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I want a proper sequel to Def Jam: Fight for NY

Simply put, it's the best fighting game OF ALL TIME, and that's not a knock on Kanye.

This made three of my non-gamer friends buy a PS2.

This game is the reason why you should have a multitap.

Those free for all 4 player matches were truly one of the best gaming experiences i've ever had.

Then came Kudo Tsunoda and Icon, i swear, i still hate that bastard for what he did with the series.

All i need is a Def Jam FFNY updated version, running at 60 FPS with new characters and new moves, that's it. It's not really hard to do, but i guess the future for the Def Jam license is very tainted, if they rumors of a music game are true.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Agreed I spent sooo much time playing this game on my gamecube. Must have had at least 5 100% characters.


Yeef said:
I don't think I know anyone who's played this game and not liked. Such a fanatastic amount of fun.

Very true, even non-gamer friends with no rap music knowledge whatsoever couldn't lay the controllers down.

Probably won't be seeing a worthy successor reading the comment about the dev team being disbanded, but if there ever will be a new one, they better put Eazy-E in !



Junior Member
I guess I need to go back and play this game. I loved WCW vs NWO Revenge but only briefly played the first Def Jam.

Also, that new Ready 2 Rumble game that came out back in March for the Wii was made by AKI.


Sequel idea: When you win a fight, during your victory screen, Kanye comes out and says, "IMMA LET YOU FINISH CELEBRATIN', BUT BEYONCE HAD ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS OF ALL TIME"


Chairhome said:
Sequel idea: When you win a fight, during your victory screen, Kanye comes out and says, "IMMA LET YOU FINISH CELEBRATIN', BUT BEYONCE HAD ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS OF ALL TIME"

Played out joke is unfunny.


Goddamn this game was awesome! I beat it like 36 times, such a great game. Vendetta was awesome too. I'm still wondering what the hell were they thinking when it comes to Icon.

I want a proper sequel with every rapper who ever existed.


i can't believe what they did to ICON.

FFNY is an incredible game. Glad I picked it up when I did.


The game would of been cool except for the fact that you had to end each match with a special move or else your opponent wouldn't die.

Think about that for a second.



Alphahawk said:
The game would of been cool except for the fact that you had to end each match with a special move or else your opponent wouldn't die.

Think about that for a second.

100% wrong. You had to finish your opponent with a strong move or submission (if submissions were enabled). A regular strong punch or kick takes them out once their life is low enough. Environmental attacks, weapons and specials could also take them out, obviously.


Funny that this pops up together with the SSX thread. It's another mishandled EA franchise. The new EA should resurrect both frnchises the right way.

He deserves much worse! :mad:

He's working on Natal isn't that enough? ;)


neorej said:
Both Vendetta and FFNY were awesome. Icon was a shame to the series. This IP deserves a decent reboot dammit. Get all those rappers back, Method Man, Busta Rhymes, Snoop, Redman, DMX, Sean Paul (his VA was hilarious), etc, etc, get AKI on it, and it will sell like hot buns.

this. more oldschool names like slick rick, sermon etc were a lotta fun.
i actually enjoyed Icon (though not nearly as much, granted) but the lineup was severely lacking compared to NY.
i got so hyped seeing another Def Jam game listed till i realized its another music game.
ps this was one of the last ones id hoped for xbox BC on, shame that.
Fight 4 NY was crack and so was Vendetta. ICON tried to be too damn different for what ever reason and it gets shitted on constantly for good reason. ICON is good in it's own special way (term used very loosely) but Vendetta and FFNY outshine it because they're just better games period. If ICON would've followed the 3B's of sequels (Bigger, Badder, Bigger) and just used FFNY as a base for improvement and balance then that debacle wouldn't have had to happen. I'd definitely would support a sequel in the vein of FFNY just to have the opportunity to play what would be an excellent game.

seattle6418 said:
This game is the reason why you should have a multitap.

See also The Bouncer, Urban Reign, Battle Stadium D.O.N, Bleach Blade Battlers 1 & 2, Street Fighter EX3 and Tekken Tag Tournament.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ReXXXSoprano said:
Fight 4 NY was crack and so was Vendetta. ICON tried to be too damn different for what ever reason and it gets shitted on constantly for good reason. ICON is good in it's own special way (term used very loosely) but Vendetta and FFNY outshine it because they're just better games period. If ICON would've followed the 3B's of sequels (Bigger, Badder, Bigger) and just used FFNY as a base for improvement and balance then that debacle wouldn't have had to happen. I'd definitely would support a sequel in the vein of FFNY just to have the opportunity to play what would be an excellent game.

Yeah I'm always amazed when a developer looks at a game sees it was really successful and instead of just expanding on that game, they decided to blow it up and move in a different direction....


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Yeef said:
I don't think I know anyone who's played this game and not liked. Such a fanatastic amount of fun.

Me! I'm too old for all that rapid tappity-tap-tap.
This thread inspired me to give Icon another chance and played it for a couple hours last night.

Still terrible. The gameplay is clunky and has no rhythm, the whole scratch thing is dumb, I don't like how heath is represented, and it is just overall bad. I hated the menus too and how everything was set up in the front end.

And maybe I couldn't figure out how to do it, but how do you break throws in Icon? Also, the practice mode sucks, or I couldn't find the option to have the AI dummy just stand there (like all other fighting games do). He by default fights you. In practice mode!?

Just dumb. They need to reboot this series, because the license is awesome.
The only wrestling game i have ever liked and it was sooooo addictive!!

I remember starting a character to play with my friend and getting my ass tossed around the entire match. Stayed the night at his place that night playing. Didn't sleep at all.. his roomate came home at 2 in the morning from work and i had just bought my first entire new outfit +watch and chain ... By the next morning i had a full white suit, silver chains, Jacob watch, aviators and the C-walk blazin move bought the fuck up. Challenged homie to a rematch and squelched him... he sent me home to get my multi-tap before lunch and the three of us and his girlfriend drank and mobbed on that game for like 4 days straight.

Amazing when a game is that compelling and fun it makes memories for you so easily. The constant calls for rematch were glorious (reigning king of the ring for my entire group of friends right here :D )


OMG, going round to a mates house and owning them in this game, it was awesome beating them with a finisher, and just dropping the controller and walking off to make a cup of tea....good times...


Alphahawk said:
The game would of been cool except for the fact that you had to end each match with a special move or else your opponent wouldn't die.

Think about that for a second.


you obviously never experienced the joy of ramming someone's head into a wall to finish, or clocking them with a wrench. Or even just punching them strongly.:lol


tjohn86 said:
Man FFNY was epic with a group of buddies

Most fun I think Ive ever had with local multi

Hell yeah, the PS2 version was always one of the most popular games to play with my friends. Loved it, would love to see a HD sequel, shame that's likely never happening :/
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