Elden Member
I've decided to try reading through all the Spider-Man comics and see what I've missed.
Some background:
1. I've never read any comics before.
2. I'm starting with this:
3. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, so I'm hoping I'll find some guides online somewhere to help guide me along the Spider-man journey after this "masterworks" starter.
So let's get started! I'm not sure how often people post threads like this where they go through each and every book and post their thoughts, but at worst I can use it as my own personal notebook for this experience.
#000 - Amazing Fantasy "Introducing Spider Man" (curious no hyphen in this first Spider-Man title, even though Spider-Man uses the hyphen in his own text bubble)
1. Right of the bat I'm completely shocked that the whole origin story is a single comic.
2. Spider-Man creates his signature suite without any fanfare or anything, it just appears in one panel and done, no cool setup for it, no crafting it, nope its just there instantly.
2a. Spider-Man's costume has eye holes! They look crazy silly. Hope this goes away fast.
3. Cool to see they actually do show he's using web shooters though!
4. The whole Uncle Ben dying thing? Yeah, that's basically 1 page of said comic, and that's its. And it's a home invasion attack?? What the heck, movies dedicate a whole section of the film to this, and we don't even get anything more than a one pager on
5. The whole "with Great power there must also come great responsibility" is in the very last panel, not said by any character!? All this time I thought Aunt Mae or Ben said it, but nope, its just a narrative last panel said by no one!
6. No Oscorp at all, the spider was just from a random science exhibit??
If I was scoring this, which I'm not sure I should get in the habit of doing, but I will for kicks and giggles: 5/10 (10 points for introducing an icon of a character, -5 points for everything else)
Overall, I am shocked by how badly drawn and written this legendary first comic is for Spiderman. I recognize how old it is, but still, everything is happening so quickly with no spacing/timing or feeling of substance. I was excited to start a comic journey into this character thinking it might flesh out lots of details that the movies have no time for, so far its the exact opposite, everything is rushed and lacks any character building at all. Uncle Ben is just stereotypical Cartoon dad for all of a few panels before his death. Remember I am 100% blind to comics so I have no clue how this story unfolds, all I have for reference is all the Sony movies and basic knowledge of Spider-Man from pop culture. It is interesting though seeing this very generic, rushed story and knowing an icon comes from it, I just don't see how that happened yet. Here's hoping the next issue sheds some light!
Not sure if I'm allowed to post snippet images of the book for conversation/review, or if that's a copyright violation/against Gaf TOS. Anyone know if I can? That would make each of these writeup's I do more visual.
Some background:
1. I've never read any comics before.
2. I'm starting with this:

3. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, so I'm hoping I'll find some guides online somewhere to help guide me along the Spider-man journey after this "masterworks" starter.
So let's get started! I'm not sure how often people post threads like this where they go through each and every book and post their thoughts, but at worst I can use it as my own personal notebook for this experience.

#000 - Amazing Fantasy "Introducing Spider Man" (curious no hyphen in this first Spider-Man title, even though Spider-Man uses the hyphen in his own text bubble)
1. Right of the bat I'm completely shocked that the whole origin story is a single comic.
2. Spider-Man creates his signature suite without any fanfare or anything, it just appears in one panel and done, no cool setup for it, no crafting it, nope its just there instantly.
2a. Spider-Man's costume has eye holes! They look crazy silly. Hope this goes away fast.
3. Cool to see they actually do show he's using web shooters though!
4. The whole Uncle Ben dying thing? Yeah, that's basically 1 page of said comic, and that's its. And it's a home invasion attack?? What the heck, movies dedicate a whole section of the film to this, and we don't even get anything more than a one pager on
5. The whole "with Great power there must also come great responsibility" is in the very last panel, not said by any character!? All this time I thought Aunt Mae or Ben said it, but nope, its just a narrative last panel said by no one!
6. No Oscorp at all, the spider was just from a random science exhibit??
If I was scoring this, which I'm not sure I should get in the habit of doing, but I will for kicks and giggles: 5/10 (10 points for introducing an icon of a character, -5 points for everything else)
Overall, I am shocked by how badly drawn and written this legendary first comic is for Spiderman. I recognize how old it is, but still, everything is happening so quickly with no spacing/timing or feeling of substance. I was excited to start a comic journey into this character thinking it might flesh out lots of details that the movies have no time for, so far its the exact opposite, everything is rushed and lacks any character building at all. Uncle Ben is just stereotypical Cartoon dad for all of a few panels before his death. Remember I am 100% blind to comics so I have no clue how this story unfolds, all I have for reference is all the Sony movies and basic knowledge of Spider-Man from pop culture. It is interesting though seeing this very generic, rushed story and knowing an icon comes from it, I just don't see how that happened yet. Here's hoping the next issue sheds some light!
Not sure if I'm allowed to post snippet images of the book for conversation/review, or if that's a copyright violation/against Gaf TOS. Anyone know if I can? That would make each of these writeup's I do more visual.
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