Basically because MURICA?
Guns, blood and gore are okay, but OH MY GOD THATS A TIT/PENIS. BURN WITH FIRE!!1 (or better, with lots of guns).
Really shocked at all of the hand-wringing in this thread from people who seem to be under the impression that there's a correlation between violent video games and real-world youth-related violent crime. But youth-related violent crime has decreased since the mid-90s, in spite of the rise of violent shooters like CoD and even GTA.
Basically, OP, if it's not your kid, it's not your place.
Well i doubt he would get a cake with titties or a penis tho!
But yeah i get what you mean unless it's full on porn or sex etc, whats so bad about showing naked bodies in media? That does not ofcourse mean naked stuff should be shown everywhere but it should not be a sort of crazy taboo like now.
If gore is fine why not that?
CoD is the new GI.JOE. GAF clutches their pearls at the weirdest shit.
They'll probably get him an AR-15 when he turns 16.
A lot of people in this thread seem to feel that it's either going to program kids to be violent or have no negative effects whatsoever. I have a feeling it's probably not so black and white.
Yeah how weird for people to think it's inappropriate for a kid's party to trivialize and/or glamorize warfare.You - like a majority of GAF people - are overthinking this
Could be, yes. But the notion that this kid will grow up to be a psycho, a killer or whatever is crazy. It's been refuted countless times, by now.
Let the parents decide this.Nah, it's definitely inappropriate.
A birthday cake with bullets and grenades is fucking gross. What will they do next? Waterboarding party? Don't worry kids, they only do it to bad people!
Let the parents decide this.
I played Blood when I was 8. My parents educated me well and explained that it's all a game and all that.
It's not rocket science.
Harmless fun.
My kid has played hundreds of hours of Titanfall 2 since it came out. We often play it together. He just turned 8 a couple months ago. He understands it's a game and the violence and dying and respawning aren't real. He's had a ton of fun playing it and getting good at it. He also had a great year in school, has other activtities he enjoys like Legos, and is very active in sports, etc. so he has a healthy balance of different things going on in his life. Would you still play the game with your 8-year-old if the only reason he wanted to play it was because he liked seeing people getting shot or because he fetishised guns so much he just HAS to see them used?
Overprotective parents that coddle their children should consider instead teaching them the difference between real and make believe. Non-parents that are critical of parents for what they let their kids watch and play should mind their own damn business.
Is it really that different than Cowboys v Indians or Cops v Robbers?
No, it's super weird. That's way to youngYou - like a majority of GAF people - are overthinking this
Do we really have to argue if it's appropriate to give your 7-year old a grenades-and-guns-birthday-cake? Seriously?
Is it really that different than Cowboys v Indians or Cops v Robbers?
How would feel about a bday cake with swords and a shield on it for a 7 year old boy?
Good question. I'd say if you are playing cops vs robbers like in a Saturday morning cartoon, it's fine. If your kids are playing it like The Shield or Breaking Bad...then I don't like it anymore.
How is playing the game not worse than a cake then?There is a difference in playing a game with your kid and baking him a cake with grenades and rifles on it. Because it takes away the reason you like to play the games, because you like how the mechanics work, the moment to moment gameplay, and all that's left is a pretty sick example of gun fetishisation.
Do we really have to argue if it's appropriate to give your 7-year old a grenades-and-guns-birthday-cake? Seriously?
Yes. It would be the same if he got a birthday cake with a tied-up "Indian" or a Cowboy with a Tomahawk splitting his skull. Playing a game as a kid and contextualising it with things you know from society is different from that kid's parent choosing to bake a cake full of symbols of violence and death, I mean, come on.
Exactly how I would feel about a bday cake with pirate symbols on it: Indifferent. Because those are part of a fantasy that has no bearing on real life or the culture we live in. The kid won't be a pirate raping women when he grows up and he won't turn into a rogue knight slicing up commoners with his sword.
Meanwhile, gun violence and shootings by and of kids are an incredible problem in the United States and gun culture and the inherent fetishisation of guns that comes with it play a large part in it. Turning an eight-year-old kids' love of Ego-Shooters into a love of guns, rifles and grenades is dangerous and irresponsible, because guns aren't part of some fantasy but, living in the United States, they are possibly readily available somewhere in his or at some friends' house.
There is a difference in playing a game with your kid and baking him a cake with grenades and rifles on it. Because it takes away the reason you like to play the games, because you like how the mechanics work, the moment to moment gameplay, and all that's left is a pretty sick example of gun fetishisation.
Do we really have to argue if it's appropriate to give your 7-year old a grenades-and-guns-birthday-cake? Seriously?
Yes. It would be the same if he got a birthday cake with a tied-up "Indian" or a Cowboy with a Tomahawk splitting his skull. Playing a game as a kid and contextualising it with things you know from society is different from that kid's parent choosing to bake a cake full of symbols of violence and death, I mean, come on.
It's all about context. A kid who grows up playing violent video games in a loving household where they are taught compassion and empathy is going to be just fine. A kid who never has violence, sex, drugs, or whatever they see in media put into context by an adult is probably going to be at greater risk for developing anti-social behavior.
That's isn't praise or criticism for the COD birthday party. I do think it's in weird taste, but I don't think that ever turned anybody into a murderer either.