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If Steam(Half Life 2) succeeds...


I love Steam as an option, and as long as there will always be both traditional retail channels to sell boxed games it can really benefit everyone.

I too couldn't find my Half-Life box or CD if you put a gun to my head, but my Steam account is still installed and I can play HL/CS/DoD whenever I want on any comp I feel like installing it to. With a higher speed cable connection I didn't even bother burning a backup when I last reformated my comp. One thing I did learn was that you can never assume you remember your username for something that you load almost daily if it auto-logs in. ;) But 30 seconds after filling out the lost username/pass form on Steams site I was reminded of the old email addy I used and I was good to go.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Frankly, I wouldn't mind at all buying all games like this. In the longer term I see it being the mainstream option, and publishers/retailers being teh doomed.


I'm pretty sure it will remain an option, there are alot of consumers who are simply oblivious to ideas such as digital delivery.

I will be buying HL2 via Steam for several reasons.

1. Valve gets 2.5 times more money, and judging by the amount of play time I got out of HL1/CS/DOD etc etc, they deserve all of it.

2. I get CS:S next week.

3. The Kiwi/American exchange rate is good, I will pay much less that I would at retail over here, and I won't be paying postage or customs fees.

4. I will have access to the game as soon as it hits American shelves. I don't have to wait for planes, trains or boats, or the NZ Censorship system.


But but then why did I bought all these games for.... If Steam does become the distribution of the future, I won't be able to expand my collection. :......................................................(

Me = Owned !
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