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IGN: ESPN NBA 2K5 Review



8.0 Presentation
Nice NBA touches and good replays. The ESPN feel isn't as present as in Sega's football game, but it's there. I just wish the personality elements could be implemented better.

9.0 Graphics
Great faces and models. The specular lighting is awesome and the 3D crowds are cool. A few animations aren't so hot, but overall a lovely game and still graphic kind of the bball court.

7.0 Sound
Bill Walton? Guess it's time to chew my cyanide capsule.

7.0 Gameplay
Some solid elements. I think IsoMotion could have evolved more, particularly on defense. This isn't the NBA and the AI proves that. I'll eat my words if Shaq becomes a three-point threat this year.

8.0 Lasting Appeal
Online is always nice and the 24/7 mode really is the cream of the crop this year. It may be tough to stick through the Association for multiple seasons.

(out of 10 / not an average)

I dont trust reviews, so I dont care what score they gave it.


Shaq plays like KG in ESPN NBA 2K5. He doesn't play at all like Shaq (though the facial modeling and tats certainly make him look just like the Big Aristotle). This imposter seems to rarely show up in the paint. I've found him numerous times hanging ten feet off the hoop, not even covering a defender. It's offensive. It's wrong. You cannot f' up one of the most recognizable players in the NBA. Heck, not in a game that features a great defensive player on the cover. You have to get Shaq at least kind of right. Right?

Not only does Shaq look for the ball from far off the basket, he will often look for a lane to drive down for a powerful slam. It just doesn't look like Shaq. He'll shoot from outside (and clank, of course), do spin moves and fade away shots. He rarely dominates under the basket and I've actually seen him bullied by Andre Miller. Yes, little Andre the point guard -- bullying Shaq! It's because of the utter failure of the Shaq test, that I began testing other marquee players. They all seem almost interchangeable, with only handle and dunk abilities truly setting any apart in terms of control.

Come post your NBA Live Shaq pic, Konex :p

Nothing demonstrates the poor use of Shaq than this video. This is the CPU on the hardest difficulty. Note that Shaq can't back down Andre Miller. That is sad.

:lol, come on videos work. I gotta see this.


Just say no, IGN! :(


If it was too easy to cheese it up with the big guys, we'd hear complaints about that too. Who the fuck plays Shaq like that anyways? Call a post play and go to work. Why start him from the wing and try to back the fuck down from out of there? Ridiculous :lol

PS: At least Shaq didn't make the shot! 2/3 from 3. Neva 4get!!!! :D


Cloudy said:

That one pic is getting pretty old. IGN's video evidence is a lot stronger. I want both games to be good, and I'd love it if one was great...But so far nothing has impressed me. These comments sound awful. Although I don't normally trust sports reviews...They are known for overrating the games, not underrating them. If this is a 7.0 in gameplay by their standards, I fear it might be a 6.0 by mine.


Cloudy said:
about that too. Who the fuck plays Shaq like that anyways? Call a post play and go to work. Why start him from the wing and try to back the fuck down from out of there? Ridiculous :lol

I know! It is ridiculous. That's why that video was on the highest difficulty with the AI playing.


Cloudy said:
If it was too easy to cheese it up with the big guys, we'd hear complaints about that too.

I guess thats why those reviews last year warned us of how retarded ESPN Basketball was...oh wait!


I don't remember a cursor on replay but maybe they changed it this year. If you call plays for Shaq, you can use him like Shaq. If the AI is doing that, you can easily change the AI tendency. But never mind that, I think I'll go play Live's dunk contest!!! :D


I loved the postplay in the Courtside series. Backdowns, a lob button, up and under moves and different hooks. It didn't have great near the basket finishing action though.


I am worried about this game now...

I hate that there is no defensive stance button that was there forever except for last year and this year. Damn... I wish they would give you the options from previous years that could be turned on/off...

I seriously will have to rent NBA games before buying this SUCKS...


I'm buying NBA2K5 for the league functionality alone. I already know the game will be broken, there will be probleems, and people will be bitching about them soon. But for 20 bucks and the awesome stat tracking service Sega offers it'll be worth it...I think. Not a big enough NBA fan to plunk down 40 more for Live (Which has no leagues so no thanks).


You now belong to FMT.
I hope this game is at least AT LEAST something like 2k2.... one thing I DONT like from the videos is that the motions look FLUID as hell until they start their flashy dribble, like crossover or spin.... it looks like it slows the player up to a Lethargic pace.... In 2k2 and 1 the dribble moves were quick and if you timed it right a well placed spin move or cross over would freeze the defender and get you in the open floor to either a real fluid looking layup/Dunk or a nice mid range jumper that had a decent chance of going in.... damn I miss that...... I will get it today


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I want my free camera option back som I can put the camera behind the PG and see the whole floor.

I want all the settings to save after every game. Having to go in after every street ball game and make all the menu/slider changes was a b!tch and ruined the game for me last year.

I still think 2K3 is the best of the bunch, and that had its issues too.


Shaq was being controlled....

If he was being controlled then the comment on IGN about showing the cpu on hardest difficulty or whatever wouldn't make any sense. The cursor under him looks like it's the replay "focus."

In fact, anyone who hated IsoMotion last year will be equally displeased. There are far too many charging calls on both sides, because it's incredibly easy to get in the path of a defender and plant your feet


It's actually tough just to hack a shooter most of the time. It seems some dunk animations can't even be stopped or fouled. At times, you'll see a defender just pushed back by a move or dunk as if they were on ice skates

Thats the kind of shit that would annoy me more than the typical flaws in nba games. Hopefully it's not too bad.


I picked it up a little while ago and have been able to try a few games (all with the Spurs vs Lakers/Pistons/Bulls, and one 2-2 street game). Very early bullet impressions:

Gameplay --

* No manual defense button. Players will D-up automatically. It works decently. There's a double team button and a charge button, but I haven't done much with either yet.
* Passing seems to be much more crisp this year. Overall it's very nice. My one complaint is that icon passing is messed up for inbounds. You can turn on the icons, then sellect the player you want to pass to, but then you need to press "A" again to pass it to them. Kind of screwy.
* The pro-hop move is indeed money against the CPU. Every time I've tried it good things have happened; only once has it not resulted in a score.
* Players seem to stick together. Because of this lighning quick players like Tony Parker have difficulty blowing past slower guards. I've tried many times in the games I've played to penetrate and even when TP gets by his man it's so awkward because he slows down when he does get by. The sticky players also makes using picks very difficult. This type of thing even happened in a 2-on-2 street game. Seeing a bunch of players all bundled up together is such a horrible sight in a basketball game (well when they're not going for the rebound anyway).
* Free throws are horrible. Even more annoying than last year becasue the little basketball icon is actually uglier. I understand that pre-2k4 free throws were money for all players but this is like the exact opposite. Find a middle ground, VC!
* If you didn't like Isomotion last year you won't like it this year. VC said they redid it from scratch but the end result is pretty similar to last year. Meh.
* Steals are too easy for either side. My first game I had 10 steals with TP alone. While the next two weren't that bad steals were still way too common on default sliders.
* Rebounding is done well in the game. A little icon appears on the floor showing where good position is going to be, and then you just have to get there and jump. It's nice.
* Offense is center stage so far. At default sliders shooting percentages are super high and I've seen some ridiculous 3s. In one game both Tim Duncan and Malik Rose made shots from beyond 3/4 of the court. Digital Bill Walton called them "the most horrible shots ever until they went in."

Options/Presentation --
* Supposedly you can change the speed of the game, but when I switched from slow to fast in the option menu I didn't notice any change during gameplay.
* Camera angles are back. It's like 2k3 in this area.
* It's a minor gripe, but the rosters for the all-90's squads are ridiculous. The all-90's West squad was missing David Robinson and Hakeem Olajuwon, and put Shaq in there instead! East 90's team didn't have Patrick Ewing, but had Mutombo and Shaq again! Wtf is Shaq doing on both the East and West 90's squads and where are 3 of the best centers ever?
* The commentary is much better this year. Walton >>>> Tolbert. He even made a little comment about Rick Barry after Brent hit a 3, which I thought was cool.

I'm not the world's biggest sports gamer, so take these impressions as more of a casual viewpoint. I'm going to give the game a few more tries later this evening, but barring a major relevation about the gameplay it's going back tomorrow.


"It's going back tomorrow"

Where do you buy your games that lets you return opened copies of games? Unless you mean you're going to trade it in for $6-9 at EB.
Oh crap, many of the things you mentioned bothered me on last year version. It sounds like it's going to suck again. FUCK!

At least I hope the Spurs kick ass with Brent on the team. :D


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

Why return it now when you haven't even played multiplayer? I only play sports games when people come over.

I get no enjoyment playing with myself. None.


Fifty said:
"It's going back tomorrow"

Where do you buy your games that lets you return opened copies of games? Unless you mean you're going to trade it in for $6-9 at EB.

Yeah I meant the $6-9 trade-in. Bought it at Gamestop.

Batigoooool said:
At least I hope the Spurs kick ass with Brent on the team.

At any rate he's better than Turkoglu, Mercer, and Hart put together.

Why return it now when you haven't even played multiplayer? I only play sports games when people come over.

All of my friends hate basketball (and like baseball, which I hate; we all like football though). :( I guess there's online, but most of my time with any basketball game is spend in single player.

One other thing: Instead of putting a player's photo at the bottom of the screen when they foul (or to display stats), 2k5 uses a disembodied 3D head that looks like it's chewing imaginary gum. It's creepy.

Musashi Wins!

I bought this and borrowed NBA LIVE so I'll post deeper impressions later of both. ESPN I had to buy as sort of a Pistons collectible and the fact that even if I don't really like the basketball sim part, 24/7 is addictive as hell and playable online. I'd love to play some online 21! If they both play similar to last year I have the feeling I may end up keeping LIVE but having two basketball games seems excessive.
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