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I suck at the Artist thing...

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another GAF traditional vent and bitch thread... I'm Bored :)

I'm starting to think that being an Artist/Painter was the worst thing I could have dreamed about

Okay I have another thread of how I owned myself by signing a contract
hoping to work full-time on what I loved to do... = Paint.

So I'm in the middle of a crisis... and really pissed at myself

But I guess I'm still in that finding yourself bullshit stage if there is such a thing, or maybe I just have not found the heart to really go for it. I just don't have the energy to sell myself
you know tell a bunch of rich people bullshit about your paintings, making up deeper meanings to sell the IDEA that your art is Great!

I just Paint... just to freaken PAINT... Do things I like... sure they have meanings but I like it personal and keep it something that helps me cope with life and living.

I have a cousin... (well not blood but our Mothers knew each other so I spent a lot of time around him and his family)

He is an artist in New York, upcoming and does okay on sales...
I have not sold much at all many times just flat out refusing to... I have been doing nothing for the past 6 years but really focusing on my health... I lost my vision during a hospital stay and it took a long time to get my vision back and the vision in my right eye is gone for good. I wanted to give up then...

So here is what my Cousin has to say everytime we talk ART,

"Naz, don't take it the wrong way but I see you as the kind of artist, whose work will be very hot and sell very well (Millions), but after you are DEAD."

then he said, "Me, I am trying to make my money while I am still alive."

So why can't I be like that?

WTF is wrong with me?

Last Night I could not sleep at all... spent all my money on a failed move to TX
rent is coming up and I am doomed... Feeling very depressed... Wondering what it would be like to be DEAD and FAMOUS.

10am finally sleep...
4pm I wake up to check my email from my website... and as usual people who like my work send comments... then I read this

"WOW Your art is beautiful and really unique compared to anything I have seen. Good luck and keep doing what your doing. The only thing is that you know that most artist don`t get famous until after they die."

WTF why did this person send me this note at this time....? GOD hates me :(

I took my anger out on 2 paintings today... old canvas paintings I did not like much...
(or did I?)

Could not break my Oil Pastel on Board work... Kicked them Stomped them...
but that damn black Industrial Foam Board I used just laughed at me... I need a fucking Hammer. I have a room full of art around me while sleeping on the carpet - no furniture

If I only had a Hammer...

now just trying to find distractions on GAF and the web... can't sleep



I'd buy that painting from you for 10 bucks if it makes you feel any better.

Naz you really are a great artist man. I really like your work. And i'm sure some that have actually seen your work would agree.


I wish you all the best, naz. I'm not going to pretend that I know what it's like to go through what you've been going through because I don't.

Have you considered trying something else for the moment until you get your footing in the art business?


The most artists dont get famous until they die thing is bullshit. You just have to learn a new set of skills. To be a modern painter, you must be good enough (people will tell you great, but use your eyes to see the current marketplace and you will see a different story), you must build a following in an area with a growing or established art market, You must follow the market, both regional and international (but you must also stick to your guns) you must meet the right people, you must be part showman, you must show your work at every opportunity you can (getting your name out there is a must), and you must never give up because gaining an audience can take years. Move if you must. Go to where the scene is hot. Talk yourself up, because no one else will, and as I said earlier, never, ever give up. Do these things, and you will find success.
yeah I am going to take a break for a long while

I don't know if I believe in making it doing this.

it is funny yesterday I found a Gallery in Dallas


They have an huge collection of artists from CUBA HAITI JAMAICA and LATIN AMERICA
as well as some US and Canada

but they focus on CUBA HAITI and Latin America

the thing is I was born in Haiti... just moved here too young and also went to art school
so when galleries like this look for HAITIAN Art they are looking for an exotic and more of a folk art style.

looking over the site I could see my Art in someplace like that even if I am not in Haiti
But just sending them an email and telling them have a look does not get me far
Even if I think my work would do well, they would have to feel that way about it.

I will just slow down and focus on something else for now...

thanks guys I just needed to vent a little


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Sometimes we run into a brick wall... a little break will do you some good! I mean will all of the BS going on in your life the last few weeks or so, I am sure it is hard to find it in your heart to do your best work! Just take the time to clear your head =)
Lost Weekend said:
The most artists dont get famous until they die thing is bullshit. You just have to learn a new set of skills. To be a modern painter, you must be good enough (people will tell you great, but use your eyes to see the current marketplace and you will see a different story), you must build a following in an area with a growing or established art market, You must follow the market, both regional and international (but you must also stick to your guns) you must meet the right people, you must be part showman, you must show your work at every opportunity you can (getting your name out there is a must), and you must never give up because gaining an audience can take years. Move if you must. Go to where the scene is hot. Talk yourself up, because no one else will, and as I said earlier, never, ever give up. Do these things, and you will find success.

yeah I need an agent...

but yeah I'm going to keep at it, after a little break

Ill Saint

If it's any consolation, I know how you feel. I'm going down the same path myself... it's hard as fuck. The self-doubt that goes along with being an artist can take it's toll, but the most important is to keep going...
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