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I need two car speakers, what should I get?

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Well I've finally gotten around to replacing the two rear speakers of my 98 Grand Cherokee which I've pretty much completely blown out. I would be fine with just front speakers since I never ride in the back anyway, but since the fader doesn't completely block out the rear ones and I don't want to just disconnect them, I'm going to need to replace them with something that can handle the load. I'm really getting annoyed from their buzzing sound.

SO. I took a stroll to crutchfield.com and the list they gave me for rear JGC speakers are:

Alpine SPS-170A 6-1/2"/6-3/4" 2-way Car Speakers for 99.99
Pioneer TS-A1780R 6-3/4" 4-Way Speakers for 109.99
Infinity Kappa 62.5i 6-1/2" 2-way Speakers for 149.99

Are these all good speakers, or does one stand out to anyone? I have no idea what to get or what brand to get, but I don't want to be seriously upgrading here. I just don't want rear speakers that blow when I turn it up, and it sounds like the stock rear speakers on Grand Cherokees blow quite often.


Personally, I don't think there's a huge difference between speakers that small. I got 3-way Rockford Fosgate 6.5" in the rear and I compared them to the 2-way 6.5" Infinity speakers (which everyone told me to buy). I thought the Rockfords were much clearer but provided a bit less bass.

The Pioneers I listened to weren't that great. My speakers were pretty cheap too. About $140 CDN so... about $95-100 USD.


I found those Pioneers at another website for only 80 bucks, so I'm leaning heavily in that direction. I didn't realize how cheap these speakers would be. I'm still going to look for some more reviews of all three, but does anyone else have experience in this?


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
You seriously cannot go wrong with *any* of those three. My cousin has an awesome Alpine system set up in his Galant and it sounds incredible. All of those speakers are practically equal in terms of build quality and sound quality. Go for the Alpine since it's the cheapest.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Get 'component speakers'. You get a crossover and tweeters along w/ the speakers. Makes quite a difference, esp. w/ an interior amp.


I was looking at those Pioneers as well, for my bro.

They are available for 66 bucks US at this site:

A customer reviewer on this site also had a Cherokee
I just installed four of these on my Grand Cherokee. They sound simply amazing compaired to the stock ones. I hear highs that I never knew were in the songs and they have decent bass for 6 3/4 inch speakers; enough to shake my rear view and still sound amazing. They obviously aren't subs but they will do while you save up cash for them! At this price these speakers can't be beat. I highly recommend them.

I'm assuming yours are Canadian prices.

You'll have to decide what kind of sound you want before picking up a pair...there is a slight difference and it comes down to preference. Obviously the 3 ways will have some bass to it.

What kind of speakers do you have in the front? What kind of music do you listen to? I understand that you don't want something really fancy, but it's good to know so a recommendation could be made that you'll end up being happy with.


The speakers in the front are stock Infinity Gold speakers, and they are great. The rear ones are also stock, but blown and need to be replaced. All the prices I listed are USD (I live in California...)

I listen mostly to heavy rock, like Metallica, AC/DC etc, but I mix in Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine and various other stuff, which makes bass nice. However, the front speakers have plenty of bass (seriously) and all I really need are rear speakers that won't blow out when I turn up the volume/bass. They don't have to be very powerful at all, but of course if I can get really nice speakers for sub $100, I'll go for them.

I'm so close to just buying the Pioneers right now...

ALSO, should I know anything specific about installation, or should it be a simple disconnect of the original speakers, reconnect the new ones?


However, the front speakers have plenty of bass (seriously) and all I really need are rear speakers that won't blow out when I turn up the volume/bass.

I'd go with the Pioneers then. If your fronts at 3 ways, you might as well get rear 3 ways. I consider the fronts far more important than the backs, and you seem happy with them.

As far as installation goes, I am by no means an expert, but IMO it's really simple. I've made it a habit to cover exposed wires with electrical tape, but I've heard from others that it doesn't matter. When you reconnect the existing wires, just make sure you put positive with positive obviously, I'm sure you'll have no probs.
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