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I... I just got fired

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I just got fired from my first true job. Yeah, I hated it with all my heart, but man, it was money. Teenage money, but money anyway.

The thing is, I don't know WHY I got fired. I worked there for 1 week, and I did everything they wanted me to do. They hired me as a clerk, but they made me do things such as delivery, things I wasn't prepared for. I called my boss to know the reason, but he hasn't called back yet. But man that sucks.

To make this thread more than a Livejournal post, what was your first job and why did you quit? And hell, how long did it last?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife


keep your strippers out of my American football
My very first job was at Eckerd Drugs, as a cashier/clerk. I was there for 6 months, left because I found a new job that paid alot more and gave me my own cube.

In all my 16 years of working, I have never gotten fired or laid off....yet.


As pissed as you are, if he calls, don't be a dick. That can come back to hanut you; being respectable (aka kissing his ass) may help you when you get another job and whoever it is that wants to hire you feels the need to talk to your last employer. It may NOT since you did get fired, but being nice about it is the best thing you have going for you.


McDonalds while at 6th form college (between school and University in the UK)

I left because I got bored. Just after going in early on Boxing day and only having 3 customers the entire day. There is only so much polishing of cupboards you can do to pretend to look busy.

Just didn't turn up to the next shift. Left my shoes in the locker at work, didn't call them. Pretty stupid, but I was only 16/17.


And even i am moderately surprised
warehouse worker at a supermarket when i was at 6th form (see Mr Klaws explaination)

I quit because it was time to go to uni! :D


Queen of Denmark
McDonald's was my first, too, when I was 15. I quit because I found another job that wasn't McDonald's.
My first real job was weekend stocker at a food store. The manager was in his late 20's and didn't give a shit as long as everything got done (great guy). I worked there for 7 months until my family moved.
Timen said:
one week? don't they have to hire you for at least one trial month?

I don't know. I don't know shit about the "Normes du travail" (as we call them in Quebec). I just came to work this morning, and she said : "Well you're done here, thanks. Come back Thursday for your paycheck".

I was like : "What!?!".


they call me "Man Gravy".
girl at my girlfriend's office just got fired. She works at a hotel / convention center and the chick (a reservations worker) had a friend stay in the hotel at the employee rate without clearing it with management. Then, to compound that, she never paid for the room (just checked her in / out). Was let go as soon as they found out about it. I hope you didn't do anything that stupid.
The only stupid thing I could have done was to drive a truck with a trailer in a golfcar track. But even then it wasn't my fault. The guy with me said : "I already came here, this is the exit, go that way.". It wasn't.

But how could he fire me for that, he didn't even ask me If I had ever used a truck with a trailer before.


The only job I really got 'fired' from was when I left one place to follow my old boss. The old job had been taken over by a bigger company - no, actually it was supposed to be a merger but their top management had friends in high places. The writing was on the wall for our top management so they booked. We workers got stuck with a director who referred to his female employees as a harem, managers who took vodka breaks in the bathroom and three hour cocktail lunches starting at eleven, and an office full of workers who hated us because our office style involved actually asking questions of management and expecting answers.
We had to move into their offices. The first day these motherfuckers snuck out of the room to a man to have a birthday party for one of their own. we hear clapping in the break room and realize only our office people are at their desks. On Halloween they all came in dressed up like it was grade school. On Christmas half of them dressed as elves and the other half dressed as presents. Every morning one of them would take over the PA system and read a morning prayer. The bitch was missing teeth and lisped and spit as she talked. I thought she loved Skittles, turns out it was the amount of medication she took daily.
Their management's plan was for our office to take over the duties most of their people did in addition to maintaining our own duties. I found out I got the new job mere hours before my interview with my new 'supervisor'. I sat in her office and agreed to take on twice my previous workload with a smile. I agreed to her every demand.
And then I gave her my resignation letter. Never saw a smile dissapear so fast.

After about a day of bullshitting around, I decided I didn't really want to work the two weeks notice I'd given. I downloaded shemale porn and spread it across their network. I left it as a screensaver at my desk and went to lunch. They fired me when I got back around quitting time.


My first job was a bagger/cart chaser at a grocery store. I started in a shitty small store and then moved to the larger store once it was built. i was with that chain for about 2 years or so (in high school) before I quit after enlisting in the Air Force.

I once got fired for playing with a yoyo outside of the building. I used to do it in the break room, I wasn't in close proximity to anyone but they felt that it wasn't professional and told me not to yoyo in the breakroom anymore. After that I started going down to where people took thier smoke breaks to yoyo and I guess they must have considered the dumpsters out back an extension of the breakroom and fired me.


My first job when I was 16 was at a car wash. I lasted a month until I quit.
Sitting inside cars washing the inside windows in 100 degree heat? No thanks!


toy department at Wal-mart.

Lasted 3 months, what a shitty place to work.

I told them I was going to E3 and I needed a week off, went to E3 and just never returned to the job.

I wonder if they still have me on the schedule?


Bagger at a grocery store. It was a great experience. Worked there for 2 years topped out in salary ($4.95 an hour .. woohoo), then got promoted to the Seafood Dept.

Holy crap, that was a mistake. I quit shortly thereafter.

Before that I was a paperboy .. I'm not sure if that was really a job though.
Cashier at the worst grocery store in town. I did NOTHING all day as we were almost never busy. Worked there about 3 months. Now I'm working at Target doing daystock and sales. It's more work, and it's more involved, but it's far more enjoyable.


My first job ever was a Houseman at the largest hotel in my area (not that large...one of the only 8 floor buildings in my "city" or the neighboring ones, actually) and it was part of a work-study internship. Let me explain: When I transfered to Florida, most of my critical class credits didn't transfer over ("Trigonometry? we don't offer trig...besides, you still haven't taken your Algebra II course yet" me: what the hell?) so in order for me to graduate when I was scheduled to before moving from NY, I had to take extra classes, abuse the summer school system to take extra classes, and enroll in as many "work at your own speed" courses as possible to make up all the credit lost in transferring. Last simester of my senior year, I had every required credit I needed but was lacking in vocational courses so I signed up for an experimental work study internship that would give me a full credit in one semester. Ok. Now that that's in order:

When I applied for the internship (which was really just a full paying part time position where I had to give weekly reports to the coordinator at my high school) I was the only one, out of 4 applicants, who had computer experience and was top in line for a cushy desk job designing posters for weekly in-building activities.

The First Day at the Job: The manager for the linen department walks up to me and introduces herself as my manager and tells me how I was reassigned at the last minute to her department, takes me aside and tells me that because I was black and in shape I would work better than any of the other white applicants in the entirely minority department. Ok. Thanks lady. Relaxing desk job is now out of the picture...she walks me into the laundry room and tells me that I'll be working with the laundry woman. Right.

First day at the job I meet the laundry woman and in five minutes I'm standing right near this printing press sized drying machine (which spouts off a fair share of heat and noise) and have a large stack of white linen in front of me...they tell me to fold them and walk away on a smoke break. When they get back they get all the linen I took care of and unfold them telling me I didn't fold them right then show me the proper way of folding them. I'm thinking "thanks" right now and fold up the linen/towels with all of them standing near me. When I finish they take the linen and mention how I'm the fastest folder they've ever seen. So they stack a large pile near me again and begin working on piles half the size of mine. I see a radio nearby and tune it to listen to some music and they stare at me like I just commited some huge crime but don't say anything. Several piles of linen are folded, several piles are restocked.

Lunch starts I grab a plate of what looks like runny meatloaf look at it for 3 seconds and throw it out. I fill up a plate with salad and eat that. I watch the Price is Right on a TV screen hanging up on the wall. After 10 or so minutes, some tall houseman named Will walks up to me and tells me to finish eating he has some work for me. I look up and him and ask if I should clock in and he tells me not to worry...that my manager will take care of that at for me. I throw out my plate and follow him back to the laundry room and he points to a large yellow bin on wheels and tells me to follow. He grabs another one and pushes it out of the room so I follow him while pushing the one he pointed out for me. He leads me to an elevator and we go up to the second floor. Righ outside the elevator is a locked door, he hands me a keycard and tells me to unlock the door and inside I see a large closet. He shows me where the wash clothes, hand towels, towels, and pillow cases are to be stocked then tells me to put them in their places. He takes the keycard and walks off. I stack the two bins of linen and walk back to the elevator...which requires a keycard to open. Great. I walk down the stairs back to the lunch room and watch the winner of the Price is Right jumping up and down like they just conquered a nation.

Several days pass. During those days I folded linen, learned to opperate the printing press sized dryer, and worked during all of my lunch breaks, off the clock. The ladies ask me to hlp them with putting some bins of dirty linen into the washing machines. I walk up to them, notice they're all slipping thick yellow cleaning gloves onto their hands, and ask them if they have any gloves I can wear. They look at me like I just asked the dumbest question on Earth and tell me I should have brought my own with me and that they don't have any left. I want a smoke break right now and I don't smoke. I help them load one bin of clothes into a washer and begin working on the next. I put my hands into the bin to grab a hold of a load of clothes and cringe. My hands...are in something...gooey. I take my hands out and I have a hershey's like substance covering my hands up to my wrists. In one second the most aweful stench eminates from my hands...like the worst baby diaper imaginable. I gag but hold it in. My hands are covered in a liquid pool of feces...mingled in the human waste is a grey thick substance. Sperm. I don't want to know...I take my hands to a sink and tell them to run hot water and get some bleach. They're looking at me without moving and I tell them again. I pour bleach, that smells like Irish Spring soap, over my hands and run my hands under the scolding hot water. After Ican no longer feel anything but pain in my hands, they slowly walk away from me and one of them walks near a box bolted to the wall. She opens the box and takes out one of FOUR boxes. Opens the box and tosses a pair of yellow scrubbing gloves on the floor in front of me and tells me to wear those for the rest of the clothes...unless of course I want to take an early break which I can, she says. I take a break...a full break. For the last hour of that day I work in silence and at the end of the day the lady who tossed me the gloves that didn't exist tells me that my face scared them all and that I shouldn't take the job so seriously. I wait for my ride to come and contemplate quitting like I've never done before. I can't though...or I won't graduate. After the third week I get my first paycheck. Something's not right about this...my paycheck shows that I've only worked 23 hours when I put in over 40. Even with that considered, my paycheck is STILL short. I'm getting waiter pay which is half the pay I should be getting.

I almost quit again...but NEED that credit. I don't quit, but I talk to the H.R. department about it, then manager at the front office positions. Then to mine. She's pissed at me for going over her head without consulting her first. I really want to quit now...but don't.

more to come later


Bacon of Hope
I got fired from GameStop! Yeah!

Anyway, a bit of advice, almost every job you'll end up having responsbilites you didnt expect to have in the first place. You have got to get used to being able to adapt to whatever they want you to do. Alsomost everyone I have worked with who has compalined "this isnt part of my job" has gotten fired soon after.


Wakune said:
My first job ever was a Houseman at the largest hotel in my area (not that large...one of the only 8 floor buildings in my "city" or the neighboring ones, actually) and it was part of a work-study internship. Let me explain: When I transfered to Florida, most of my critical class credits didn't transfer over ("Trigonometry? we don't offer trig...besides, you still haven't taken your Algebra II course yet" me: what the hell?) so in order for me to graduate when I was scheduled to before moving from NY, I had to take extra classes, abuse the summer school system to take extra classes, and enroll in as many "work at your own speed" courses as possible to make up all the credit lost in transferring. Last simester of my senior year, I had every required credit I needed but was lacking in vocational courses so I signed up for an experimental work study internship that would give me a full credit in one semester. Ok. Now that that's in order:

When I applied for the internship (which was really just a full paying part time position where I had to give weekly reports to the coordinator at my high school) I was the only one, out of 4 applicants, who had computer experience and was top in line for a cushy desk job designing posters for weekly in-building activities.

The First Day at the Job: The manager for the linen department walks up to me and introduces herself as my manager and tells me how I was reassigned at the last minute to her department, takes me aside and tells me that because I was black and in shape I would work better than any of the other white applicants in the entirely minority department. Ok. Thanks lady. Relaxing desk job is now out of the picture...she walks me into the laundry room and tells me that I'll be working with the laundry woman. Right.

First day at the job I meet the laundry woman and in five minutes I'm standing right near this printing press sized drying machine (which spouts off a fair share of heat and noise) and have a large stack of white linen in front of me...they tell me to fold them and walk away on a smoke break. When they get back they get all the linen I took care of and unfold them telling me I didn't fold them right then show me the proper way of folding them. I'm thinking "thanks" right now and fold up the linen/towels with all of them standing near me. When I finish they take the linen and mention how I'm the fastest folder they've ever seen. So they stack a large pile near me again and begin working on piles half the size of mine. I see a radio nearby and tune it to listen to some music and they stare at me like I just commited some huge crime but don't say anything. Several piles of linen are folded, several piles are restocked.

Lunch starts I grab a plate of what looks like runny meatloaf look at it for 3 seconds and throw it out. I fill up a plate with salad and eat that. I watch the Price is Right on a TV screen hanging up on the wall. After 10 or so minutes, some tall houseman named Will walks up to me and tells me to finish eating he has some work for me. I look up and him and ask if I should clock in and he tells me not to worry...that my manager will take care of that at for me. I throw out my plate and follow him back to the laundry room and he points to a large yellow bin on wheels and tells me to follow. He grabs another one and pushes it out of the room so I follow him while pushing the one he pointed out for me. He leads me to an elevator and we go up to the second floor. Righ outside the elevator is a locked door, he hands me a keycard and tells me to unlock the door and inside I see a large closet. He shows me where the wash clothes, hand towels, towels, and pillow cases are to be stocked then tells me to put them in their places. He takes the keycard and walks off. I stack the two bins of linen and walk back to the elevator...which requires a keycard to open. Great. I walk down the stairs back to the lunch room and watch the winner of the Price is Right jumping up and down like they just conquered a nation.

Several days pass. During those days I folded linen, learned to opperate the printing press sized dryer, and worked during all of my lunch breaks, off the clock. The ladies ask me to hlp them with putting some bins of dirty linen into the washing machines. I walk up to them, notice they're all slipping thick yellow cleaning gloves onto their hands, and ask them if they have any gloves I can wear. They look at me like I just asked the dumbest question on Earth and tell me I should have brought my own with me and that they don't have any left. I want a smoke break right now and I don't smoke. I help them load one bin of clothes into a washer and begin working on the next. I put my hands into the bin to grab a hold of a load of clothes and cringe. My hands...are in something...gooey. I take my hands out and I have a hershey's like substance covering my hands up to my wrists. In one second the most aweful stench eminates from my hands...like the worst baby diaper imaginable. I gag but hold it in. My hands are covered in a liquid pool of feces...mingled in the human waste is a grey thick substance. Sperm. I don't want to know...I take my hands to a sink and tell them to run hot water and get some bleach. They're looking at me without moving and I tell them again. I pour bleach, that smells like Irish Spring soap, over my hands and run my hands under the scolding hot water. After Ican no longer feel anything but pain in my hands, they slowly walk away from me and one of them walks near a box bolted to the wall. She opens the box and takes out one of FOUR boxes. Opens the box and tosses a pair of yellow scrubbing gloves on the floor in front of me and tells me to wear those for the rest of the clothes...unless of course I want to take an early break which I can, she says. I take a break...a full break. For the last hour of that day I work in silence and at the end of the day the lady who tossed me the gloves that didn't exist tells me that my face scared them all and that I shouldn't take the job so seriously. I wait for my ride to come and contemplate quitting like I've never done before. I can't though...or I won't graduate. After the third week I get my first paycheck. Something's not right about this...my paycheck shows that I've only worked 23 hours when I put in over 40. Even with that considered, my paycheck is STILL short. I'm getting waiter pay which is half the pay I should be getting.

I almost quit again...but NEED that credit. I don't quit, but I talk to the H.R. department about it, then manager at the front office positions. Then to mine. She's pissed at me for going over her head without consulting her first. I really want to quit now...but don't.

more to come later

Don't make me come down there and bitch slap you. Have some dignity dude. You are obviously being treated like some kind of dog. Can't you get a credit some other way? christ! You're being treated like shit, working in shit and being paid shit. How much more shit do you want to endure?!!!


Chili Con Carnage!
Dumping papers was my first job..i was 14 i think.

I started off delivering papers but promoted myself after the first run-in with a guard dog

I quit after 4 or 5 months, my dumping grounds were getting pretty full (they really dont empty public bins enough). Knew it was only a matter of time before they realised.

The kid after me got sacked for dumping papers (the scoundrel), I was never certain that they hadnt just found papers i'd dumped and blamed him...........

Edit: VVVVV Thats fucked up, I know your in Canada but id take a lesson from your cousins down south and get the lawyers out. VVVVV
Wow. What a load of bullshit.

I talked with my boss and she said that they fired me because I didn't show enough enthousiasm and wasn't mature enough. WTF I did all they wanted me to do without complaining. Then she says : "And when we saw you driving the truck with the trailer like a car, blahblahblahblah..." That's because I never had driven a truck with a trailer before dumbass. Damn. And they heard that I wanted to get fired. Who the fuck told them that?

Now I'm waiting for my real boss to call (the other one was like the co-owner), so I'll be able to defend myself. But damn, this is bullshit.
If they 'heard' crap, that means someone on the inside not within management wanted to get a friend hired so they destroyed you.

Probably. It happens!

My first job was dishwashing :(

I've never been fired tho.
My first job was the only one I've been fired from. I was a clerk/gofer at an auto parts/machinist/repair shop my junior year of high school, and things were really cool for about eight months until the local paper ran an article about what a smarty man I was. After that, the hick machinists just started givin' me reams of shit: "you think yer so much smarter'n me, boy?" "you prolly think yer gonna go to college huh. You think yer too good for this town huh." "if yer so damn smart, why're you workin' here and not for NASA haw haw haw" They'd seriously say this shit all day. They'd bitch that I was lazy if I took my scheduled breaks, they'd make me wash their cars, and they'd give bogus directions for deliveries and laugh when it took me a long time to get back ("what're we payin' you for, smarty? Can't that big ol' brain remember a few directions?").

Finally, one of the assholes told me to park this huge-ass RV that'd come in for some siding work, and he didn't tell me it had a flat on the passenger side. Started it up, went to move it into the back lot, and it listed heavily to the right. Off came the fuckin' side view mirror when it lurched into the chainlink fence in the alley. They run out laughin' when they hear the crunch, and the asshole was all "kid, yer fucked. that's gonna cost you two weeks pay." I got pissed and started flippin' out, so assface goes "I'm sick of you talkin' back. Consider this yer last day and go home. We'll use yer last paycheck to cover the damages."

Docking my pay was probably illegal, but whatever. I got a job at the local grocery chain as a bagger, and they moved me up to checker in three months. At 17 (1991), making $6.50 an hour instead of $4.25 in WA meant OMG BOOZE AND GAMES.


I, too, was fired from Gamestop! Huzzah!

Seriously, best thing that ever happened to me. Soooo much less BS, stress and responsibility in my life now.


Leatherface said:
Don't make me come down there and bitch slap you. Have some dignity dude. You are obviously being treated like some kind of dog. Can't you get a credit some other way? christ! You're being treated like shit, working in shit and being paid shit. How much more shit do you want to endure?!!!
I think the "more to come later" means he gets fired for some bullshit reason before getting the credit. Just a guess.


Drinky Crow said:
My first job was the only one I've been fired from. I was a clerk/gofer at an auto parts/machinist/repair shop my junior year of high school, and things were really cool for about eight months until the local paper ran an article about what a smarty man I was. After that, the hick machinists just started givin' me reams of shit: "you think yer so much smarter'n me, boy?" "you prolly think yer gonna go to college huh. You think yer too good for this town huh." "if yer so damn smart, why're you workin' here and not for NASA haw haw haw" They'd seriously say this shit all day. They'd bitch that I was lazy if I took my scheduled breaks, they'd make me wash their cars, and they'd give bogus directions for deliveries and laugh when it took me a long time to get back ("what're we payin' you for, smarty? Can't that big ol' brain remember a few directions?").

Finally, one of the assholes told me to park this huge-ass RV that'd come in for some siding work, and he didn't tell me it had a flat on the passenger side. Started it up, went to move it into the back lot, and it listed heavily to the right. Off came the fuckin' side view mirror when it lurched into the chainlink fence in the alley. They run out laughin' when they hear the crunch, and the asshole was all "kid, yer fucked. that's gonna cost you two weeks pay." I got pissed and started flippin' out, so assface goes "I'm sick of you talkin' back. Consider this yer last day and go home. We'll use yer last paycheck to cover the damages."

Docking my pay was probably illegal, but whatever. I got a job at the local grocery chain as a bagger, and they moved me up to checker in three months. At 17 (1991), making $6.50 an hour instead of $4.25 in WA meant OMG BOOZE AND GAMES.

It must of been that brain of yours that got you up to bagger level so quickly. =P


My 1st job was at a Super Market for 3yrs... I was there till my 1st year of college.

I left there to work as a front desk clerk @ my Moms hotel.


I've been fired a few times before - and laid off a few times. It's actually a good experience, because it allows you to think about what you really want from a job.

I remember one time I was fired after a motor casing fell off of a pick-up truck I was driving. My boss fired me, but then hired me back 10 minutes later (after all of my co-workers laughed at me and brutalized me for 10 minutes - all in good fun). Those guys were cool. I like to work at places where people can get mad, blow off steam, and then work with you again.

Another time, I was on a two week temp assignment, and half of us were laid off after a week. It was ridiculous too, because the people who weren't laid off acted like they were the "chosen people". I vowed never to work at another place where people would be encouraged to be petty and cutthroat like that.

I think this is why I have ended up working at a university. I don't want a cutthroat environment, and I don't want to work at a place where everyone takes themselves too seriously. Granted, you still get some of this at a university, but it so much more laid back. I love it.
First real job was working at my university. I was the student intern for the orientation program, and it was probably, to date, the best job I ever had. Worked with a great staff, got paid $10/hr (in '97), and got benefits like priority registration, nothing worthwhile nowadays though. Did lots of interviewing for positions, scheduled people for things, being a total cockblocker when guys forgot that they were representing the university (meaning stop hitting on the freshmen girls, IN FRONT of their parents) and denying myself sleep for a few weeks out of the year.

I quit cause I needed to finish up school, and the people who were supposed to be heading the program when I joined had left months before. So I was doing full-time work but getting paid only $10/hr. Program's never been the same since...


Damn, dude! You couldnt hold that shit down longer than a week?

Anyways, my first job was working in a grocery store, did it for three years.


I spent a year flipping burgers at McDonald's. Some guy gave me a couple of sheets to "study" so i could perform a couple of tasks like setting up the restaurant in the morning or something like that.

So i'm reading this stuff on my lunch break wich takes about 30 minutes. Just before my break is over, this guy who gave me the sheets comes barging in the lunch room and asks me if i'm done reading yet. I reply with i'm just finishing it, i'll be over in a minute. And right there this guy starts calling me a dyslectic fuck in front of everybody. This went on for a couple of minutes.

Yeah i kicked his ass, right there on the kitchen floor. Didn't get me fired either, even the floor managers had enough of his behavior. Later I heard the guy had some problems at home at the time, didn't make me feel any worse about the whole event. I quit a couple of months later because I was going to college the following year.


I earned $70 a month (working 5.5 days a week, 9-12 hour full days) as a computer tech support guy after high school. (while I was waiting to go to college)

:lol :lol :lol


My first job was at a Gas station/Pizza place, I was 15 and it sucked so much ass it was unbelivable..there was a lifer that worked there he was like 27 he was always giving me shit trying to start crap with me... When i was eventually fired Im more than sure he had somethign to do with it. I guess I deserved it too I was pretty lazy, lol I once took a day off for the N64 launch!!



If you feel that they fired you for a bullshit reason, file a formal complaint. You have no idea how much power the Normes du travail has.

And their reasoning sounds especially shit. They 'heard' you wanted to get fired? Also, they should've given you training on driving the trailer.

Call up Normes du travail, no company wants to deal with them, they'll hire you right back.


Leatherface said:
Don't make me come down there and bitch slap you. Have some dignity dude. You are obviously being treated like some kind of dog. Can't you get a credit some other way? christ! You're being treated like shit, working in shit and being paid shit. How much more shit do you want to endure?!!!
Regarding the credit, I had the choice of either graduating on time or not meeting the requirement. No other full-credit vocational classes had openings and this was my last chance to graduate on time. Throughout all of this I was meeting with the coordinator over at my high school and complaining regularly. The rest of my time there wasn't so bad...I never did get paid for my overtime and my time sheets always showed up as 39 hours (just short of full time hours) but I was able to gain my lunch breaks and my full pay per hour which was just (around $.50) over minimum wage.

One guy from my school was working in their presentation department...setting up their dining hall and displays and arranging the hall for ceremonies...nice guy he quit the job the day he got his half credit and his replacement was a cool guy...kinda big. We used to talk during any spare time we had. A girl from my school was working as a housekeeper, cleaning the rooms when the guests checked out...she quit within a week. The cushy desk job that I was lined up for was taken by a tall white guy...this guy never talked to anyone other than the older women in his department. Whenever I was called to deliver supplies to them I would make a point of talking to him. He was breaking at his seams, talking about loosing his mind over how stressful the job was. All the while I would agree with him and harbor a bit of--was it envy?--at how simple tasks like Designing a Word document to display an upcoming event where the peak of his work. The guy stuck with the job past the last day though...for all I know he's still working there.

Right after I complained and 'went over' my manager's head over my treatment and paycheck, the Will guy got pissed at me and asked me why I'm not doing my job. Turns out my responsibilities where outside of the laundry department and I was to work with him, as a houseman. I told him how he knew I was in the laundry room the entire time, he would deliver dirty linen to me and I would give him the bins of clean folded lined. My manager never told me to work outside of the laundry room and if I were to be working with him then my job was never explained to me. I ask him what he wants me to do and he tells me to make runs with the linen for him so I go on the elevator and start stacking the closets. During my time working there, I often had to deliver towels and chairs to rooms. One particular time I was to deliver 5 chairs to a guy staying on the "suite" floor (the 8th) and received my first tip. The guy was elderly and took some time to reach into his pocket. He tipped me 25 cents and told me to keep up the hard work. So yeah...that was my first tip.

This Will guy was a slow worker...he would often take an hour to stack the closets while it only took me 10 or so minutes...and I always wondered what it was that the guy did in those closets. I was told to stack the closets for him while he, two of the laundry ladies, and my manger took a cooler of beers up to an empty room on the 8th floor to do God knows what. Around this time I only had a few weeks to go before I was done with this program and was not in a particularly good mood, either. I was stacking one of the closets when I noticed the *tip* of a magazine exposed...hidden above the corner of where the washcloths where stored. I took the magazine down and looked at the front cover and was greeted by a fully nude woman with her legs spread. Dirty magazines...a whole stack of them...hidden in this closet. Now that I knew what kept Will back whenever he was doing this work, I tossed the magazines back on top...then took them down again. Now, inside each of these closets was a laundry chute...I tossed the books down behind the chute and heard them land somewhere on the second floor (which had no laundry chute so they were now stuck between the walls). Feeling a bit relieved I then went to each other floor and proceeded to throw stacks and stacks of magazines behind the chute...after a cursory examination of each, naturally. At any rate, when I was done with that I took a break and waited for 15 minutes then walked back into the laundry room, turned the radio on and started folding linen. Will and the 2 women eventually made their way back into the laundry room and Will went out to collect laundry from the housekeepers.

After 10 minutes he walks back into the laundry room looking like he wants to murder me and asks me (loudly) where is his stuff...I play ignorant and ignore the guy as he gives me some speech about respect...I busy myself with folding hand towels. The manager walks in and asks what the yelling was and I tell her that Will thinks I messed around with his stuff...but I have no idea what he's talking about and he wont even tell me what's missing. Eventually, he just walks off saying he's going to finish stacking the closets and I didn't see him for the rest of that day. Following that, my duties in the laundry room and being a houseman were cut short and I found myself spending most of my days talking to other workers and watching TV in the lunch room. Bored, I walk around aimlessly and help people with small tasks ... asking my manager (who seems very stressed out now) if she has any work for me and always she would tell me no so one day I ask the HR lady if she needs any help and help her file some paperwork...she commends me and gives me a bath robe for my help. Pretty nice robe, but too short for me. Helping some people setting up for a ceremony in the dance hall and I see a display fall on the tall guy that replaced the student from my school. He never showed up again, but I did see him some years later and he was missing an eye...which is, I guess, due to what happened that day but I never asked.

After that I filled in for him setting up displays and received a dollar or so raise for every hour I helped out with that department. Working there was like heaven compared to where I was supposed to work, but it didn't last long as I was called back into working as a Houseman. Will hurt his back, it seems, and I had to take his place. I gathered clothes from the housekeepers and threw they down the chute, gathered clothes from the laundry ladies and stacked them in the closet and that was it. Boring uneventful days like that marked my last week of my internship. During the graduation ceremony my manager showed up and offered to shake my hand, smile on her face and everything, but I ignored her. During a ceremony afterward, at the hotel, I was to give a speech and I thanked my Principal for giving me the chance to graduate on time, but casually forgot to thank my manager and the coordinator between my school and my internship. The next day I filed a complaint with the principal against the coordinator detailing how I wasn't initially being paid fully and never received overtime. I detailed how I was able to resolve the first through the job but was unable, despite her knowledge, to fix the overtime pay. I worked two more weeks at the job, just long enough to save up for the upcomming PS2 and a copy of Summoner and SSX as well as some DVDs.

I then went on vacation and didn't return for 2 months. When my manager saw me again she was relieved and asked me when I could start working again. I ltold her that I quit then asked where the HR department was moved to. I got my W-4 from the HR department and began walking out when I saw Will sitting by a loading truck smoking. I walked back inside, took a box of Kleenex, and tossed it to him. Never stepped foot there again and if I could have my way I would never look at that building again. Also, the coordinator filed for an early resignation that year...hopefully before she was eligible for retirement. That chapter in my life is closed and I would be glad to never experience anything like that again.

I never want to see a Hilton hotel again.

Justin Bailey

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YellowAce said:
I earned $70 a month (working 5.5 days a week, 9-12 hour full days) as a computer tech support guy after high school. (while I was waiting to go to college)

:lol :lol :lol
What the hell? So they were paying you roughly 32 cents an hour?


Timen said:
I spent a year flipping burgers at McDonald's. Some guy gave me a couple of sheets to "study" so i could perform a couple of tasks like setting up the restaurant in the morning or something like that.

So i'm reading this stuff on my lunch break wich takes about 30 minutes. Just before my break is over, this guy who gave me the sheets comes barging in the lunch room and asks me if i'm done reading yet. I reply with i'm just finishing it, i'll be over in a minute. And right there this guy starts calling me a dyslectic fuck in front of everybody. This went on for a couple of minutes.

Yeah i kicked his ass, right there on the kitchen floor. Didn't get me fired either, even the floor managers had enough of his behavior. Later I heard the guy had some problems at home at the time, didn't make me feel any worse about the whole event. I quit a couple of months later because I was going to college the following year.

:lol that's awesome, but i'm surprised he didn't call the cops to arrest you for assault or anything.


pollo said:
so did they ever give you your overtime pay?
Never. I spoke with the coordinator weekly about it but nothing was ever done. I never followed up on it after I quit, though
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