heh, i had a similar experience the first time around. the dude was totally jittery and yelling at me...a car was making a U turn half a block away, i slowed down but advanced cautiously (i should have just stopped), so all of a sudden he screams at me,
"STOOOOP!!! STOOOP!!"...and im like "wtf?!"
he kept hassling me at every point, "your turning is too wide", "you are not stopping at the stop sign" etc and finally by the time i was pulling over to drop him off...i just rolled the steering wheel with one hand, and he was like,
"driving with one hand, you're a regular cowboy aint you?"
thing is, i knew i failed by that time so i didnt even care. fact is i did make those beginner mistakes like rolling stops through the stop signs (in real life, thats what everyone does...no one actually comes to a complete stop before the stop sign unless there are cars coming).
i wasnt really raised that way, my parents barely ever yelled at me...so i usually get very turned off and dont know how to act when people yell at me. its just not civilized behavior IMO.
so next time i was driving extra carefully, slow and the dude fails me because i was driving too slow...go figure. he was like you are using the mirrors to much, you must look back, you're driving too slow etc.