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IGN Second Sight review


Closing Comments
Second Sight offers plenty of stealth and action. The psychic powers themselves could have been implemented a little better, but mind-choking people and flipping switches using astral projection is plenty fun nonetheless. The game offers fast pacing and a narrative flow that keeps you wanting more, plus it’s all wrapped in a package that looks good and sounds great. Clocking in around 15 hours for the average gamer, it may be too short for some to purchase. But it’s fun while it lasts. Second Sight boasts a great story and characters with little to no down time. You’re constantly laying the smack down through mental powers and well-placed sniper rounds. Definitely recommended.

-- Juan Castro

7.0 Presentation
A somewhat clunky interface keeps it from a higher score. Generally free of dehabiliting bugs. Decent amount of polish.

8.5 Graphics
Slick graphics with a style remeniscent of the Time Splitters series. Cool special effects, smooth character animation and varied enviornments.

8.5 Sound
Good voice acting and eerie music make this game an aural pleaure. Weapons sound effects need a little more oomph.

8.0 Gameplay
Once mastering the controls, you'll be sniping, healing, mind-killing and sneaking like a pro. Game vets may find it too easy.

6.0 Lasting Appeal
You can find arcade-style mini games strewn throughout the game, but that's about the only thing.

(out of 10 / not an average)
I hate Free Radical's character designs...
I played this game about a week ago. From the hour I played, I thought Psi-Ops was better. I stopped playing this game to play Burnout 3 and now Fable. I do not think I will be playing it anymore.
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