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If you were in Phil’s position what would you have done ?


Say you are Phil it’s two years before the series x launch. What do you do to avoid the position xbox is at right now?


Not consolidate, lose the day 1 exclusives on gamepass and increase the price to a point where the service is sustainable.

make sure all first party games are living up to expectations, greenlight as many grounded, pentinents, hifi rushes as I can till there's a steady stream of AA releases.

Finally get the DEI shit out of the brand. Fuck Blackrock and sweet baby Inc and ignore progressivism
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Firstly designed a console that I didn't need to sell for a $200 loss and ditch gamepass entirely, or at the very least make a true copy of ps+ instead of giving all their stuff away.

I would've also not made any special deals so I could actually see what the demand was rather than giving subs away for a couple of dollars and then drinking on my own kool-aid at 'how popular' it was with the fanbase.
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Gop Resign GIF by GIPHY News
All those billions spent on Bethesda and Activision would have gone into starting new studios and hiring talent to work on great games.

Phil got distracted with all the bullshit and forgot about making sure Xbox had great games at launch. After the disaster that was the XB1 gen, they should have started this gen running with incredible games but 3.5 years into the gen we have mostly failures and disappointments to show for Phil's efforts.

I don't know how Phil still has a job. If I failed in my job as much as he does with Xbox I would have been fired years ago.
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Put a plan into play that gave the Xbox an actual identity, stopped day one releases on PC, put less incentive on Gamepass and ensured that new entries into series like Fable, Gears, etc would be there within the 1st two years and looked into sequels for games like Lost Odyseey and Otogi and stopped chasing other publishers for purchase and focused more on studios like Ninja theory that could create unique games that bolstered the above mentioned identity issue.


Weeb Underling
If I wanted to be proud of my career, I'd have taken the risk and left Microsoft, knowing they were going to go down this route with or without me.

If I just wanted to cling onto the position for as long as possible, I'd have done everything he did since he was promoted.
Make 1 console and think hard about what I want to achieve with it. The series S/X strategy failed IMHO. Better to have a series S only or Series X only.
Fight for exclusives. Not for AAA games but the indies like sifu or Kena. Help people make a game is a lot easier and cheaper than fight for established IP.
Not have a CGI E3 that have many games yet to be played even now but focus on what can be played in the next 1/2 years.
NO REDFALL FAILURE! I can't belive they let this game ship as it was.


Gold Member
Hindsight is always 20/20 but it was pretty clear from the start that their fundamentals were pretty shaky and instead of focussing on that and getting the basics in order they expanded. Bought way too many studios, none of them properly managed, their output abysmal. Spent an unholy amount of money on Bethesda and Activision/Blizzard and for what? It's ridiculous.

It's just an epic tale of mismanagement, wrong priorities, unable to get your house in order.

Walter Isaacson should write a book about the Xbox saga.
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Avoid ABK and Bethesda acquisitions, Bethesda sucks.
Avoid being cocky about their winning plan.
Refrain from green-lighting subpar games and have the nerve to push back release dates until games are done and are good. Thus shutting down the big hot turd factory.
Shutdown 434 and give Halo to a competent Developer, and spend money on the fucking games, not paying 3rd parties to release games on Gamepass.
Do not humor all the xbox channels and the rabid Xbox fanboys.

Of course nothing I mentioned would have helped them, Xbox is a shitty brand, and MS sucks as well. They have no business in the video game space.


1. Would’ve made sure there were exciting games ready before launching a new console.

2. Would’ve asked papa Satya for more money to buy big exclusives.

3. Would’ve put the hotswappable external m.2 slot at the front and used it for collector’s editions with ”cartridge” physical media.

4. Would’ve had support for PC/Quest VR headsets.

5. Would’ve had save syncing with Steam.

6. Would’ve used a new 360 blades UI.

7. Would’ve reintroduced Xbox Live Arcade to better highlight indie eleases.

8. Would’ve had free first 2 hours for everything with a buy button at the end.

9. Would’ve allowed full file access through a slimmed Windows version in an advanced mode for mods and emulators.

10. Would’ve talked less.


voted poster of the decade by bots
A portable instead of series s.

Heavily subsidized consoles (i mean $299 or lower here) and massive advertising campaigns. 5 tf More horsepower in series x. Huge amounts at 3rd party devs for exclusives, more money into my existing studios.
1 year free gamepass with every console.
Elite controller with every console.

Even 1/2 the amount spent on Activision would have paid for all this.


-Kill GamePass
-Kill Series S
-Kill games on PC
-Kill the cloud
-Fix the controller (No AA batteries, and fix the monged sticks)
-Hire someone competent to look after the first party, and have them provide frequent updates on what is and isn’t working, while keeping them to a schedule and undergoing game design approvals
-Build new studios, do you know how many high quality Rockstar clones that could have been created with $100 billion dollars!?
-Assess the market and see what’s missing game wise

Probably a lot more as well, like not try start a cult image.
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Gold Member
Made sure that Gears of War is the best 3rd person shooter on the market and turn it into their ongoing GaaS.

So, reboot it simply as ‘Gears’. Campaign, dungeons and raids. Loot crafting. PvP.

Basically their version of Destiny 2.


voted poster of the decade by bots
-Kill GamePass
-Kill Series S
-Kill games on PC
-Kill the cloud
-Fix the controller (No AA batteries, and fix the monged sticks)
-Hire someone competent to look after the first party, and have them provide frequent updates on what is and isn’t working, while keeping them to a schedule and undergoing game design approvals
-Build new studios, do you know how many high quality Rockstar clones that could have been created with $100 billion dollars!?
-Assess the market and see what’s missing game wise

Probably a lot more as well, like not try start a cult image.

I like the kill games on pc idea as it would increase momentum for console sales. But realistically, ms would never want to do this as risks windows losing the crown for the gaming platform for pc's, and the os business is thier bread and butter not to be messed with.

No AA batteries is silly, it's more flexible, buy a dock with rechargables included, have to get one either way realistically. Cost me $30 on ps5, cost me $30 on xbox.
It’s easy to say now but not bother with another Xbox and strike deals with Sony and Nintendo to provide Game Pass on their consoles aswell as sweetening the deal by providing network / cloud support for their games.

Buy Ubisoft and EA before or even instead of Activision Blizzard. MS being able to offer Assassin’s Creed, Farcry, The Division, Splinter Cell, FIFA, Madden, Battlefield and Marvel / Star Wars games would have been almost impossible for Sony and Nintendo to resist when it comes to Game Pass.

By fuck Nintendo need help when it comes to online lol… I genuinely think the original Xbox live in 2003 was better, more stable and had less lag than the abomination Switch online play is.


Just funnel billions of dollars into making great games, hiring the best people and have some kind of exclusivity for your console so people want to buy it🤷‍♂️ it doesn't seem that hard.
Can I like this twice!

It's not that hard, software sells hardware. Theyre progressively giving consumers less and less reason to buy their hardware which I'd now effecting 3rd party support ‐ as predicted by most people!
Not repeating the same mistakes made from the last generation, where lack of focus on games and mixed messaging pretty much alienated both casuals and hardcore crowd.
Stop chasing trends and go back to the basics by rebuilding a strong library of first party titles and ensuring they don't suck at launch.
Not putting all the eggs on gamepass.
Not waste money on ABK and Bethesda.
Cancel the series s.
Drop xbox live requirement to play f2p games online.
Work with chinese developers and publishers in bringing gacha games to xbox.


Gold Member
They needed to focus on exclusives worth a damn. They failed for an entire two generations and because of that they just went kaput.

I think as much as I like Gamepass that's what drove Microsoft away from delivering anything other than GaaS. Because they wanted players to pay the sub, but also keep paying money on live service titles to make up for the lack or those box sales.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
team up with sega properly share saki and make the blood oath with yazuka
rebrand series s as dreamcast 2 with digital dc backwards compat and redesign
do not release series x to public keep as xcloud server during cross-gen era
buy up japanese studios and devs like candy under new M-SEGA brand
revive old sega IP non stop money is no object, buy snk/sammy, buy nec, buy konami
playstation became western console, xbox needed to take over the east to offer something different


This is a faulty question. Spencer took control on 2014. Not two years before the new generation. He had plenty of time and chose to create a subscription service with the poorest performing console of that generation instead of, you know, make must haves or at least secure exclusivity with must haves like the 360 team did. Actually all what is Xbox today is thanks to what J Allard and the rest did. The following management only ruined the brand one way or another.

I don’t know what I’d do. But I’ll tell you what I wouldn’t do: create a video games Netflix in an industry where any decent title doesn’t cost like a shitty Netflix show but more like 100 to 300 millions. And where if you cut corners you’ll have your fan base knowing it day one.
- Ensure a stronger launch lineup, inclusive of Fable and stalled Gears 5 a year. Have Halo infinite ready with more content out the gate

- The Series S would be par with the X minus the disk drive

- Figured our a different use for 100b or whatever they've paid out in total for Bethesda and Activision. Marketing deals, exclusive content

Of course, all of this is still likely futile. Of all the things Phil Spencer has said that you can take with a grain of salt, the most blatantly honest thing he's said is Xbox lost the worst gen last time around as far as people investing in digital libraries which locks them into the ecosystem. As an Xbox gamepass user, you're buying into that knowng that those games are only accessible as long as you subscribe and if you make a choice to stop doing so, you have no hard tie to their ecosystem or console. Meanwhile, I have hundreds of dollars worth of games tied into my PSN account that I can only access by buying Playstation hardware. Xbox, through their day one PC releases and play anywhere initiatives have reduced the need to own the console.
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