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I was asked my "preferred pronouns" today when making an appointment. First time this has happened in my experience

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Gold Member
It is virtue signaling when there is a photo of a bearded balding white guy with the same "Douglas Timmons" that somehow thinks folks might not know he is a "he/him".


Tim Stuart is so he/him that he doubled down on the male names
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can imagine the typical kebab shop worker asking to be called boss, because that's what everyone else calls him


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It is virtue signaling when there is a photo of a bearded balding white guy with the same "Douglas Timmons" that somehow thinks folks might not know he is a "he/him".
It's not virtue signaling to ask, they just want to know how you want to be addressed. It's like sometimes they ask your name and then what you prefer to be called like name 'Michael' prefer 'Mike'.
Now if you have that you prefer to be called Mike on a profile, especially one that will never be used by anyone deciding to call you anything you may have a problem.


Gold Member
I have not been asked but I work at an elementary school and people started leaving their preferred pronouns under their signature in the email.

I have no problems with addressing people by their preferred pronoun. Just don't expect me to answer the question myself. Pretty much in line with dragoon kain.

Honestly it's none of anyone's business but I understand why it's happening.


Gold Member
Basically. Some people care a lot though. Call the wrong married woman Miss and you will catch an earful. And vice versa. I had a physics teacher who insisted on being called Dr because he had a PhD. Some people will get triggered by their existence due to the Mrs/Miss thing.
And don't get me started with the whole addressing of mail to family thing.
Hahaha. My fucking sophomore English teacher insisted we call him Dr. because he had a doctorate in English. It was the biggest fucking joke. Everyone made fun of him because he was SO insistent and serious about Dr.

So after my wife and I closed on our first house guess who I realized as we drove out of the driveway.... The fucking Dr was my new neighbor. Luckily he didn't remember me.


Gold Member
I'm almost certain there has to be a moe anime with a cast of cute Chopper Girls...

AH-64-san is the standoffish Tsundere
UH-60-chan is the hard-working Genki Girl
Ka50-chan is the crazy Yandere
CH-124-kun is the derpy Bakadere of course - always falling off the deck into the ocean on the way to deployment.


I had to make an appointment with the sexual health clinic last year for a ....*cough* inspection.

The woman asked me on the phone what I identify as.
My mind went blank. As in I just didn't comprehend what she was asking me.

It took me a few seconds to relies "Oh yea. We live in THIS age now".


Gold Member
It's not virtue signaling to ask, they just want to know how you want to be addressed. It's like sometimes they ask your name and then what you prefer to be called like name 'Michael' prefer 'Mike'.
Now if you have that you prefer to be called Mike on a profile, especially one that will never be used by anyone deciding to call you anything you may have a problem.
When it only applies to maybe 0.5% of the population then yes, it is virtue signaling. Your example only applies to specific names with well known nicknames. Its like asking EVERYONE if they want to be called sweetie or just their regular name.


I hate how this Pronoun bullshit continue to grow and spread out like a virus, and that there doesn't appear to be any real pushback to it. You get a lot of laughter and saying it's ridiculous. But that's no resistance, especially when it keeps being inserted into those "systemic" (blech) processes across several industries and government sectors. It's gotta be one of the most stupid inventions in recent memory.


Gold Member
I've been asked a few times over the last 8 months. Honestly at those times I've had other stuff on my mind and just answered "Male" and that seemed to be enough.


The social etiquette should be this:

I will call you by your preferred pronoun but you have to make some kind of effort to at least present yourself as the opposite sex. Shave! Wear a fucking scarf over that huge Adam's apple!

Otherwise you are just ego-tripping and should not expect society to cater to you -- when you have done absolutely nothing.


Neighbours from Hell
The social etiquette should be this:

I will call you by your preferred pronoun but you have to make some kind of effort to at least present yourself as the opposite sex. Shave! Wear a fucking scarf over that huge Adam's apple!

Otherwise you are just ego-tripping and should not expect society to cater to you -- when you have done absolutely nothing.
The funny thing about using pronouns is they are actually rarely used. Your communication to someone will virtually never use pronouns when speaking directly to them. It'll just be "you." Unless it's a multi person conversation going. And in those instances, I will use the pronoun... if they're an actual word. He, she, they. I refuse to use made up "neopronouns." I'm under no obligation to get used to remembering and using complete fictional language. Just like I wouldn't expect anyone to call me Dumbledore instead of my actual name and if I were to go into a tirade that someone didn't call me Dumbledore, I'd be the asshole, not them.
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Never been asked verbally but have seen it on a few forms now. I just check the applicable box and move on.

I'd probably have a pause if asked in person because I'm not used to it. Doesn't bother me though...?


I think I'd have probably said, just the normal one.

What if you get asked that for a job interview? I'd see it as a sign to bail probably.


It's still difficult adjusting to this being a thing, even though I fully support it. Haven't been asked on anything other than a form. If I had to guess most people in my region don't encounter it or when they do care about it since they have more important things to think about or confront than this issue. Think many see it as political as they shrug.

I like the scifi feel of the question as it makes me think about stuff like Altered Carbon contrasted with how we adjust in the real world to biotech advances with studies in consciousness and ai and how we view ourselves and each other.
In a practical sense it does make sense to begin establishing methods for record keeping and to help the adjustment of the (re)-incarnation of consciousness into a suitable body as part of the social contract regarding identity if this becomes more a thing. Imagine it could become pretty fashionable with long life spans and advancing tech.


Got my shock in the USA when the fill-up forums keep asking me about my race. asking me to choose made up categories. Because hereditary vulnerabilities they said. how are German-Brazilians and Italian-Argentinians "Hispanic" exactly?


This showed up for the first time in October at my doctor's office, both gender as well as how I would like to be addressed. Almost put that I had to be addressed as Mister Princess Unicorn just to see how the doc would react, older guy in his 60's.
Good call not making a big deal about it.

If someone asks me that I'd probably do the same. But part of me would want to say "what the fuck do I sound like to you?"

They get a few of those I bet they drop it from their questionnaire.
That's risky. I work in shipping. I've talked to several truckers that sound like the burliest men you'd meet. I would like "Thanks for your help sir." And they'd be like "I'm a fucking woman, asshole."


That's risky. I work in shipping. I've talked to several truckers that sound like the burliest men you'd meet. I would like "Thanks for your help sir." And they'd be like "I'm a fucking woman, asshole."

Before my balls dropped I'd get that on telephone conversations sometimes, but in reverse of course.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
“Am I not enough man to you standing here?” And make a big deal out of it. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
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Some of my co workers started changing their profiles to include gender pronouns and it just feels off/weird. Most of the managers do it probably because corporate tell them they should. I honestly try to write gender neutral as possible because you can never tell and I already have a damn hard enough time making sure I’m not saying the wrong thing.

This post reminds me of this YouTube skit.



Why does it bother you so much? are you really that fragile?

Genuine question, not troll. If someone wants to be called he / she / they / them whatever the fuck, its their business. Times change for the better over time, being a luddite isn't a good look.
This is where I am at. It’s none of my business. And I’m not going to be an asshole and not call them by their preferred pronoun. It’s just being respectful even if you don’t agree.
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