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I just saw something strange

I saw it too, OP


...and I never want to see it again.


I remember as a teenager a friend and myself cycled out at night to figure out a strange object in the sky.

It genuinely looked like a UFO and we cycled from one side of our town to the other at like 2am to see what it was.

It was an advertisement blimp that just looked really odd at night.

I love UFO stuff and I've researched a few very convincing events that had unusual but absolutely plausible explanations in the end.

Like that Egyptian helicopter hieroglyphic or the recent military declassified UFO footage.

The hieroglyphic was a "printing" error caused by two overlapping symbols and the military tic tac was an internal lense flare in one shot (you could see the rotation of the lense matching the UFO rotation when viewing at high contrast) and an object that appeared to be moving super fast but was actually just at a distance halfway between the sea and a fast moving jet that was much higher.

What I'm trying to say is that it may have been an odd event caused by a combination of mostly normal things. I like the notion mentioned above that it was accidentally uplit somehow rather than glowing. And maybe it seemed transparent because it was a membrane (like a bat) or feathers or a glider or something.
At about 3:10 tonight I went outside to throw some garbage out since it's trash day tomorrow and I'm wide awake as usual, and I saw something strange as I walked back to my house from the road.

Out in the horizon past behind my house, I see this huge white thing in the sky, and as it gets closer I can make out the shape of what I assume to be a bird. It had a massive wing span, it appeared to be almost glowing in the damn near pitch black sky as it flapped its massive wings. I could tell it was very far away from me, but I could clearly make it out. It flew over my house and I just stood there, transfixed as I watched it disappear from the sky. It wasn't like it shrunk into the distance, it was like it slowly faded away into the black sky. I could make out the shapes of small clouds here and there, but it wasn't near them when it disappeared.

I don't know what it was, but it left me feeling weird. I've spent many nights in the dark just looking at the sky, thinking. I tend to have a habit of looking up at the sky as I walk, and sure I've seen birds at night. They usually appear as black flying shapes in the air, I've never seen light pass through, or reflect off of anything in the sky like that at night. Especially on a night as dark as this.

I'm not saying I saw anything supernatural or mystical, but it was definitely out of the ordinary and a new experience for me.


This is a close approximation of what I saw I think, if anyone here is familiar with birds maybe this'll make you think of something?
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