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I woke up in a cold sweat when I realized it, but I had a hunters dream I was playing the open world sequel to Bloodborne


The bear of bad news
At first I didn't really remember what my dream was about, you know that thing when you wake up and it takes a bit before you remember what you dreamt about, but then it clicked. I was strolling along in my horse and carriage in a whole wide open world sprawling area to Cainhurst Castle and the graphics were amazing you should have seen them. I couldn't believe how much better the gothic art design was than Elden Ring and there was nothing samey in it either like the bosses in Elden Ring.

I know what you're thinking, open worlds suck I don't want it to Bloodborne to be open world, but trust me it may have been open world but somehow all of the areas were as tightly designed as Bloodborne, maybe even more and not bloated like Elden Ring. I was bummed out when I realized I got faked out with the dream so I tried to go back to sleep and continue my dream but it ended up being some crud that I was at grandma's house but she had a bowling alley in her backyard. Anyway, yes it's all true my friends, this is how open world Soulsborne was meant to be played. I hope this dream was a prophecy or apparition so we will all get to enjoy this sometime soon.




Video game dreams can be so good, especially when your mind thinks it's playing the perfect 10 out of 10 sequel. And there's no technical limitations in your dream, I've played the most photo realistic Zelda game imaginable there. Recently I had a dream where I was playing a 1,000,000 person Fortnite battle royale and my squad was hunkered down in a skyscraper to skyscraper battle far above the clouds, it was cool.


Lucky you!
I dreamed I had a talking cuff on my wrist that wouldn't shut up.
The bizarre thing is that I never played Forspoken and the last time I saw something of that game was 5 min of gameplay on YT when the demo was released.
My dreams are very fuzzy, but it was a very short dream "segment".
Why won't Sony give us Bloodborne?

If Sony don't want to bother their ass with it then From Software should just do what they did with Demon's Souls and give us the Dark Souls equivalent of Bloodborne. Different name but basically the same thing yet better.

It's kinda hard to come up with a name that is similiar to Bloodborne. Demons Souls to Dark Souls was easy. Maybe give it a more lovecraftian name. I'm sure if they went through the list of Lovecraft titles they'd come up with something cool sounding.

With Sony in charge of Bloodborne the best we'll get is a remake for PS6 by a poor quality studio.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
“I had a bad dream”
“Don’t be afraid, bad dreams are only dreams”
“What a time you chose to be born”.


Gold Member
It will be incredibly disappointing if they don’t release a remaster or something for PS5.

I would walk 500 miles for a sequel too.


The modding scene could have done a sequel if the game was ported to PC. Look at the amazing stuff they are doing with the souls games.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I should think that you still have dreams. Next time you dream, give some thought to the hunt, and its purpose.
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