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If you saw an online game hacker IRL

i "know" where they get their hacks, doesnt mean Id use them.

I think valve is right in sueing sites that host hacks (if it was real and not a smokescreen like it looks to be).


Beat him with a bat while yelling, "Oh my God! I'm using the baseball bat cheat code!".

Yes, I know, it's a pretty stupid thing to say. But for some reason it would feel so good to utter such nonsense while beating someone else senseless.

aoi tsuki

Happened some time ago when i worked a Gamestop. i was off the clock and came in to get some games, and was talking to a friend who worked there about playing some PSO later that night. A customer overheard (big, somewhat unkept gamer in his late 30s) and joined in. Everything was cool until he started talking about duping, PKing, and stealig people's stuff to sell on eBay. i looked at him with, smiled and said "Man, you're really an asshole." He didn't get mad, just laughed and said he made a living off of selling PSO, Diablo, and Everquest stuff on eBay. Next time he saw me, i was behind the counter. Neither one of us said a word to each other.

It's losers like that that that really piss me off. The items you get in-game aren't real, but the time and energy you spend getting them is.


How would you know the person was a hacker? If they told you, could you get mad?

"GUESS WHAT? I logged 900 hours on EQ hacking items!"

Doesn't that sound like punishment enough?
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