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I have a theory about the existence of souls and ghosts.


I am going to be very honest with you guys, for a long time I never believed in the existence of soul or ghosts because I knew that our consciousness is supported by billions of neurons in our brain; so how could a soul or consciousness survive without a body? But then I stumbled on a youtube channel that was full of so many ghost and paranormal videos; and I was so surprised to see so many convincing videos that supported the existence of souls and ghosts. I am not trying to promote this channel or anything and neither am I saying that all the videos I saw there were real evidence (some were clearly fake). I just want to say that I could not debunk all the videos that I saw there. So I was left with a question. Could I explain the existence of souls and ghosts by using just facts, logic, science and technology as the only basis and not superstition? And after thinking and researching on this topic for a long time. I came up with a theory.

What is human consciousness? There is no definite answer for this, so I am going to present my own and you are free to accept or reject it. We now know that there are billions of neurons in our brain that form connections with each other to save memories, experiences and to process information. For example if you see a picture for the first time, then all the information present in the picture, that you noticed, will travel from your eyes to your brain in the form of electrochemical and electromagnetic signals. I think that when these electrochemical and electromagnetic signals reach the brain, they are looped around inside the brain with the help of neurons. Now these signals don't just fade away and travel through these neurons for some time, so for some time you can still see the picture inside your brain, by imagining it. I think that when we try to remember something we provide energy to a specific portion of our brain that contains the neurons that are associated with that memory. But if you don’t look at the same thing or have the same experience again for a long time, then these signals become weak and fade away. Also if you regularly experience the same thing again and again, then these signals become strong and they cause the neurons to get closer to each other to make strong and long-lasting signals. Meaning that you can remember it for a long time.

And I believe that this process is the same for every experience we have in our entire life. Everything you see, hear, smell, taste or touch are experiences that are converted to electromagnetic or electrochemical signals and sent to the brain, where I think that they are looped around for a long time or short time depending upon the nature, effect and repetition of the experience. So in a way all the things you can remember now whether it's your name, family and friends, favorite food, movie etc., are present right now in your mind in the form of electrochemical signals, looping or travelling inside their respective neurons and their connections. So I think that the combination of all these memories, experiences, thoughts, skills, talents as well as dreams, desires and nature create the soul or consciousness of a person. And if the brain gets damaged, some of the neurons related to some signals can also get damaged resulting in memory loss or change in personality. And also when a person dies, the neurons in their mind also start dying resulting in loss of everything they learned in their life. So I think that even if we somehow resurrect a dead person, who has been dead for some time and somehow regrow their brain cells(neurons), they will not remember anything of their past life and can have a very different personality.

So I think that our Gods have made very special nanomachines that connect and then behave like a part of a person’s brain and throughout their entire life, they capture and recreate every signal that is pulsating through the neurons of that person, and after death the soul or consciousness of a person is simply transferred to this machine and so this nanomachine becomes the new body of that deceased person.

I know a lot of you are probably saying that it’s impossible. But even today we have lots of machines that can, in a way, read minds. As in, they can tell you how much activity is going on, in which part of the brain. And with the help of these machines we have now discovered what part of the brain is responsible for which function. But as you know already currently we don't have the ability to capture and transfer all these signals from one mind to another or even in a machine. But a lot of scientists and researchers believe that we would be able to achieve that and would be able to capture and transfer our consciousness in the future, with the help of technological advancements.

So I don’t think that transferring all these signals in another brain by using the technology of the Gods is impossible. It must work similarly to how we send photos, videos and data from one smartphone or computer to another. All these are converted into digital signals and then transferred from one device to another. So technically we can transfer a lot of information very quickly using signals even today but we still can't capture our consciousness, as the structure of our brain is very complex and very different from a computer's or Mobile's CPU and there are huge moral and legal issues related to doing such research on a live person. But our Gods were able to achieve that because they had highly advanced knowledge of the mind, body and nano-machines and could do anything they wanted on Earth, as there were no rules or boundations.

Now you must be shouting,"Gods using machines?What nonsense!" But I believe that the Gods mentioned in our holy books were not Gods or divine but beings that had advanced knowledge of science and technology and were just like us. I believe that they were extraterrestrial visitors who came to our Earth a long time ago and then artificially evolved an ape to create humans. There are lots of facts that support this hypothesis. We find drawings of their space suits and spaceships in prehistoric caves. We find statues of Gods that look like astronauts, indicating that they came from another planet. Prominent Gods of Hindu religion and their avatars had dark blue skin. Also there are so many stories that clearly show that they were not so different from us. These beings had physical bodies and they also showed emotions, had families and children; had their favorites and also they didn’t have infinite powers and were bound by the rules of the universe.

Also even today, we still see their spaceships flying around, which we commonly call UFOs. And our holy books talk about events and things which our ancestors couldn’t possibly have known without deep knowledge of science and technology, which was not present at that time, as when compared to humans of today, they were primitive in many areas; clearly indicating that this knowledge was given to our ancestors by these beings, who came from another planet. And since most of our holy books are telling the same stories and talking about the same events and Gods that created us, I don’t think there is any doubt that they are talking about the same extraterrestrial beings that created humans by evolving an ape.

So I think that by using these nano machines our Gods are capturing the consciousness or soul of a person. And I think that this process goes on throughout our whole life. I believe that this nanomachine goes inside our mind or stays very close to us, throughout our whole life, constantly transferring all our memories and experiences. So that even in an accidental death, all our memories remain safe. Also since this machine is connected to our brains throughout our life, I think that after death a person will just feel like waking up after sleep. Nothing is lost. And before someone says that, wouldn’t such transfer mean that the original person or soul is lost and this nanomachine is just making a copy; I want to say that maybe this machine is connected to our brains and behaves like a part of our brain and so even after death, in a way, a part of the brain is still alive so soul never dies and the consciousness survives even after death.

Now let’s talk about examples that support my theory that Gods use technology to collect souls. In Hindu mythology there are stories in which God sends Yamadoots that are known as collectors of the souls. They visit the dying person and take out their souls. Similar character appears in Christian stories and is called Death or Grim Reaper itself. This Grim Reaper works for God and collects human souls. Now the process by which these heavenly beings collect souls is not explained in our holy books and neither is what soul even is. And since I believe that our soul is our consciousness that is formed by the billions of connections between neurons and so many signals pulsating through them, I believe these beings are collecting this consciousness using technology. And since our population has grown a lot, Gods must have started using nanomachines to collect souls, instead of sending beings from heaven to collect the soul manually.

Now you may argue why do I believe that our Gods use nano-machines to collect the soul and argue that maybe they are using some other method or technology to collect our soul or consciousness, but I disagree. There are various reasons why I believe that our Gods use a special very small nano-machine or a group of such nano-machines to collect our souls, and I have come to this conclusion after a very long and deep analysis. First of all, our soul or consciousness can't survive without a body or a mind; if it could then there wouldn't be billions of neurons in our brain, so using a machine that acts like the new body or mind of that soul or consciousness is the best possible solution. A machine can provide various advantages; it can provide energy so that the signals making up the soul or consciousness don't die out. It can provide security too. And if someone argues that why don't the Gods simply capture the soul from heaven or space directly; I would argue that since the signals present in our minds are very delicate, I don't think it's possible to capture or transfer them through air and also the various harsh weather conditions that we face on Earth. During bad weather we lose our internet and other connections, so I don't think Gods would risk transferring a soul through such a risky way. But there are some disadvantages of using a machine too; sometimes machines fail. And since this technology was new, I think that sometimes it created some problems while transferring the soul from Earth to the afterlife.


Since I believe that Gods created nanomachines to collect souls from our Earth and transport them to heaven or hell, I think that maybe some of these earlier machines malfunctioned and instead of carrying the souls to heaven or hell, the soul got trapped at the place of their death. And since we can’t see the nanomachine that is carrying this soul and this soul or consciousness is energy travelling in the nanomachine in the form of signals, we can experience something electromagnetic or paranormal when coming in contact with this soul and we call it ghostly or paranormal encounter.

A lot of people don’t believe in ghosts because they say that since we need our brain to do everything, and our brain and body needs energy then how can anything survive without the brain and body. So they don’t believe in ghosts or even afterlife. But since there is so much convincing evidence about the existence of ghosts online and lots of mentions of afterlife and soul in all our holy books, I believe that my explanation can satisfy their doubts. I think that the nanomachine that captures the consciousness of a dying person acts like the new body of the deceased person. And I believe it can even capture light and sound to let the deceased see and hear even after losing their bodies. Also I feel that the translucent or mist-like look of ghosts is due to the holographic projection created by these soul-carrying nanomachines, so that the deceased person doesn't get scared after seeing that they don't have a body anymore.

Tldr: We can transfer our souls or consciousness into a machine, it's theoretically possible, its just not feasible right now as our technology is not advanced enough. So ghosts can exist if the consciousness of a person is extracted by a machine and then that machine then acts as the new body of that person. If that machine is very small and can fly through air then you won't be able to see it. Also the translucent shape of ghosts can be achieved by using a 3d projection from that machine.

I have much more to discuss on this topic but now I want to hear the reaction from you guys. So let's discuss.
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He created Scientology and spoke about the existence of Theatons and things left over from ancient wars. Your theory reminded me of his writings.
Oh ok. No I don't believe in Scientology. My views and thoughts are based on ancient aliens hypothesis. I think that there is enough proof that the Gods mentioned in our holy books were extraterrestrial beings that had advanced knowledge of science and technology. And our holy books are full of examples in support of this hypothesis.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Oh ok. No I don't believe in Scientology. My views and thoughts are based on ancient aliens hypothesis. I think that there is enough proof that the Gods mentioned in our holy books were extraterrestrial beings that had advanced knowledge of science and technology. And our holy books are full of examples in support of this hypothesis.
This is so much scientology. Xenu being your main "god"


I have a theory too.

I don't think using our current knowledge and advancement of science and technology and also keeping in mind how it will evolve in future is using imagination. Videos of ghosts and souls are real. Nanotechnology is real. I am just providing my views and thoughts about their existence.


Were ancient civilisations not allowed to have imagination? Just because someone sketched what looks like a spaceman on a wall doesn’t mean to say that it exists. That’s like saying Superman exists to a civilisation 2,000 years into the future just because it was committed to ink and parchment. It’s called art for a reason.

I also find it baffling that sophisticated structures in ancient times are attributed to aliens, taking away the feats of human craftsmanship. Remember not everything is alien, the world isn’t as exciting as all that.


Were ancient civilisations not allowed to have imagination? Just because someone sketched what looks like a spaceman on a wall doesn’t mean to say that it exists. That’s like saying Superman exists to a civilisation 2,000 years into the future just because it was committed to ink and parchment. It’s called art for a reason.

I also find it baffling that sophisticated structures in ancient times are attributed to aliens, taking away the feats of human craftsmanship. Remember not everything is alien, the world isn’t as exciting as all that.
I get that. But think about it for a second. If the people of that time just imagined everything about the Gods mentioned in our holy books, then why did they showed them as having so many faults. They should have imagined a being that was all knowing, all powerful, benevolent and free of any fault. But they didn't. The stories mentioned in our holy books show Gods having so many issues. They got angry often. Gave boons to lots of bad people. They couldn't control their own children. So I think it gives some credibility to the idea that maybe they were not imaginating and writing what they were seeing.


But I believe that the Gods mentioned in our holy books were not Gods or divine but beings that had advanced knowledge of science and technology and were just like us. I believe that they were extraterrestrial visitors who came to our Earth a long time ago and then artificially evolved an ape to create humans.
Similar character appears in Christian stories and is called Death or Grim Reaper itself. This Grim Reaper works for God and collects human souls.

There's nothing like this in the Bible.


Were ancient civilisations not allowed to have imagination? Just because someone sketched what looks like a spaceman on a wall doesn’t mean to say that it exists. That’s like saying Superman exists to a civilisation 2,000 years into the future just because it was committed to ink and parchment. It’s called art for a reason.

I also find it baffling that sophisticated structures in ancient times are attributed to aliens, taking away the feats of human craftsmanship. Remember not everything is alien, the world isn’t as exciting as all that.
A fascinating fact about the Great pyramid of Giza is that it has eight side instead of 4. And no one can even see the 8 sides from the surface. So do you think ancient Egyptians had the technology to build such a monument.


A fascinating fact about the Great pyramid of Giza is that it has eight side instead of 4. And no one can even see the 8 sides from the surface. So do you think ancient Egyptians had the technology to build such a monument.
Yes...yes I do. Don’t be so quick to diminish the capabilities of mankind.

Also Xenu used a big net to capture souls, maybe it’s the same here.


Here are my thoughts why I believe that soul is not something different from our mind and body and is a part of it; and therefore can't survive without a body

A lot of people think that our soul is a form of energy that is present in our bodies and they are absolutely right. Our soul or consciousness is just the culmination of all our thoughts, memories, experiences and behaviours which are travelling inside our mind and nervous system as electromagnetic signals, which is a form of energy. But a lot of people believe that our soul is not a part of our body and can also survive without our body, which is absolutely wrong. Even Gods use nanomachines and other devices to capture and transfer the soul of a person. Because if they won’t use these devices then the signals present in the mind of a dead body will start dissipating and the soul will be lost forever.

Look around your house. Every device you can see like TV, smartphones, fans, AC etc., all requires energy and the energy is provided to them through wires. Because if wires are not present then energy will dissipate in the air and can’t be used. Also the signals that are present in our minds are very delicate and will be destroyed if they come in contact with air. Also if someone feels that water or the space medium can support all the signals that make a soul, then they are wrong too. If only water was able to support all these signals that make our soul or consciousness, then our brain would have been filled with only water. But this is not the case and to support our consciousness or soul, our brain uses billions of neurons. So anybody that thinks that the soul can survive without a body is not thinking logically.

Now if anybody argues that the soul is not the consciousness present in our brain and is something else then I just want to know what does this soul even do in our body. Does this soul help us in seeing, hearing, smelling or tasting? No, of course not, as we have sensory organs for these actions and if these organs don’t work properly, then we will lose those senses. So our soul is not responsible for our eyesight, hearing, tasting or smelling power. So is our soul responsible for our memories? No, of course not as the neurons in our brain are responsible for our memories and we can even lose our memories when we get old or suffer damage to the brain; so it clearly shows that the soul is not responsible for our memories. So is our soul responsible for the functioning of vital organs of our body? No, our brain and spinal cord are responsible for the functioning of our vital organs and if they fail then these organs can also fail. So there is only one thing remaining that this soul must be doing, which is thinking. But this is also not true as our intelligence is also linked to the development of our brain. So, an underdeveloped brain means a less intelligent person, having less intelligent thoughts.

So as we can clearly see that there is nothing in our bodies that is controlled by this soul if it’s not a part of our body as some people claim. Also if our soul is something separate from our mind and body then does it also evolve with the child that evolves into an adult and that adult evolves into an old person. And during this evolution or growth our behaviour, habits, thoughts etc., everything changes a lot. So does this external soul also change or stay the same?

So we can clearly see that our soul is not something separate from our brain and body, and is a part of it. And so I believe that our soul is just our consciousness which is a culmination of all our memories, thoughts, experiences and behaviours that are travelling inside our mind and nervous system in the form of electromagnetic and electrochemical signals. And since in the past people could not understand our consciousness and the functions of our brain; so to make sense of everything they thought that a soul was present inside us which was separate from our bodies and mind, and controlled everything. But now we know that it is wrong.


Yes...yes I do. Don’t be so quick to diminish the capabilities of mankind.

Also Xenu used a big net to capture souls, maybe it’s the same here.
I am not denying that humans didn't make them. But I believe that these pyramids were made under the guidance of our ancient Gods, who must have guided the humans with the help of their advanced technology; and I also believe that these are much older than Egyptian civilization and were used for something else rather than being a tomb.


There is a floating theory that after death your consciousness lives. You “experience” all the unspeakable horror that occurs to your body for years and centuries. But you are unable to speak, move, expression emotion etc.

Have a nice sleep

Queen Laughing GIF
I think what you just described is a type of punishment in hell.


Cool. But still I don't think that soul can survive without a body. So the God must use something to capture it. No one can break the rules of the Universe. Not even our Gods.
I don't follow the logic that the Creator of the universe is beholden to the creation, nor that there is a 'rule' that a soul must be captured.
My only point is that there is nothing in your theory that correlates to anything in the Bible, so I wouldn't use it as confirmation.

Genesis 35: 18 And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin.
1 Kings 17: 21 And he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again. 22 And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.
1 Peter 3:
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
Matthew 10: 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


I don't follow the logic that the Creator of the universe is beholden to the creation, nor that there is a 'rule' that a soul must be captured.
My only point is that there is nothing in your theory that correlates to anything in the Bible, so I wouldn't use it as confirmation.
There is no creator of the universe. The universe is the creator and the destroyer. Our universe itself is the ultimate God.
I think there are two types of Gods. There is the ultimate God that is the universe itself. I think that the consciousness of this whole universe is a living thing that manifests itself into matter to make life. So in a way we all are different expressions of the same consciousness that we can call the ultimate God. This I believe is the space medium itself, which permeates throughout the entire universe and which, I suspect, is self aware or alive. And this is the reason why a single cell organism is treated as being alive, same as us, because this same consciousness is present in that organism and us.

And evolution is the process through which this consciousness and the body it is in, gets complex and highly intelligent. And through this evolution, on a different planet, some beings became highly intelligent and masters of science and technology. Using their knowledge they became immortal and travelled through space. Eventually they came to our Earth and evolved apes to make human beings. And our ancestors started treating these extraterrestrial beings as Gods. So according to my research and understanding there are two types of Gods. One, that is the universe itself. Everything is a part of this ultimate God. Then there are Gods who created us and are mentioned in our holy books.
Also Bible is not the oldest religious book and therefore doesn't contain the detailed description of our Gods.
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