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I love the 90s

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I am really digging these retrospects VH1 has done

I love the 70s
I love the 80s
I love the 80s strie back
I love the 90s

but as I watch the I love the 90s is it just me or does it seem like the past 4 years have like had nothing going on (besides 9/11 and half a decade of paranoia)

I mean when I think of babe, more human than human, the rachel hair do, snapple, playstation, braveheart, hootie, etc it all seems like it was yesterday

maybe its because I graduated in 00 and since HS years have really lost there individuality.

anyone notice this?

edit: OMG at my tag


First tragedy, then farce.
10 years from not the following will be openly mocked:

dancing women in rap videos.

spinning rims on cars.

retro jersies.

Nu Metal.
nothing cmon?

in terms of entertainment

we had

PSX revolution
Internet revolution
Grunge (better or worse)
Awesome sitcoms (fraiser, seinfeld, friends, buffy, xfiles)
Awesome Movies (forrest gump, private ryan, terminator 2, alot im missing)

I dunno it seems like 2000 and on is like the part when the wave pulls back and nothing is going on..... untill a new wave hits
ZombieSupaStar said:
nothing cmon?

in terms of entertainment

we had

PSX revolution
Internet revolution
Grunge (better or worse)
Awesome sitcoms (fraiser, seinfeld, friends, buffy, xfiles)
Awesome Movies (forrest gump, private ryan, terminator 2, alot im missing)

I dunno it seems like 2000 and on is like the part when the wave pulls back and nothing is going on..... untill a new wave hits

Did somebody say new wave?


It'll come back, people!


Playstation pretty much facking owned everyone in 95. Too bad we won't see the N64 taking over everyone's life in 96.
This show makes me feel old. "Slap bracelets are humorously nostalgic now?" I say to myself.

Y'all catch old (or young, rather) Seamus in 1992?

ZombieSupaStar said:
but as I watch the I love the 90s is it just me or does it seem like the past 4 years have like had nothing going on
I thought similar things in regards to the 90s. Too soon! Not changed enough from present! Nowhere near as entertaining as the coverage of the 70s and 80s! But I was wrong. Give things a bit of time and the proper people, and the differences will become clear.
ok new game post 3 pics of what you loved about the 90s

no repeats but acknowledge what you would have picked hadnt it not been posted

me first


This album changed my life (hint at my name origin)


The reason the wwf didnt die pre austin era, and 5 star matches all around


enough said



I had just moved from the ghetto to the suburbs when this movie came out. God I could relate


Great comics back then





Beanie babies burned about $300 dollars that I had earned from shoveling during the Northeastern Blizzard of '96. What an awesome fad, peaked with the Princess Di bear and faded into oblivion shortly after they released Erin the Irish Bear. Awesomeness.


Awesome show that was 3 folds better than Baywatch and preceded the eventual sex sells revolution to hit mainstream TV.


I remember writing a letter to him in 5th grade approving of his evironmental policies. Sigh. What a great man..great president.


ZombieSupaStar said:
Awesome sitcoms (fraiser, seinfeld, friends, buffy, xfiles)
I dunno it seems like 2000 and on is like the part when the wave pulls back and nothing is going on..... untill a new wave hits
What about Arrested Development, Malcolm in the Middle, Scrubs, Curb Your Enthusiasm ?



EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, at my school had them. I was in 6th grade at the time. I had the purple clear one (the dog) and the Dalmation (the one with the black and white spots all over the cover).

There was a cheat I figured out that let you make them grow older quicker (eventually, becoming an adult), something that you could do in a few seconds.
MIMIC said:
EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, at my school had them. I was in 6th grade at the time. I had the purple clear one (the dog) and the Dalmation (the one with the black and white spots all over the cover).

There was a cheat I figured out that let you make them grow older quicker (eventually, becoming an adult), something that you could do in a few seconds.

Thats a poor imitation of the real virtual pet, TAMAGOTCHI


I had one just like that too. My problem is that it kept dying because they were banned from school :(


ZombieSupaStar said:
nothing cmon?

in terms of entertainment

we had

PSX revolution
Internet revolution
Grunge (better or worse)
Awesome sitcoms (fraiser, seinfeld, friends, buffy, xfiles)
Awesome Movies (forrest gump, private ryan, terminator 2, alot im missing)

I dunno it seems like 2000 and on is like the part when the wave pulls back and nothing is going on..... untill a new wave hits

I agree. The X-Files was an AWESOME sitcom.
ConfusingJazz said:
Thats a poor imitation of the real virtual pet, TAMAGOTCHI


I had one just like that too. My problem is that it kept dying because they were banned from school :(

GigaPets were not a poor imitation. They were pretty darn cool, as were Tamagotchi and Digimon. I was reminiscing about this with my sister not long ago. I miss those little things and I'm tempted into buying the old Tamgotchi GB game again to somewhat relive those fun moments.
OMG nerf

my one friend had like a SHIT LOAD of nerf stuff we used to have nerf wars it was like the predoom death match before we all got pcs :D
There's a lot of shitty TV on now compared to the 90s. Saved by the Bell flourished in the 90s. All you have now are shitty sitcoms and even shittier reality TV. Absolutely nothing, in the last 4 1/2 years anyway.

And as much of an impact the Playstation made, it wasn't as immediate as we're lead to believe. 1995 was the birth, but it wasn't until huge games like FF7 came out and grabbed the gaming world with the attention. 2000, however, was the birth of the PS2, with epic lines all over for a console. And I think it was the beginning of gaming as being accepted by the mainstream.


ZombieSupaStar said:
PSX revolution
Okay, what exactly was that? It popularized ancient Japanese RPG's (or the other way around) and more Nintendo knock-offs (or the other way around). Oh, and Lara Croft. And the bastardization of the modern controller.
DarthWufei said:
GigaPets were not a poor imitation. They were pretty darn cool, as were Tamagotchi and Digimon. I was reminiscing about this with my sister not long ago. I miss those little things and I'm tempted into buying the old Tamgotchi GB game again to somewhat relive those fun moments.

Actually, I kinda want a new tamagotchi. Granted, I will probably just lose track of it in about a week, but hey, it will bring back some awesome memories of cleaning up virtual turds so my virtual pet doesn't die of virutal toxioplasmosis.


Okay it was of 96 and at midnight and those bitches punked on them at the end of the segment so fuck them.
Meier said:
Okay it was of 96 and at midnight and those bitches punked on them at the end of the segment so fuck them.

Yeah it's what I expected from that lot. Those guys were just given a quick summary paper on Oasis that probably read "Oasis, British band, compared themselves to the Beatles, biggest song was wonderwall, brothers fought." And then those "comedians" just went off on that. Thanks for the heads up though.
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