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I wish I had my little brothers courage.

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I never felt this angry/ashamed before.

An hour ago my 17 y/o brother(who's less than half his size) and father got into an argument over chores/cleaning whatever. My dad is a miserable person. He loves stepping on people. I guess he didn't like something he muttered under his breath. Next thing I know I hear screaming and pounding. Five minutes later my brother's outside walking around crying just talking to himself. I get a phone call from a sister(30) who wants to talk to him. I hear the situations as my dads throwing him against a door.He drags him by his neck into a room popping him everytime he tries to get up. Tells him to clean up. He mutters again and my pops screams who the fuck do you think you are? Looks him in the face and says he's a better person than you. Dad grabs him by the neck and throws him out and says no you're a homeleess person. THis shit is not new. It's been happening since before I was born(I'm 19). The killing part is my other sister(24) makes light of it. Making excuses for him, talking about he chooses to stay. How can you spew some bullshit like that? Her and mom got the fuck out when she was 16. He put her damn head through a wall. She fucking knows exactly what goes on over here. I was trying to tell her and she kept dismissing, I think something tragic is gonna happen tonight. I wish to god he's try that shit with mettonight . THe fucking coward beats women and kids but doesn't toush men his size.

Sorry about any speeliing errors my arms are fucking shaking right now. I know sitting here typing won't doa a goddamn thing, but I had to get this off my chest and If I have to look at his ass I know there's gonna be some shit.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
I am sorry that you are in such a position socially that you have to share something so traumatic and personal (assuming you're being truthful) on an Internet forum. My advice to you would be to take your brother and leave, go anywhere.


Odoul said:
I never felt this angry/ashamed before.

An hour ago my 17 y/o brother(who's less than half his size) and father got into an argument over chores/cleaning whatever. My dad is a miserable person. He loves stepping on people. I guess he didn't like something he muttered under his breath. Next thing I know I hear screaming and pounding. Five minutes later my brother's outside walking around crying just talking to himself. I get a phone call from a sister(30) who wants to talk to him. I hear the situations as my dads throwing him against a door.He drags him by his neck into a room popping him everytime he tries to get up. Tells him to clean up. He mutters again and my pops screams who the fuck do you think you are? Looks him in the face and says he's a better person than you. Dad grabs him by the neck and throws him out and says no you're a homeleess person. THis shit is not new. It's been happening since before I was born(I'm 19). The killing part is my other sister(24) makes light of it. Making excuses for him, talking about he chooses to stay. How can you spew some bullshit like that? Her and mom got the fuck out when she was 16. He put her damn head through a wall. She fucking knows exactly what goes on over here. I was trying to tell her and she kept dismissing, I think something tragic is gonna happen tonight. I wish to god he's try that shit with mettonight . THe fucking coward beats women and kids but doesn't toush men his size.

Sorry about any speeliing errors my arms are fucking shaking right now. I know sitting here typing won't doa a goddamn thing, but I had to get this off my chest and If I have to look at his ass I know there's gonna be some shit.

Likes to post pointless threads, written by somebody else, who isn't even funny and tend to ramble on like this tag!

...I see.


I'm not worried about myself. I just need to make a call and I got a way out. What about him? If the police got involved or I jumped wouldn't shit change. I hate this fuckin place.


Ok why would I make up a story about a kid getting his ass kicked. It's not funny and anyone who grew up in shit like this know exactly what I'm talking about.

He hasn't blown up like this in a few years. I thought he calmed down. He was in a car accident years ago. He had heart trouble. I honestly thought this type of shit was over with. My brothers still sitting outside in the dark and why the FUCK isn't my mom calling my cell back.

I really wish I was able to communicate that this was just the way we grew up. If you could hear some of the things my oldest sisters told me about and plus my mom you would not believe it.

And he has the balls to scream about God all the time.

evil ways

You're 19 right? So if the guy has laid his hands on your mom, and sister in the past, you have the authority to whip his fucking ass.


evil ways said:
You're 19 right? So if the guy has laid his hands on your mom, and sister in the past, you have the authority to whip his fucking ass.


I'd call the cops if I were you, but my natural instincts would be to get a rolled-up towel and choke the bastard until he passed out. I think by that time any other situation would be better than watching your own flesh and blood beat the hell out of you. I can't stand abusive parents.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So he kicked your brother out? You should go out there and take him somewhere while you wait for the call from your mom. Can you get him dinner or something?

That does sound horrible. I hope you can work this out. The police should get involved for sure. Don't be afraid to call him in. Your dad would get the crap beat out of him in jail, that would set him straight...


I've been there dude, it blows. Find a friend and get the hell out of dodge, take your brother with you. Because your dad won't change, especially not overnight.


Calling the cops and waiting for child services to do anyhting might be too late. Take your bro and stay someplace safe, a friends or you oldest sisters until you can figure out what to do next. That said it's hard to just up and leave your family even if your dad is an asshole.
Given what your father allegedly did to your mother, I would assume he has a criminal record. If you call the police, he would be arrested immediately.

By the way, given what he did to your mother, why aren't you living with her?
you lil brother has been watching alot of naruto.

with that said, call 911 and tell your guidance counselor at school

and if all else fails, get your friends dads to jump your dad while he is drunk.



To everyone who responded thanks. Besides my sister there honestly isn't else I can talk to about this stuff(hell I'd be too ashamed to tell anyone I knew besides famil).

My brother's in the house now. My dad is still on his case. But he calmed down the physical shit and he's indoors.

My family situation is just fucked up. It's hard to tell people for years that was just how life was at my house. Everyone in my extended family knew my dad as the crazy uncle.

The most fucked up part is my dad went through this same shit with POS father and step-dad. And he still pulls it.

As for hurting/killing him, I've actually laid at night weighing getting locked up vs never having to deal with him again, and I'm not the only one of his kids to think about it.

I wish he wasn't like this. I honestly thought this part of him was dead.


asking dangerous questions
Those that get abused as kids often grow up to abuse their own kids.
Don't be ashamed - just get the f. outta there, and take your bro.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
can't you just try and beat him in a fight?

Maybe your brother could help, smack him senseless and tell him if he ever touches either of you again you will both kill him. if you are not there yet, just tell him one day you'll be stronger than him and then hes fucked. Then if you cop a hiding, actually follow through with your promise.


You mean you DIDN'T try to stop him from beating your younger brother?

I'd definately have attempted to stop him. Physical wounds wouldn't compare to the emotional wounds I would have from letting someone beat up on my little brother. And why is he still at your house? Get him the fuck out of there. Tell him to pack some clothes, see if he can spend the night at a friends house over the weekend, and call the cops dude.
Abuse is cyclical, as people have mentioned in this thread. You've been abused, you're more likely to abuse. It's just the nature of the beast, and your pops seems no exception.

That said, anyone who is willing to physically abuse you or your family doesn't respect you or them. I'm not big on "family bonds" simply because you share genetics. If the man is willing to abuse you, he deserves jack shit in terms of consideration or respect from you or anyone you know. Fuck this man and everything he represents. Any remorse he demonstrates immediately becomes void the minute he raises his hand to someone he loves. Don't make excuses for him, and don't try to rationalize his behavior or fight your feelings of resentment towards him. Society is designed to hold people like this reponsible for their behavior. All you have to do is pick up the phone the next time he attempts to be abusive. Do not fear him. Fuck him. You are in charge of your own life, and if he's willing to abuse you, then he is nothing but a sperm donor, not your father.

Make sure the next time that he wants to act out that he ends up in cuffs when all is said and done. If he tries to hit you or your brother again, first call the authorities immediately and tell them to send someone over, and keep a detailed mental account of what happened that evening as well as his previous abuse. Then, if it were me, I would tee off on his fucking ass until the cops arrived. Anything should be fair game against such a peace of shit. He's man enough to beat the shit out of women and children, then he should be man enough to take an ass whooping from a Louisville Slugger. Stand up to him, for your own sake, and let him know that he's thrown away his children through his behavior. Regardless of whether you choose to act as I would (I'm sorry, but someone's beating my little bro,I pummel their face until my hands are Jello...FUCK THAT..he should feel lucky to draw breath by the time I'm done with him), make sure that this man is in custody and facing charges when all is said and done. Do not fear consequence!! He is in the wrong, and, bloodlines aside, is just another criminal making you and your family the victims. He does not deserve your respect or mercy. You care for him, pray that the penitentiary, and hell, go easy on him..


Ned Flanders said:
Abuse is cyclical, as people have mentioned in this thread. You've been abused, you're more likely to abuse. It's just the nature of the beast, and your pops seems no exception.

That said, anyone who is willing to physically abuse you or your family doesn't respect you or them. I'm not big on "family bonds" simply because you share genetics. If the man is willing to abuse you, he deserves jack shit in terms of consideration or respect from you or anyone you know. Fuck this man and everything he represents. Any remorse he demonstrates immediately becomes void the minute he raises his hand to someone he loves. Don't make excuses for him, and don't try to rationalize his behavior or fight your feelings of resentment towards him. Society is designed to hold people like this reponsible for their behavior. All you have to do is pick up the phone the next time he attempts to be abusive. Do not fear him. Fuck him. You are in charge of your own life, and if he's willing to abuse you, then he is nothing but a sperm donor, not your father.

Make sure the next time that he wants to act out that he ends up in cuffs when all is said and done. If he tries to hit you or your brother again, first call the authorities immediately and tell them to send someone over, and keep a detailed mental account of what happened that evening as well as his previous abuse. Then, if it were me, I would tee off on his fucking ass until the cops arrived. Anything should be fair game against such a peace of shit. He's man enough to beat the shit out of women and children, then he should be man enough to take an ass whooping from a Louisville Slugger. Stand up to him, for your own sake, and let him know that he's thrown away his children through his behavior. Regardless of whether you choose to act as I would (I'm sorry, but someone's beating my little bro,I pummel their face until my hands are Jello...FUCK THAT..he should feel lucky to draw breath by the time I'm done with him), make sure that this man is in custody and facing charges when all is said and done. Do not fear consequence!! He is in the wrong, and, bloodlines aside, is just another criminal making you and your family the victims. He does not deserve your respect or mercy. You care for him, pray that the penitentiary, and hell, go easy on him..

Best post ever.


capslock said:
I am sorry that you are in such a position socially that you have to share something so traumatic and personal (assuming you're being truthful) on an Internet forum. My advice to you would be to take your brother and leave, go anywhere.
Don't be an ass. The internet is the best place for this kind of stuff because nobody knows who you are.


Yeah, don't insult his social life, this type of thing isn't easy to talk about... I can't say I've been there myself, but common sense tells me this much, Odoul - you're 19 years old; take responsibility into your own hands. Call the cops and get yourself and your brother the hell out of there. Don't get into a fight with your father, even if you can take him. He'll know you can beat him up and take out even more of his pent up violent angst on your brother. It seems to be a common characteristic of abusive parents. They'll go after someone with a smart mouth but little to no strength.

The fact that the rest of your family isn't helping the situation much is indeed strange... perhaps they're just glad they aren't getting abused anymore and are afraid to approach him?
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