Happened to me once but in a different type of way. My mom got us an astro jump or inflatable castle for 4th of July in like 2001, I know the year because I was playing Paper Mario that year lol. Woke up to my bro and my friend playing in it. Was a complete surprise, and I guess she just wanted to do something fun for us on that day to celebrate. Very thoughtful gesture and it was a lot of fun. That day, I woke up, and basically went in there and started playing with them the first few minutes upon waking so I was dehydrated, no food or water just yet. In there about an hour and it starts to get a bit crazy. My friend was thin as hell, wiry and hyper as fuck all the time. Just a ton of energy so we’re bouncing all over the place nonstop and he decides to start doing all these insane flips and moves. At one point he does the move where you whip up from being on your back and land on your feet. He’s doing it and telling me try it because he thinks this one I can probably do. Was a bit of a chubster at the time, but not too bad so there was no reason not to try I could probably easily do it I thought or at least it looked easy. I eventually decide to go for it, fail completely, and land on my neck on the way down. I just remember kind if being stunned and dazed, maybe it was shock but I had definitely sprained my neck. Next thing I know it’s like instinct, I just get out of there and head to my room to lay down on my bed and relax. I was out of breath from the exercise on top of being dehydrated, on top of that being hungry as fuck, and now this injury to the neck and probably a bunch of swelling taking place. My sister’s ex-bf who is a brother to us, must have gotten word from our boy or my bro who was still in the moon jump castle. He walks into my room for a sec asks if I’m alright, I say yea and within a second or two next thing I know I slip out of consciousness probably right as he walked away. Just blacked out. I think iirc it wasn’t for long? Maybe a minute or a few minutes? Hard to tell, everybody was doing their thing and I had told bro I was ok so if anything probably thought I was just sleeping. But that was the one and only time I ever blacked out in my life. For my situation, I think maybe the discomfort/stress coming from all areas was a bit too much to handle and my brain said shut it down for a few. I’m guessing I was only out for 10-15 min, maybe 20-30 max but it’s hard to tell. Maybe something jarring combined with severe acute pain can do that, even if only jabbing the knee. If your body needs rest badly after it has felt some trauma, it’ll probably be working hard to get it or simply demand it if the pain is great enough I’d imagine. It was instinct after that neck injury and the fatigue, lack of nutrients and water, my body’s intelligence basically just said “go there“, found my resting spot on the bed and blacked out. Probably same with you, except you blacked out at the table im guessing
That was a memorable 4th of July though. My mom took me to the hospital and they gave me a stupid little foam neck brace haha. In the end we all had a great time at the fireworks show. My pops bought a really cool RV earlier that year so we took it near the local park, parked it at a buddy of his’ business parking lot near said park that would usually put on a major fireworks show every 4th. I was just playing some game on my GBA with that goofy old worm light they had for it whenever my neck couldn’t look at fireworks anymore lmao. It was a good day even with the injury
tl;dr version
-sprained neck in inflatable kids castle / moon jump
-blacked out for brief bit of time
-4th of July = top 3 holiday hands down
-unrelated: Joey Chestnut is a beast