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IGN-Sider explores the possibilities of the N5


I don't think it'll be any one of those. Those are either too out there for Nintendo, or not out there enough. Whoever said "almost wireless everything" might be more towards what Nintendo would be willing to do.


Like I said...VR headsets are the next jump...no matter how great Sony's and MS's consoles are...Nintendo would have something that's far more impressive because it's true 3D.


Fight for Freeform said:
Like I said...VR headsets are the next jump...no matter how great Sony's and MS's consoles are...Nintendo would have something that's far more impressive because it's true 3D.

Years ago when Shiggy said he'd like the GC to last until 2008, I was discussing this with a friend. If marketed correctly, it would be a huge step forward in gaming, and could very possibly put them on top again. The drawbacks are that it'd probably just be like Virtual Boy where you put the visors on and that's about it. No other senses except for sight and sound will be used, so what would be the big deal?

When people think of VR, I think a lot of people think about actually being in the game, like The Matrix more than playing their current games with a headset on.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
They stole my idea.

aoi tsuki

Fight for Freeform said:
Like I said...VR headsets are the next jump...no matter how great Sony's and MS's consoles are...Nintendo would have something that's far more impressive because it's true 3D.
There's a lot of problems with VR for it to enter the consumer market, let alone something like video games.

Mainly, there's the problem of motion sickness and headaches. IIRC, it's caused by the delay in motion tracking. When you move your head with a HMD (head-mounted display), it has to keep up, displaying the image you would see as if you were really looking at it. If your eyes see one thing, and your inner ear (which aids in coordination) gets something different, you get sick. i think this was one of the main reasons Sega scapped Sega VR, and another nail in the coffin for Virtual Boy.

Also, little things like your VR avatar need to match your body. Seeing a body that looked nothing like yours breaks the illusion that you're literally in a virtual world.

There's also the issue of cost. i don't know exact numbers, but even a low-end HMD can run several hundred dollars. Of couse, the cheaper you go, the less accurate it'd be, which goes back to the first issue of motion sickness. Another cost issue is what other peripherals do you include? Gloves? Full-body suits? If you've ever used the Power Glove, you know that holding your arm outward for a gaming session is extremly tiring. Imagine playing an RPG and having to hold a weapon or item for a few hours. Not fun.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
AniHawk said:
I don't think it'll be any one of those. Those are either too out there for Nintendo, or not out there enough. Whoever said "almost wireless everything" might be more towards what Nintendo would be willing to do.

That was me. And I stand by it. It's deserving of it's own thread here at least, and it's own article where I write, at most. We'll see how far I can go with the idea.


pfft! VR headsets? come on.

Nintendo and shiggy talked about how the new mario for the cube will be something we've never seen and miyamoto was talking about how to immerse people into a game where they can "touch" things and stuff. I honestly thought the gamecube Mario was going to be a revolution like Mario 64. Also, remember how they said the controller won't be revlealed so the competition won't copy Ninny's ideas? All we got was deep shoulder buttons that "clicked" when pushed down all the way. Nice, but god the way Nintendo talked you'd think it's a new innovation like the analog stick.

I still love Nintendo and do hope they own all in the next E3. :D

I just don't believe what they say anymore.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Moving ahead, Nintendo could integrate such an idea into their next console to make for some interesting gameplay ideas. Imagine playing Super Smash Brothers: Revolution, where you can take images of your bedroom in 3D and they become the stage.



GAF's Bob Woodward
A gyroscope/infra-red camera combo would be lush. Forget about VR headsets though. I'd be ecstatic if gyroscopic stuff alone was included, and allowed the kind of control they're describing. That's exactly the type of thing we need next gen....graphics etc. are way way advanced, but control has been lagging. It needs to catch up.

Also, not sure how I missed this infra-red camera before. Sounds great. Anyone know where there is more on that Sony presentation?


aoi tsuki said:
There's a lot of problems with VR for it to enter the consumer market, let alone something like video games.

I don’t think the problems a home VR headset would face today are quite as bad as they were when Sega was toying with Sega VR. The technology has improved, and has become much cheaper, plus the introduction of a gyroscope into the headset would do very well for fixing delayed display.

IGN theorizes Nintendo could make a gyroscopic controller precise enough to allow you to play Super Monkey Ball, thus the motion tracking has little to no delay. Theoretically, the same technology mounted on your head would work with just as much precision. Some people would still experience motion sickness, but these are probably the same people who get sickness from fps games. In my experience with VR, I’ve seen very view people who could not stomach wearing the head tracker after adjusting to the system for a few minutes.

The real cost for the unit would be the display, but with screens like the PSP’s being available these days, I’m sure Nintendo could come up with something. It’s definitely possible right now, but the first company to try it will have to risk eating a lot of the cost on a product that has not been proven in the consumer market. I don’t think VR headsets are likely for next gen but they are definitely on the horizon, and I hope they come soon. Imagine playing a Metal Gear Solid game where you could actually peer around corners, or a racing game where you need only glance over your shoulder to see who is on your tail.


Fight for Freeform said:
Like I said...VR headsets are the next jump...no matter how great Sony's and MS's consoles are...Nintendo would have something that's far more impressive because it's true 3D.

I think VR is still a novelty act and the tech is nowhere close to being viable enough for mass market. Also, I think that kind of shit has too great a potential to fuck with people psychologically. I mean, imagine Riddick of Breakdown, except you now actually use your hands.

If you want to hop into Wonderland, that's your thing, I'm content with the looking glass. I want a clear barrier between fantasy and reality.

Also, there's something else you must cosider. Consoles sell things like TVs. I think a predecessor of some kind would have to be present in the market before it really took off on consoles.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
The gyroscope thing sounds very plausible. It fits in perfectly with what Nintendo's saying (not only new ways to play games, but ones anyone can) and we know full well Nintendo have invested in the technology.

In fact, I'd say it was almost certain if not for one thing: Nintendo wanted to be tilt abilities in the DS. They didn't because of the cost. Now if they hadn't intended to put tilt abilities in, then I'd be more certain that the Revolution would have it, as Nintendo haven't invested in this gyroscope thing for no reason. As they did intend to though, I wonder if they'll hold back on the technology for the DS's successor.

Personally I'd still say there's a good chance we'll see this gyroscope thing for Nintendo's next console. It's always made more sense on a home console anyway, who wants to be tilting a gaming device that has the screen attached to it?
IGN didn't write the article. N-Sider did. It's noted many times in the article, including the gigantic N-Sider logo on the side of every page :p.

Some people here are talking like the article only explored VR. That's kind of funny because the VR part was really just a small idea. Gyroscopic sensors, infrared camera, and tablet-style design are the focal points of this piece.

Personally I'd still say there's a good chance we'll see this gyroscope thing for Nintendo's next console. It's always made more sense on a home console anyway, who wants to be tilting a gaming device that has the screen attached to it?

If there was one possibility we could see happening it is definitely the gyroscope sensor for sure. It's not only plausible in terms of cost, but the uses for a game are really quite interesting and fit Nintendo's new plan to a tee.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I really, really don't see the tablet design happening though guys. I don't think they're going to want DS features on the home machine at all (perhaps with the exception of a microphone). After all, Nintendo have already said (I don't remember who or where, but they said it) that they aren't looking at building a second screen into the controller of the Revolution. Personally I think it'd be great, games like 4 Swords look brilliant but most people won't be able to play them properly because of the difficulties of getting all the equipment together, a problem which would be solved immediately if the screen was built into the controller (I guess the Revolution would have to power it).

But Nintendo don't want it, and i'm sure it has a lot to do with the DS already having 2 screens.
Yeah, we fully realized that fact when writing this part, but there was something far more important that we were analyzing: Iwata's comment about smashing through the idea of "here is the controller, and here is the TV." With this setup, players could congregate around a kitchen or coffee table. From here, they could play party games and the sort. Once the party is over, the game player just puts the tablet up using a stand, or perhaps even a wall-mount.

Of all the ideas, this one is most wacky, yet still makes sense for Nintendo. It would really be up their alley and could potentially get a lot of people into games.

Though I understand exactly where you're coming from here :).


I predict (guess) that the "Revolution" will be to require all software to have ZERO loading (after initial boot). All game experiences are seemless and never pull you out of the environment for loading; it's all performed in the background and/or streamed.

Nintendo was very careful - or tried to be - about loading times this generation. Yeah, I know it was their first optical system, but still. I just predict that they follow that specificiation to the next level.

I made this prediction on this board a few weeks ago and no one appreciated it. I'm sticking by it, however.
garrickk said:
I predict (guess) that the "Revolution" will be to require all software to have ZERO loading (after initial boot). All game experiences are seemless and never pull you out of the environment for loading; it's all performed in the background and/or streamed.

Nintendo was very careful - or tried to be - about loading times this generation. Yeah, I know it was their first optical system, but still. I just predict that they follow that specificiation to the next level.

I made this prediction on this board a few weeks ago and no one appreciated it. I'm sticking by it, however.

That's because load times are not a "revolution" by any stretch of the imagination. We're trying to figure out how Nintendo is going to change the way we play console games fundamentally.
neptunes said:
wouldn't a gyroscope require too much work on the player side?

wouldn't it make playing games physically tiresome?

Not necessarily. You wouldn't have to hold your arm out away from your body. You would, however, need to move your hand more than you probably do with a typical controller. It wouldn't be much different than the days of playing your racing games while twisting your controller while moving out of instinct :).


That's why I put revolution in quotes. I also don't consider it a huge evolution, but a bit of an upgrade. I guess I'm aiming quite low, but it's something I could see them doing regardless - perhaps in addition to or part of a larger "Revolution" in creating a more immersive gaming experience.
garrickk said:
That's why I put revolution in quotes. I also don't consider it a huge evolution, but a bit of an upgrade. I guess I'm aiming quite low, but it's something I could see them doing regardless - perhaps in addition to or part of a larger "Revolution" in creating a more immersive gaming experience.

Ah, well I suppose that would almost be expected anyway. The load times in something like Zelda are already pretty much a non-issue (along with a number of other titles.) :)
The "videogamer demographic" is exactly what they're trying to break out of. Potentially everybody could be in the demographic if they could find something that would be more appealing to them. People would be more inclined to play Jungle Beat (two drums and a clap sensor) if they've never played a game before instead of, say, Prince of Persia, which is far more complicated. It's common sense really.


I think people who are expecting something truly revolutionary, like VR, are going to be disappointed. I'm thinking more along the lines of a new type of controller/input device or something.


i don't need full VR yet. I'd just like to finally see the 3D worlds in 3D. I'm tired of holding one eye shut to approximate the effect. A simple alternating eye set would do the trick. add a gyroscope driven glove like they mentioned and i'd be glowing


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I still think that the gyroscope idea presented in the article is the most revolutionary (yet realistic), and the most plausible possibility for the revolution.


Mama Smurf said:
I really, really don't see the tablet design happening though guys. I don't think they're going to want DS features on the home machine at all (perhaps with the exception of a microphone). After all, Nintendo have already said (I don't remember who or where, but they said it) that they aren't looking at building a second screen into the controller of the Revolution. Personally I think it'd be great, games like 4 Swords look brilliant but most people won't be able to play them properly because of the difficulties of getting all the equipment together, a problem which would be solved immediately if the screen was built into the controller (I guess the Revolution would have to power it).

But Nintendo don't want it, and i'm sure it has a lot to do with the DS already having 2 screens.

No no no...Nintendo NEVER said they weren't putting a screen on the controller. That quote wasn't even a quote...it was a question posed in regards to what Mr. Iwata said about the "Revolution" being hooked up to a computer monitor. They said they weren't going with a two screen design like the DS, meaning they were saying that the "Revolution" wouldn't use a TV screen *and* a computer monitor...just that you could use one *or* the other. So therefore, the possibility is still there for a lil' screen on each controller and I *really* hope they do it.

VR is not going to happen. Why would Nintendo specifically say you could hook up the "revolution" to a comupter monitor before they would say anything else? Using a TV or PC moniter doesn't equate to VR.

I think they mentioned the monitor thing 'cos they're hinting that they might be doing an online piggy-backing scheme for their free network. I dunno exactly how it would work, but I imagine that they mean that you could hook up one "Revolution" to your TV then LAN with another one that's hooked up to your PC monitor forming a network alot easier for LAN play. And if the system is gonna be LAN focused from the start then it would only take a lil' piggy-packing (like Warp Pipe) to get online. N-Sider had some suppossed "specs" of the "Revolution" and in them they said that each one would have a built-in HD...to me that points to a free network in where each unit is it's own server...you just have to find a way to connect and a simple match-making method (Nintendo has deals going with GameSpy & AOL) and since most people who are interested in online gaming have a PC, why not use it to piggy-back online. That's just my take. I'm also a firm believer in wireless everything.

As far as control goes I do think this will be the revolutionary focus of the system. The future is the interface right? I drew up a lil' bitmap of a conceptual controller I thought up and I put up info on it on my lil' webpage:


I wrote up the possitives & negatives of each of my concepts and then near the bottom I put the pic there to give you an idea of my final concept. I invision a wireless controller with all the traditional "basic" controls plus tilt sensor & a lil' touch screen built-in. Yeah that sounds extravagant for a controller...but imagine the possibilities. And games that were made specifically for "Revolution" couldn't be ported keeping them exclussive. I say tilt function 'cos for more basic movement (balancing/steering) the regular controller could be used. Tilt would be cheaper than gyro...but I don't mean to say gyro won't be a possibility...

I think there will be a plethora of peripherals with new ways to play games for Revolution". Pad's, camera's, etc will be introduced earlier on so more games could be made for them...but I have one peripheral specifically I've been visualizing. A "GameWand" of sorts with FULL gyro sensor control. It's basically a wireless handle that can be held in various ways to play all sorts of games. It would basically be a virtual baseball bat, golf club, fishing rod, gun, sword, tennis raquet, etc thanks to it's gyro-motion control. It's rather simple...and I can see more non-gaming people getting into games 'cos of it's ease of use. I can even see one "GameWand" being held in each hand and using them to shaddow box a game PunchOut! style...the possibilities are endless.

Those camera theories I've heard are nice, but I don't think controlling games should be limited to them...as I could only see it working with a couple of types of games.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
DrGAKMAN said:
No no no...Nintendo NEVER said they weren't putting a screen on the controller. That quote wasn't even a quote...it was a question posed in regards to what Mr. Iwata said about the "Revolution" being hooked up to a computer monitor. They said they weren't going with a two screen design like the DS, meaning they were saying that the "Revolution" wouldn't use a TV screen *and* a computer monitor...just that you could use one *or* the other. So therefore, the possibility is still there for a lil' screen on each controller and I *really* hope they do it.


Good! Though did he actually mention the DS in his answer? Because, even though it was in response to the a monitor/TV question, that still doesn't sound encouraging.


Mama Smurf said:

Good! Though did he actually mention the DS in his answer? Because, even though it was in response to the a monitor/TV question, that still doesn't sound encouraging.

It's like they suddenly announced that the "Revolution" could be hooked up to a PC monitor. Then I guess the interviewer was thinking that Nintendo meant that it would be a two screen system like the DS, when posed that question they said that no, the system won't be a two screen (TV + PC monitor) set-up like the DS. This, to me, closes the idea of the "Revolution" being simultaneously hooked up to a PC monitor & a TV screen...but it doesn't neccessarily mean that there won't be some kind of screen on the controller. IGN then put's in thier "Revolution" FAQ that the system wouldn't have a two screen set-up...why...'cos they don't like all the flack Nintendo got due to connectivity so they think the idea is dead & burried, when actually the DS (and possibly the "Revolution") are proof that Nintendo is still toying with the idea...only now, without buying extra cables/systems to do it...since it's built in to the DS and may possibly be built-in to each "Revolution" controller.
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