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IGN reviews Ace Combat 5



Closing Comments
Despite it not being the most revolutionary step forward for the series, is Unsung War any good? Absolutely! Ace Combat 5 is a marvelously done, tight, invigorating experience with few shortcomings but no real problems that destroy the universe.

If you're looking for the best console flight action game in town (save for perhaps Crimson Skies on Xbox), you'll not need to look past Ace Combat 5. Fans of the series, owners of Shattered Skies, and newcomers alike will all take great pleasure from this one.

Even if the changes don't make this duck a pterodactyl, they still keep it good.

-- Ivan Sulic

8.5 Presentation
The menus and briefings resemble last year's a bit too closely, but the interface and in-game UI are both nicely done.
9.5 Graphics
If only the textures were a little cleaner at close distances and the large planes exploded with a bit more detail, we'd have perfection.
9.5 Sound
Terrific sound, a musical score that surpasses Ace 4's while including chunks of it, and constant radio chatter drown out the often poor voice actor.
9.0 Gameplay
A very exciting, polished experience that doesn't add much to the Ace Combat flight action formula, but still feels new and fun.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
Playing bits and pieces of the campaign a second time to unlock planes is an absolute must, but the arcade mode will only last so long.
(out of 10 / not an average)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Give me! I bet it plays like a dream with that flightstick.


IGN am smrt said:
8.5 Presentation
The menus and briefings resemble last year's a bit too closely, but the interface and in-game UI are both nicely done.

Yeah, to much like last years game......wait.....what the hell are they talking about, its been years since AC4 came out?


Shit gamespot.

Sometimes games just rise above the sum of their objective part scores.

Failure to recognize such a delectable package of goodness for the goodness that it is... well you guys need a smack!

Honestly tho. Despite any site or magazine's insistence, gamers have it ingrained in them that 80s are scores for games that are good, but if you like the genre, 90s are games that are definetly worth looking at, even if you're not a fan of the genre, and 95+ for games that are outstanding and are a must get for any gamer that considers themselves hardcore.

79s and belows are just marks of differing levels of mediocrity.

AC5 is definetly a game that falls into the category of 'definetly worth having a look at'.

Fuckin' kasavin :p


Junior Member
He might be more of a sim fan and with that mind I would agree that AC5 is very simple. Graphics are no where near what I was expecting with all the pics released. Many times the planes look cell shaded.
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