Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I'm not into candy these days, but back when I was I liked Nerds, Runts, and Bottlecaps (actually I still like those). But I NEVER understood people willingly choosing licorice as a "treat". Is there a worse treat? Both red and black versions are vile, it's like eating a mildly flavored strip of car tire.
Well, I saw this on the Doctors show this week, and there's an article from this week too. Licorice can cause seizures and dangerous blood pressure levels:
The doctors on the show mentioned this affects adults too, the limit should be 2 ounces if you are eating licorice daily which is what the health administration also recommends as the limit (who would subject themselves to that though???!!).
The next time someone offers you licorice politely toss it in the trash where it belongs!

Well, I saw this on the Doctors show this week, and there's an article from this week too. Licorice can cause seizures and dangerous blood pressure levels:
Your mother was right: You really can overdose on candy.
Doctors are recommending that licorice makers list a daily limit on the package after an Italian boy suffered seizures from eating too much of the stuff.
The 10-year-old's parents brought him to the hospital in Bologna after the initial attack. He had three more seizures in a matter of hours and told doctors that he had a terrible headache, according to a report published Monday in Pediatric Neurology.
It wasn't until doctors noticed that the kid's teeth were stained black that they discovered the culprit he had been eating at least 20 pieces of licorice a day for four months.
Licorice candy contains an active ingredient called glycyrrhizic acid that can trigger high blood pressure and hypertension in high doses.
The Italian boy's blood pressure rose so high he got a brain swelling condition called posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, or PRES.
We concluded that the licorice intake could explain the boys hypertension and we recommended he stop the excessive ingestion of licorice immediately, wrote Dr. Davide Tassinari and his colleagues at the University of Bologna in the report published Monday.
He's better now that he stopped eating the candy, the doctors said.
In their case study, the doctors noted that kids with a low body weight should be especially careful not to overdo it when eating licorice.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says consuming large quantities of licorice over a long period of time is what increases risk. The agency says it can be dangerous to eat as much as 2 ounces of licorice a day over a two-week period if you are indulging in it every day.
The doctors on the show mentioned this affects adults too, the limit should be 2 ounces if you are eating licorice daily which is what the health administration also recommends as the limit (who would subject themselves to that though???!!).
The next time someone offers you licorice politely toss it in the trash where it belongs!