held on.
Moral of the story, Don't do drugs until you're in your mid twenties or so and have a fully developed brain but if you do, do drugs recreationally while you're young never fuck with trying to lucid dream at the same time, it can really mess you up however if you're sober and past the age of 22/23/24, I'd recommend it cause you can take these experiences and turn them into really amazing trips, flying and fucking for instance or flying and fucking at the same time in a different body. No joke.