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I have a strange smell coming from behind my ear..


Gold Member
pure bleach might help
then anti bac soap

If that doesnt work
take off and nuke the site from orbit, it is the only way to be sure


Awnser my question West Texas CEO West Texas CEO



You're supposed to be washing behind your ears every day... Oil and dirt can build up there which causes the horrible smell you're getting now. This just means you haven't been cleaning it properly there and all that stuff has built up.

There's a rule for the areas which you need to wash THOROUGHLY:

Face/Head which includes behind the ears. Also, your eye lids, but don't go rough on them.
Belly button
Ass + ass crack
Feet + Toes + Toe nails.

Those are the main areas. You're welcome. Get to cleaning everyone.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Can you guys give me an opinion on how my ear is looking?

Damn... like I said, empty that shit out and clean it. Hot water, peroxide, iodine. Don't be a pussy. The key to preventing or removing infection is antibiotics and a clean wound.
I bet the pus explosion is going to be a sight to behold. Yellows, whites and reds, mixed in unison, like a bio-organic home depot home decor section gone wild.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I bet it smells like a combination of sulphur and gouda. Have you or do you plan to take action? I would had defeated that monstrosity with a post haste.
Yeah I think what you said is on point.
I need to level the area and then apply the appropriate treatments.
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I think it may be caused by one of my piercings.
From what I understand, ze Ear Cheese is caused by a build-up of oil and dead skin cells.
People with a mild form of Psoriasis often don't realize they have it. Check if you have dry skin on your elbows, dandruff, or flaky skin behind your ears.
I took a hot needle to clear any pus infected bumps and then applied hydrogen peroxide to sanitize and dry out the area.

Later, I will start using Imacort to maintain the sanctity of my right ear.
The left ear remains completely fine. 🌽
You are going to have to speak up….I can barely ear 🌽 you 🫢

Jokes aside, glad it hasn’t gotten worse.
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Thanks, man.

Funny thing, though:

Using the hot needle wasn't as painful as applying the sanitizer, lol

It all feels good, though. Maybe I'm a masochist. 😆
I just donated plasma last week on Tuesday and they caused a hematoma. The tech who took over asked me how it didn’t hurt when they pierced my vein initially. I told her I have passed 40+ kidney stones over the last 20 years (true story), and I don’t experience pain like other human beings…so, I get it lol


Gold Member
That’s an abscess, dude.
That thing best be drained thoroughly and treated with antibiotics (at least topical).
By someone who doesn’t need a mirror to see it, preferably.
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