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I'm done with Warzone. My parting thoughts.


I have played Warzone since the first day it came out and I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was done with the game. I think most games eventually run out of fun to be had and I have wrung every bit of fun I could possibly have with Warzone.

And the reason why I have stopped playing is due to some reasons specific to Warzone, but some that are related to the Battle Royale genre as a whole.

When I first played PUBG back in the beta days, it was refreshing and different as a multiplayer game. You really felt like you were dropped into this insane world where you had to survive with just the stuff that you found lying on the ground. And maybe you would get lucky and catch a supply drop uncontested or you found your favorite gun with and enough of the best attachments that you felt a bit of safety. Maybe the zone would go your way, maybe it wouldn't. You were constantly having to watch your back because an opponent could come out of nowhere and snipe you from a cliff side.

There was a lot of RNG in those first few BR games. But, it's what made them worth playing. It was adrenaline-pumping. It gave me the same feeling I had playing horror games.

But, now I've played like 5 BR games since then and what I've noticed is either they try to add a gimmick the other BR games didn't have or they tried to alleviate the RNG that PUBG was known for. Adding the ability to build structures or call in loadouts or buy back teammates or giving the player a ton of mobility or the endless ways to know where your enemy is so you can get a leg up on them- all to minimize the RNG effect. I think I'm just getting burned out trying to keep up with all of it. The rush of winning a clutch game is gone. (FULL DISCLOSURE: I am mediocre at all of these games. A few dozen wins per game at best.)

Specifically, with Warzone, my issues with the game have been virtually unchanged since the day it came out.

First, the good. I love the graphical quality of this game. It's easy to forget how GOOD LOOKING Modern Warfare was when it came out two years go. It just had a realism that no other BR had at that time. It shat all over PUBG's janky, asset reusing self. It had lighting and textures that made more sense than Blackout. It didn't look like a cartoon.

Also, the sense of weight is amazing in this game. When you're running with an LMG you feel it. When you shoulder an HDR, you feel it. When you zip around with duel-wielded Renettis, you feel it. The running animation, sliding, mounting, all of it just feels really good.

And for the sake of time, I'll just list the other things I like about warzone: Zip lines, marking things for your teammate without going into menu, not having to sift through a backpack after you kill an enemy. Not having to worry about a backpack at all. Those were good things WZ brought to the table.

And now for the things I've always disliked:

1. Loadouts/leveling up your weapons. It was pretty convenient to have the guns in the MP version of MW level up as you play WZ and vice-versa. That was kinda neat I guess. But all this meant was that unless you were going to buy into Activision's evil marketing scheme of incentivizing you to buy another game, then you were stuck SLOWLY leveling up a weapon over time. This meant a lot of Plunder games where you were doing everything but playing Plunder in them.

WZ might not have been the first to do loadouts, but it is certainly the most prevalent. It takes ALL the tension out of a BR (scrambling to find a good weapon and then looting to make it better or find a better version) and makes it instead about the "meta". It has people (including me at one point) watching youtubers breakdowns of the newest meta and why everyone should use it. And then it just becomes a race to level it up- which means those that bought the MP are going to get it leveled up before you. Then it's another race to get to your loadout first. Ground weapons become useless beyond the first circle. And since there's about 5 different loadouts that players normally use, it makes gunfights repetitive and dull.

On top of that, loadouts come with perks and equipment. Equipment like (shudders) heartbeat sensors. Equipment like C4. And honestly, more often than not, you come back from the gulag, you are going to get destroyed by someone who has their loadout already.

2. Killstreaks. They just don't belong in the game. There's almost no skill in using them. There was some novelty in them at first, but now I just think they're a cheap easy way to get a kill or clean up a kill.

3. Sniper/marksman rifles and shotguns. One is stupidly OP and one is laugh-out-loud bad. Seriously, there is no weapon sway or change in bullet velocity. Sure, there's weight and recoil, but without the other two, it makes sniping stupidly easy. That's why they give sniper scopes glint. It's the only way to combat them. If there were any realism involved, you would have to lead your targets beyond what? 100 meters? But, dude, we've all seen it when a guy downs a chopper pilot without leading it at all and it gives them the downed marker before the bullet can even arrive at the target!

If they made it more challenging to use weapons long-range, then you wouldn't need sniper glint or perks like High Alert. PUBG didn't need it.

4. Buying people back, self-revives, gulag. They all accomplish the same thing: to keep people invested in the game. By giving you hope that you can come back in, you stay invested in the match. Activision doesn't want people leaving their game because they got killed as soon as or even before they touch the ground. (That's another thing, shooting people out of the air- DUMB!). Look, I get it. BRs can be like that. I would hate it when in PUBG or Blackout I die as soon as I touch the ground and have to WAIT and spectate my squad for 20 or 30 minutes before I can play again. It's really frustrating.

But, did we need self- revives AND buy backs AND gulag? It makes it to where the ending of the match is so chaotic. No strategy, just run and gun and hope you're the last person to get blown the hell up. I think one of those three ways to stay in the game would have changed things up without destroying what a battle royale is all about. Maybe limit gulag to the first two circles and then if they win gulag and die on the battlefield again you can't buy them back, and maybe just put self-revives in solos. I don't know. Maybe they should have never included that stuff to begin with.

5. Tinkering with weapon stats. Just fucking stop it already. A new weapon comes out and it is PURPOSEFULLY OP until the complaints go through the roof then it receives a nerf. Other guns received nerfs and buffs every single season and sometimes more than one in a season. It's all so tiring to keep up with. Just get it right the first time and then leave it alone.

5 1/2: No swimming. Ugh. So dumb that you can't swim in this game. Why?

Anyway, I think I'm done with BRs altogether. The luster of the chicken dinners or helicopter ride outro has long since worn off. October is going to be a long wait for Battlefield 2042 though.

That's my two cents.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Sorry OP but a lot of those complaints are the reason why this is the only BR game i played. I cant imagine playing a game without gulag, revive and buyback. too frustrating.

You do make a good point about the loadouts though. it kills the satisfaction of getting a good roll and it makes end games really hard because everyone has their favorite loadout instead of winging it with a gun they found while looting.

Solos might be your jam. Absolutely horrifying experience playing that game solo. I have never been more scared of getting ambushed or flanked from behind in a MP game.
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A fair amount of that is playing solo vs a regular team. Revives and gulag etc are paramount to keeping multiple players/teams playing together often.

I hear you on the developer/project lead decisions around new content being OP and then nerfed, it's all too common in BR games. Apex Legends does this as well, Destiny 2 did this and forced grinding on top of it too. Sometimes players want to compete with what they like, not what the latest shiny thing is, I'm with you there.

There is a wearing effect of RNG on drop that just shits you in solo or team based play, who doesn't hate losing just a random weapon vs a random weapon. It's crap by design but I suspect it's also to keep rapid matchmaking making times to recycle players e.g. sacrifice for the greater good. Another area I hate imblance in is things like barrel mods in Apex, I'm sure there is similar in Warzone. I cannot stand having to use a gimped weapon aiming wise and going up against a zero recoil laser beaming enemy. Again it's feels cheap and eventually wears down the oveerall game quality for me.

I don't go for killstreaks at all. As for things like Shotguns they're always favouring better connection games. I don't know the tech behind it but some can hit full damage from anywhere but when I use them point blank it's like I shot some wet noodles, little damage.

Some valid points you make. It's good to have a range of games to play rather than just WZ mate.


To be fair, Warzone shouldn't even name itself BR. It's a glorified multiplayer mode, only thing that resembles BR is the shrinking zones. Lots of big streamers call it a MP too.

Custom loadouts, shops to buy self-res/killstreaks/ammo, absurd low TTK, aim assist on snipers, contracts (especially flags), map design (still good old window/rooftop warfare), it's all just a glorified MP.

I can guarantee you 90% of Warzone players wouldn't dare to touch PUBG or hell even Blackout. It would be too hardcore and frustrating for them.


The game is hella fun, but what killed IMO is Activions greed

They forced the Cold war Integration, which basically broke the game for months

None of the cold war attachments worked properly for the first 6 months. Then there are the servers, Warzone is a competitive game, but Activision is still using low tick servers with shit lag compensation. For a game with a pretty big competitive scene, Activision needs to do better here.

And the worst part is, the fucking lack of Anti Cheat. How a company with so much money still hasn't implemented a solid anti-cheat just shows they don't care. The only company lazier is Valve imo. They still to this date don't have a proper anti-cheat for CS GO. And every year or so their major update is like one small revision to a map and a few extra skins.
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is the only thing i hate about this game, i rest a week from it and when i come back the freaking meta change the new black ops weapon is op and of course if you dont have BO you're fucked.


Gold Member
To be fair, Warzone shouldn't even name itself BR. It's a glorified multiplayer mode, only thing that resembles BR is the shrinking zones. Lots of big streamers call it a MP too.

Custom loadouts, shops to buy self-res/killstreaks/ammo, absurd low TTK, aim assist on snipers, contracts (especially flags), map design (still good old window/rooftop warfare), it's all just a glorified MP.

I can guarantee you 90% of Warzone players wouldn't dare to touch PUBG or hell even Blackout. It would be too hardcore and frustrating for them.

PUBG plays way slower tho.. you can't have it both ways. The multiplayer part of modern warfare and warzone play very differently overall, multiplayer is much faster.


Battelfield 2042 and Halo can not come soon enough.

Last great FPS game released was Titanfall 2 in 2016. BR market has been a blight and I say that as someone who put many hours in to Apex. They have well and truly run their race.

I’ve solely been playing MCC for my FPS fix for a year now. Tried to play Battelfield 4 the other night but couldn’t find a game on Xbox (they split the user base with the DLC).
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I have played Warzone since the first day it came out and I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was done with the game. I think most games eventually run out of fun to be had and I have wrung every bit of fun I could possibly have with Warzone.

And the reason why I have stopped playing is due to some reasons specific to Warzone, but some that are related to the Battle Royale genre as a whole.

When I first played PUBG back in the beta days, it was refreshing and different as a multiplayer game. You really felt like you were dropped into this insane world where you had to survive with just the stuff that you found lying on the ground. And maybe you would get lucky and catch a supply drop uncontested or you found your favorite gun with and enough of the best attachments that you felt a bit of safety. Maybe the zone would go your way, maybe it wouldn't. You were constantly having to watch your back because an opponent could come out of nowhere and snipe you from a cliff side.

There was a lot of RNG in those first few BR games. But, it's what made them worth playing. It was adrenaline-pumping. It gave me the same feeling I had playing horror games.

But, now I've played like 5 BR games since then and what I've noticed is either they try to add a gimmick the other BR games didn't have or they tried to alleviate the RNG that PUBG was known for. Adding the ability to build structures or call in loadouts or buy back teammates or giving the player a ton of mobility or the endless ways to know where your enemy is so you can get a leg up on them- all to minimize the RNG effect. I think I'm just getting burned out trying to keep up with all of it. The rush of winning a clutch game is gone. (FULL DISCLOSURE: I am mediocre at all of these games. A few dozen wins per game at best.)

Specifically, with Warzone, my issues with the game have been virtually unchanged since the day it came out.

First, the good. I love the graphical quality of this game. It's easy to forget how GOOD LOOKING Modern Warfare was when it came out two years go. It just had a realism that no other BR had at that time. It shat all over PUBG's janky, asset reusing self. It had lighting and textures that made more sense than Blackout. It didn't look like a cartoon.

Also, the sense of weight is amazing in this game. When you're running with an LMG you feel it. When you shoulder an HDR, you feel it. When you zip around with duel-wielded Renettis, you feel it. The running animation, sliding, mounting, all of it just feels really good.

And for the sake of time, I'll just list the other things I like about warzone: Zip lines, marking things for your teammate without going into menu, not having to sift through a backpack after you kill an enemy. Not having to worry about a backpack at all. Those were good things WZ brought to the table.

And now for the things I've always disliked:

1. Loadouts/leveling up your weapons. It was pretty convenient to have the guns in the MP version of MW level up as you play WZ and vice-versa. That was kinda neat I guess. But all this meant was that unless you were going to buy into Activision's evil marketing scheme of incentivizing you to buy another game, then you were stuck SLOWLY leveling up a weapon over time. This meant a lot of Plunder games where you were doing everything but playing Plunder in them.

WZ might not have been the first to do loadouts, but it is certainly the most prevalent. It takes ALL the tension out of a BR (scrambling to find a good weapon and then looting to make it better or find a better version) and makes it instead about the "meta". It has people (including me at one point) watching youtubers breakdowns of the newest meta and why everyone should use it. And then it just becomes a race to level it up- which means those that bought the MP are going to get it leveled up before you. Then it's another race to get to your loadout first. Ground weapons become useless beyond the first circle. And since there's about 5 different loadouts that players normally use, it makes gunfights repetitive and dull.

On top of that, loadouts come with perks and equipment. Equipment like (shudders) heartbeat sensors. Equipment like C4. And honestly, more often than not, you come back from the gulag, you are going to get destroyed by someone who has their loadout already.

2. Killstreaks. They just don't belong in the game. There's almost no skill in using them. There was some novelty in them at first, but now I just think they're a cheap easy way to get a kill or clean up a kill.

3. Sniper/marksman rifles and shotguns. One is stupidly OP and one is laugh-out-loud bad. Seriously, there is no weapon sway or change in bullet velocity. Sure, there's weight and recoil, but without the other two, it makes sniping stupidly easy. That's why they give sniper scopes glint. It's the only way to combat them. If there were any realism involved, you would have to lead your targets beyond what? 100 meters? But, dude, we've all seen it when a guy downs a chopper pilot without leading it at all and it gives them the downed marker before the bullet can even arrive at the target!

If they made it more challenging to use weapons long-range, then you wouldn't need sniper glint or perks like High Alert. PUBG didn't need it.

4. Buying people back, self-revives, gulag. They all accomplish the same thing: to keep people invested in the game. By giving you hope that you can come back in, you stay invested in the match. Activision doesn't want people leaving their game because they got killed as soon as or even before they touch the ground. (That's another thing, shooting people out of the air- DUMB!). Look, I get it. BRs can be like that. I would hate it when in PUBG or Blackout I die as soon as I touch the ground and have to WAIT and spectate my squad for 20 or 30 minutes before I can play again. It's really frustrating.

But, did we need self- revives AND buy backs AND gulag? It makes it to where the ending of the match is so chaotic. No strategy, just run and gun and hope you're the last person to get blown the hell up. I think one of those three ways to stay in the game would have changed things up without destroying what a battle royale is all about. Maybe limit gulag to the first two circles and then if they win gulag and die on the battlefield again you can't buy them back, and maybe just put self-revives in solos. I don't know. Maybe they should have never included that stuff to begin with.

5. Tinkering with weapon stats. Just fucking stop it already. A new weapon comes out and it is PURPOSEFULLY OP until the complaints go through the roof then it receives a nerf. Other guns received nerfs and buffs every single season and sometimes more than one in a season. It's all so tiring to keep up with. Just get it right the first time and then leave it alone.

5 1/2: No swimming. Ugh. So dumb that you can't swim in this game. Why?

Anyway, I think I'm done with BRs altogether. The luster of the chicken dinners or helicopter ride outro has long since worn off. October is going to be a long wait for Battlefield 2042 though.

That's my two cents.
Throughly enjoyed your write up and agree with most of what you've said.

Interested to hear what you think a BR game needs or what direction you would like to see them go?

Personally, I'd be interested in a TLOU factions BR mode or full game if that's what they wanted to do. Something more methodical and tactical.


PUBG plays way slower tho.. you can't have it both ways. The multiplayer part of modern warfare and warzone play very differently overall, multiplayer is much faster.
Who says I want it both ways? I want classic BR and WZ isn't delivering that experience to me.

Not calling WZ trash or anything I stopped a few months ago but played it daily when it came out but it's clearly more MP than BR. It's as fast paced as regular MP unless you have a non-aggressive playstyle but with UAVs and bounties you can jump from fight to fight.

Personally I simply want Blackout 2. Original Blackout was a good balance between the fast paced COD and the more tactical PUBG.


could never
I play it less now myself, too many hackers. Can't really turn off xplay either as most of my friends play on pc.

When I'm by myself I can but it seems to put me in laggier servers with a much higher ping.
I’ve never liked battle royal as a genre because as you said, sometimes you find good items and sometimes you don’t, and that can have a huge effect on your chances (instead of skill).

I haven’t even tried Warzone yet because I’ve never liked Call of Duty multiplayer and it’s a battle royal. Plus, I hear they keep messing with the weapons and giving paid weapons temporary leg ups over the competition.

Just doesn’t interest me.


I deleted warzone/cod ages ago, can't justify keeping it with how little I play them and how much HDD/SSD They take up.

Plus I think I dropped warzone after I won.

Battle Royales just don't hold my attention long sadly.

I think apex is the one I invested most time with, but even that I lost interest by the time the first season started and already had my 1k GS from it.


My main reason is how unoptimized this game is on PC. Targets 60 fps on old ass consoles with jaguar cores yet completely destroys my PC CPU.

That and the terrible downloading/updating process

Rossco EZ


is the only thing i hate about this game, i rest a week from it and when i come back the freaking meta change the new black ops weapon is op and of course if you dont have BO you're fucked.
i agree, i’ve been levelling the krig 6 and i’m guessing by the time i have all attachments it will be nerfed :messenger_pensive:


You’ll be back.
Haha.😂😂 I was waiting for someone to call me out on this. Usually you’d be right. Take a couple of weeks off and then come back. My squad says the same thing.

But I deleted it and havent touched it in about a month. Im enjoying the free time that I usually spend playing it in the evenings. Hell, last night I even picked up a book and started reading it.

The only reason Id return is for my mates and they all said they’re getting the next Battlefield. It’s a bit of a wait but not impossible. I have plenty to play between now and then.
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I only play Rebirth Island. The idea of running around for 20 odd minutes finding good loot ect just to be sniped 100 metres away go old real quick in normal warzone. Rebirth is straight into the action and you have little investment if you have a bad game.


Plus I think I dropped warzone after I won.

Battle Royales just don't hold my attention long sadly.

Same. I don't care much for BR because I get extremely impatient with games like this. I prefer the constant RNG and respawning of MP. However, the one or two times I did play WZ, I decided to just hug the edge of the safe zone, let everyone kill each other, and then go in for the final few kills. I think I got 4th place? Kinda boring.


Same. I don't care much for BR because I get extremely impatient with games like this. I prefer the constant RNG and respawning of MP. However, the one or two times I did play WZ, I decided to just hug the edge of the safe zone, let everyone kill each other, and then go in for the final few kills. I think I got 4th place? Kinda boring.
My issue is, usually it's just one big map.
Where as normal multiplayer games there is good 10-20 maps.
I just feel Battle Royales lack variety & I lose interest quickly, I can see the appeal I guess.

And pubg I never got into, felt like I was handling a tank :p

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Indeed killstreaks and things like self-res, rebuys, dead silence and stopping power really take away from the true BR feel. Otherwise when you're not in a cheater lobby, the gunplay is fun, the map is good, the engine is pretty smooth though it has some issues on PC that they never seem to clean up.

There is some really stupid shit. Like the armor sack that gives you 8 plates. If you already have one and win a protracted battle against some dude who also has one, you might finish the fight with just the one freebie plate for killing him. Meanwhile he can sneak back from his gulag and get a full 8 plates by grabbing his sack.

I think a lot of people didn't really get what was great about PUBG, and the whole genre has kind of shifted towards wider appeal mechanics. The console version of PUBG launched in a dreadful state, which probably didn't help.

Apex is so chaotic that a lot of times I don't even realize I'm in the final fight, and then it just ends declaring you the winner and you're just like, "huh?".

As for Blackout, it was great fairly early in its run, and was terrible when they added in the pay2win gun box. I guess that was a preview of the loadout system. Actually I think the Blackout hardcore mode with no HUD, new zone indicated by flares dropped from helicopters was the closest thing to dethroning PUBG. The uncertainty of where exactly the zone was going to stop, the way it strained your map knowledge, there wasn't anything quite like it.

I don't know I could ramble forever but yeah some core components of BR are being dumped to satisfy the mass market. Down time (including being dead) contrasted with the few seconds of pure mayhem. Making do with what you've got.

I think they have a winning product with Warzone and as insidious as it is, the way they incentivize grabbing they yearly COD entry is a pretty shrewd business move.

Not sure what's next on the horizon. I'm still assuming BR is coming to BF2042, and I always thought they were the ones best positioned to take BR to the next level. But then Firestorm came out like a wet fart... and here we are. So I think they just don't want to repeat announcing too early then underdelivering. Put it out there with very little lead time, and it better be some next level shit or don't even bother this time DICE.


Gold Member
What kills the game for me, above all, is the amount of hackers. I'm decent at it (1.11 K/D) but the amount of times I've been headshotted via a perfect slingshot ADS is downright unacceptable. That, and the fact that we are almost a year into the new consoles and there are still no proper next gen versions? Get your thumb out of your asses Activision and give us a game that actually uses the new consoles properly, including the compression tech.

I'll still play though because my buddies play it and that's our social time when the kids go to sleep lol


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I stopped Warzone because I wanted to play other things. But it is still a great game, I loved playing with friends.


I only play Rebirth Island. The idea of running around for 20 odd minutes finding good loot ect just to be sniped 100 metres away go old real quick in normal warzone. Rebirth is straight into the action and you have little investment if you have a bad game.
I actually like Plunder and Rebirth and played them a lot at first. But, honestly, two years of playing that also got old. Just the way things go- you get bored of playing the same thing over and over. That’s normal. But, I’d probably still be playing it if my squad played those modes. All.they.ever.want.to.play.is.BR.


Indeed killstreaks and things like self-res, rebuys, dead silence and stopping power really take away from the true BR feel. Otherwise when you're not in a cheater lobby, the gunplay is fun, the map is good, the engine is pretty smooth though it has some issues on PC that they never seem to clean up.

There is some really stupid shit. Like the armor sack that gives you 8 plates. If you already have one and win a protracted battle against some dude who also has one, you might finish the fight with just the one freebie plate for killing him. Meanwhile he can sneak back from his gulag and get a full 8 plates by grabbing his sack.

I think a lot of people didn't really get what was great about PUBG, and the whole genre has kind of shifted towards wider appeal mechanics. The console version of PUBG launched in a dreadful state, which probably didn't help.

Apex is so chaotic that a lot of times I don't even realize I'm in the final fight, and then it just ends declaring you the winner and you're just like, "huh?".

As for Blackout, it was great fairly early in its run, and was terrible when they added in the pay2win gun box. I guess that was a preview of the loadout system. Actually I think the Blackout hardcore mode with no HUD, new zone indicated by flares dropped from helicopters was the closest thing to dethroning PUBG. The uncertainty of where exactly the zone was going to stop, the way it strained your map knowledge, there wasn't anything quite like it.

I don't know I could ramble forever but yeah some core components of BR are being dumped to satisfy the mass market. Down time (including being dead) contrasted with the few seconds of pure mayhem. Making do with what you've got.

I think they have a winning product with Warzone and as insidious as it is, the way they incentivize grabbing they yearly COD entry is a pretty shrewd business move.

Not sure what's next on the horizon. I'm still assuming BR is coming to BF2042, and I always thought they were the ones best positioned to take BR to the next level. But then Firestorm came out like a wet fart... and here we are. So I think they just don't want to repeat announcing too early then underdelivering. Put it out there with very little lead time, and it better be some next level shit or don't even bother this time DICE.
I echo everything you said. You basically said everything that I didn’t say. Especially Blackout hardcore mode. That was so badass. Maybe because it plays to my capabilities in MP Hardcore Mode. I owned that mode in BO. 8-10 killls easy and more wins in that mode than any other. And they kept it for a like a month and never brought it back.

I doubt Battlefield 2042 will bring a BR mode. Maybe? I mean, just like you said, it was theirs for the taking. They have the larg maps, the vehicles, massive lobbies. But, yeah, maybe they’ll drop it in like COD did with WZ. I just think we’ll see a lot of the BR games start to fade away when whatever’s next comes along as the big thing the kids want to play.


Throughly enjoyed your write up and agree with most of what you've said.

Interested to hear what you think a BR game needs or what direction you would like to see them go?

Personally, I'd be interested in a TLOU factions BR mode or full game if that's what they wanted to do. Something more methodical and tactical.
I dig the idea of TLOU survival gameplay and factions mode for BR. Plus, it would bring back the survivalist part of BR that WZ is missing.

Honestly, if they did smaller maps and lobbies. Maybe a map the size of Rebirth Island but get rid of all the garbage that makes WZ WZ. Get rid of load outs, buybacks, killstreaks, and limit vehicles to motorcycles or something that can’t be abused. Like others have said, make the wait painless if you die early. I’d play something like that.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I agree with a lot of what you have said OP. I miss the purity of the more simple Battle Royale experiences like PUBG and CoD Blackout.
If i remember correctly, there was no warning sign when someone calls in a kill streak. Then after some updates it showed up on your whole screen WARNING. Its stupid because 99% of the time you can run away from them.


it seems to me you like this game too much to leave and be done with it, just looking at how detailed you post is tells the whole story.
i'm not above it either, i have spent countless hours in warframe forums and in-game talking about this and that and how i'll leave and won't come back, but i always do.
we are like the stalkers who take it too far because we can't help ourselves in how much we love these games.


I've played it off and on with my friends for a year, we still have fun just due to all the random hilarity. I feel like I still see something in Warzone every other time I play that I have never seen before and that's pretty amazing for a game to be able to pull off. Basically all our greatest moments are when we completely shit the bed.

But we're all old guys who have zero wins (outside Plunder, we can really kick ass in "not fighting and just collecting crates" ). I really enjoy a lot of the Limited Time Modes they offer and wish they'd put those out there on a more permanent or longer basis. The Armored Truck mode was great, the Zombies Halloween thing was fun, and I always like when they do the big team battles on Verdansk map. But those aren't really Battle Royales. We all still mainly play the Modern Warfare and Cold War multiplayer if we're all getting on (which we do well on), with some Warzone mixed in for laughs.


I religiously played Warzone since release as soon as the hacking every other lobby and just the insane amount hackers in the game I haven’t had it installed since February.

It’s just impossible to have fun and now more and more people have the controller hook up with no recoil and shit just kills games.
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I religiously played Warzone since release as soon as the hacking every other lobby and just the insane of the game I haven’t had it installed since February.

It’s just impossible to have fun and now more and more people have the controller hook up with no recoil and shit just kills games.
You know it’s bad when it’s even infecting consoles. At one point my squad all debated whether or not it was worth us getting at least the no recoil hack. I’ve never once considered cheating in a game. But it was so bad that we felt like it was the only way we could level the playing field.


it seems to me you like this game too much to leave and be done with it, just looking at how detailed you post is tells the whole story.
i'm not above it either, i have spent countless hours in warframe forums and in-game talking about this and that and how i'll leave and won't come back, but i always do.
we are like the stalkers who take it too far because we can't help ourselves in how much we love these games.
Nah. I walked away from PUBG, Fortnite, and Blackout. I’ll walk away from this, too. The next thing will come along and like a dog that sees a squirrel, my attention will be elsewhere. :)


Gunplay is horrific
The community is even worse
Add to that the cheaters and AA is beyond a joke

"Want to stay competitive, just buy our skins for the new op gun we've just released, buy the skin now before we nerf it, look all the youtubers are using it, best buy it now, otherwise you're not in the meta......."
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NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Call of Duty: Warzone has made strides as one of the largest free-to-play games ever. Over the last year and a half, Warzone's success has fluctuated with integrations both from Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard, hacker accounts, and more. Let's reflect on Warzone and see where it started, where it's at, and where it could go next.

00:34 - Where it Started
02:12 - Where it's Been
05:03 - Where it's Going

In less than 2 years, Call of Duty: Warzone has left its impact on the Battle Royale gaming space. After the successful launch, the free-to-play title soared in popularity with fans from all walks of FPS and in mere months, player count rose to the multi-millions. Today, well after the initial hype has come and gone, we’ve seen the good and bad size of Warzone. With plans to eliminate hackers and an all new Vanguard Pacific map on the way, what does the future of Warzone look like?

In the beginning, Warzone was undeniably a runaway success. Unfortunately, when issues like hacker accounts and overpowered weapons began to plague the game, the experience quickly became unfavorable. With continued balancing, Warzone remains a somewhat stable experience. Events like “The Haunting” and “Know Your History” served as short distractions that mixed up gameplay and even had players working together, but only time will tell if the overall success of warzone can hold.
I’m just going to choose to believe he got banned for this.

Serves him right. Offer your hard-drive to our overlords traitor.

Whats in these newer cod games where they are so large. The games don't have that many maps and assets. I don't get it.
Activision is funded by Big Hard Disk.


I Definitely agree that the loadout system is shit and causes more problems than it solves they should put in a permanent no loadout mode.


I feel like a lot of people making the claim that Warzone is no good don't play the far, FAR superior Plunder.

- infinite respawn (squad wipe is still a thing but you can sorta cheat it a bit by picking up an objective that will keep your team nearby until the obj is done/over)
- custom loadouts from the getgo
- much better pace
- better gameplay "loop"

Plunder is fucking awesome. It should seriously be advertised as the base mode and any BR game that doesn't have a mode like Plunder is fucking missing out.

I got several replays of this game just turning into a fucking nonstop thrillride action movie in Plunder. Dudes dropping left and right, my team very well coordinated and synchronized, crazy back and forth battles, multiple teams engaging on eachother...it's fucking brilliant.

Warzone is amazing and Plunder is the proof.

If people can watch this and tell me with a straight face this isn't amazeballs then I wish I could be as jaded as you. Mind you this is just me and a buddy playing a mode meant for 4 people and it still got this crazy. Forgive my excitement at one point in the vid but I did feel pretty damn good at the game for this great run. Sorry, not sorry!

I Definitely agree that the loadout system is shit and causes more problems than it solves they should put in a permanent no loadout mode.

Play Plunder.
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