I haven't done door-to-door, but I imagine that it's somewhat similar in principle to catching your EXTREMELY busy boss about something important.
1) Open with a BRIEF statement about who you are. You have about 5-10 seconds to make an impression that says, "I'm not a nutjob, I'm not selling a magazine, I'm not trying to steal anything from you, and talking to me isn't a waste of your time." Smile. Appear credible and confident.
2) It can't hurt to ask if they are busy or if it's a bad time. If they say yes, you will have to give the short(er) version of your "elevator speech." I realize that you are giving them an out...but NOT respecting their time is just plain rude. "Oh, I completely understand that you're busy, and I won't keep you. I had stopped by to encourage you to vote on November 2, and to consider voting for John Kerry for X and Y. Thanks for listening, and have a good night!" Leave them with any handouts or contact info (website, phone number, etc.) and walk away.
3) Practice your "elevator speech" until you have it down. You need two versions: a 30-second version with all of the points you'd like to make, and a 10-second one to give if they can't (or don't want to) talk. You should be persuasive and succinct. You might want to have multiple versions, each appropriate for a different kind of possible voter or mood.
4) Invite them to share their views. If the other side feels that they are being listened to -- not just preached at -- they are much more likely to engage you in a conversation.
5) Use active listening. Even if they would rather cut their arm off than vote for Kerry, you should stay engaged in the conversation (eye contact, body language, nodding, questions which probe for understanding, etc.). You will learn something, and hopefully leave an impression that people who vote for Kerry are concerned, respectable, and credible. Regardless of how this election goes, we need to build some bridges. (Except me -- I'm going to Canada. But those of you who stay need to build bridges.)
Good luck, and I really respect that you're out there working for what you believe in.