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i need a job

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well summer has arrived, i turn 15 in a few days and i finally get an xbox
it sucks being this young when u dont have any money, i really need a job so i can afford some games.
any advice on where a 15 year boy can get a job?


I didn't have a job at 15....
but what's up with you
pressing enter after every few words.
It gets annoying.
I don't like reading poetry
for this reason.


lol @ wellington

Haiku's are only 17 syllables Hobbit! At least you got the 3 lines thing going on :p

Haha ok but seriously, fast food joints are probably your best bet until you're 16 and more options open up. Of course this all depends on where you live.


asking dangerous questions
Fcuk work! Drop the Xbox controller and enjoy your teenage years hanging out with friends and shyt!

Doth Togo

Stock boy at the local grocery store. Easy money, manual labor, keeps you on your feet. Decent money to start out with...
good point chris is a really good guy, he came to my sister's going away party thats how i got to know him. i thought i knew alot about videogames but man chris knows so much i really respect him for that
I worked at a local grocery store from the day I turned 14 to the day I turned 16. I was a package clerk/cashier and started at $5.50 an hour and then got a raise to $5.80 an hour.

Worst job ever.

But then again it was money, and ended up buying me a decent car.


works for Gamestop (lol)
HobbitGamer89 said:
good point chris is a really good guy, he came to my sister's going away party thats how i got to know him. i thought i knew alot about videogames but man chris knows so much i really respect him for that

Is this the same Chris that I'm thinking?



Get a paper route. I made so much money with mine, that I winded up keeping it for 8 years. I was like the p.diddy of paper routes. whatever that means.


Hollywood Square
I wish I was 15-years-old again. All I did was play sports and videogames and go to the mall. Goddamn, I can't believe it's been five years.


i worked at a comic book shop when i was 15. the owners weren't too happy when they discovered my dyslexia. neither was i.
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