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i'm pretty sure some fuckface stole my cat!

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every once and a while film studios come to the street i live on and shoot segments of movies or tv shows (i live by CBS studios also) and they always bring a lot of trailers and trucks etc. well, my cat doesn't really like strangers, and she is easily rattled. so anyways three days ago these a-holes come in their trucks and what not, and now i haven't seen my cat since! i'm pretty sure what happened is that they scared her off or something, and some dickweed or soccer mom stole my cat as their own! there have been more than a few missing cats in my neighborhood.... i saw someone posted a hand written sign (cause we posted missing flyers of my cat today) that said "watchout for coyotes!") but wtf there's no way a coyote came down from the hills into the neighborhood, especially with all the commotion. also, i doubt my cat would have wandered far cause she always runs back home and like i said is very shy around strangers.

therefore, the only logical conclusion is that someone stole her!* and they're waiting for me to pay up. F YOU ROBBERS! i won't pay you! my gf put "NEEDS MEDICINE!" on the flyer just incase whoever has her sees it, they'll be like "ah shit i dont want to have to pay for medicine... go free cat, go home"

i'm not a big animal person, but i loved that cat and it just pisses me off that shes missing now. it was probably jgar... maybe if i buy a browns jersey she will be returned to me.

anyhow i just felt like venting cause im frustrated after a day of looking for her with unsuccessful results

*or she was hit by a scumbag motorist!


Unconfirmed Member
That fucking sucks man. sorry. Once we had our dog stolen while on vacation. The dog got out of my uncles yard (my uncle was watching it) the night before we got home. We think someone picked it up and took it.

Ill Saint

Sorry to hear that dude. Who knows, maybe she'll find her way home. Hope so.

Scola, that's really messed up. If someone stole my dog it would totally do my head in just thinking about what's happening to him, where he is, how he is...

Oh jeez, that sucks total ass, dude. You know, almost 4 years ago my cat was missing for a few days. Finally we went door knocking, and my neighbor across the street says he found a cat in his front yard a few days earlier, well what was left of it anyway. He just threw it in the trash can. WTF. Didn't even bother to call the animal control. And we had left a bunch of flyers all over the neighborhood, including on this guy's doorstep. What a fucking dickhead. No respect. Anyway, turns out my cat was chewed up by a coyote. I never thought that would ever happen. Fuck, I'm getting teary-eyed thinking about it again. Ever since then, my other cats have been locked inside the house as soon as it gets dark.


One time our dog ran away and while we were looking for him, my dad heard him barking. He takes a look into the back 'yard' of an apartment, and lo and behold there's Ruffy, collar and all. The guy who lived there either didn't speak English, or faked it to act like he was innocent. You know, like the foreign tourists do at Disneyland when they cut in line. I think the guy wanted to eat him...

Oh well, the dog ran away for good several months later. Maybe the dude got his meal after all. The mut I have now is more faithful!

The moral of the story is, your cat was probably deep fried at the local dollar Chinese restaurant
I know how you feel. Hope your cat returns FrenchMovieTheme.

One of my cats has been missing for almost two months. We put up flyers and did multiple checks around the neihborhood with no luck :( Thing is with my cat though, we have no idea how he got out; and he's never been outside alone before.


In my experience, cats have a great ability to find their way home on their own. I'd have cats disappear for days on end and then be on my doorstep waiting for food the next morning. Still doesn't make the wait any less harrowing. Hope you find her.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
This happened to me once. My neighbor stole my cat... I had this cat since I was 7 years old... the cat was a super overfriendly tabby cat. I was a kid, so I named him "Tiger"! Well as I got older so did the cat... and one day he didn't come home... I figured that he passed away.... One day I was at home, and for some reason I felt that someone was in my yard... I looked out the window and there was my cat... Turns out that my neighbor stole him and kept him in her house. I went out to call him and he looked so confused.... he finally ran across the street to her house... then she saw me... and she gave me a sob story that her dog died and she fell in love with my cat! At this point she offered to buy him from me...which I told her he wasn't for sale. In the end I was glad he is alive and at least is papmered in his old age... I let her have him... but stll that is a low blow to steal your neighbor's pet... and try to hide it....
Damn, don't let your cats outside guys. Letting them out isn't exactly doing them a favor. Unless cats like getting in fights with other cats, getting diseases, getting hit by cars, and being stolen.


ManDudeChild said:
I know how you feel. Hope your cat returns FrenchMovieTheme.

One of my cats has been missing for almost two months. We put up flyers and did multiple checks around the neihborhood with no luck :( Thing is with my cat though, we have no idea how he got out; and he's never been outside alone before.

This happened to the cat of my granny. He never came outside and was missing for a few days. At the petstore they told her they're usually not far from your home, because they don't know the environment. So what you have to do is call his name in the middle of the night, when things are save and quiet and then he'll come out. I don't know if it's too late for that though...two months is a long time.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Cerebral Palsy said:
Damn, don't let your cats outside guys. Letting them out isn't exactly doing them a favor. Unless cats like getting in fights with other cats, getting diseases, getting hit by cars, and being stolen.

Well they like being outside... I think they need to be outside... but I understand where you are coming from with what you are saying...

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Cerebral Palsy said:
Damn, don't let your cats outside guys. Letting them out isn't exactly doing them a favor. Unless cats like getting in fights with other cats, getting diseases, getting hit by cars, and being stolen.

I think your view of nature is unrealistic.

Why not pull out its claws and teeth so it can't scratch and bite an innocent mouse as well? cats are made for outside. have you never noticed how a cat doesn't act the same outdoors? try patting or calling one when it's outdoors.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
catfish said:
I think your view of nature is unrealistic.

Why not pull out its claws and teeth so it can't scratch and bite an innocent mouse as well? cats are made for outside. have you never noticed how a cat doesn't act the same outdoors? try patting or calling one when it's outdoors.

Thank you! Cats need to be outside....
catfish said:
I think your view of nature is unrealistic.

Why not pull out its claws and teeth so it can't scratch and bite an innocent mouse as well? cats are made for outside. have you never noticed how a cat doesn't act the same outdoors? try patting or calling one when it's outdoors.

Now who's being unrealistic? Pull out it's teeth?

Indoor cats live longer.



Junior Member
I feel for you, I too have a female saimese who we let run in and out of the house collerless. We have neighbors who have reported both Cyotees and Fox taking out their cats but I still couldnt bare to keep her in doors.

Why do people need to steal animals? Is it that hard to scrounge up 200 bucks and just drive to a pet store?

I dont know how people can support pet stores that sell dogs and cats. Petsmart is different since its with the spca.


My sister is a veterinarian. When she still practiced in the same town as me, I used to visit her at the clinic fairly often. I cannot tell you how many times I went there and they had a dog or cat that was hit by a car, or poisoned by antifreeze (it takes just two licks of antifreeze to doom a pet), or any number of other injuries that could have been avoided if the pet had not gotten free.

The fact is that modern cities are very dangerous for pets, and they should not be allowed to roam freely in them. They might not get hurt the first dozen times, or first hundred times, or ever- but there is no point taking the chance.

Every time I see a pet running free I cringe- because I love dogs and cats and know the dangers it faces. But I also think - WTF - doesn't the owner care about their pet? Or do they shove them out the door to avoid the bother of taking care of them properly?
for the first year or so we had her we DIDNT let her out. but everytime we left, or if one of us went outside to get the mail or whatever, she would stand at the door crying until we came back. it wasn't that the meowing was annoying (she could hardly meow because something was wrong with her vocal chords from the time we adopted her) but i knew she wanted to go outside and explore. i always kept an eye on her, i made sure i brought her in every night. i imagine she was very bored inside here, so even though she is gone (for NOW!) i don't regret letting her live her life outside for a while. i know it can be said "well if you didn't let her out she'd still be around" but its hard for me not to let her out and keep her locked up in my house for the rest of her life.

thanks for the support fellas, hopefully in due time she will return
Crispy said:
This happened to the cat of my granny. He never came outside and was missing for a few days. At the petstore they told her they're usually not far from your home, because they don't know the environment. So what you have to do is call his name in the middle of the night, when things are save and quiet and then he'll come out. I don't know if it's too late for that though...two months is a long time.

Combed the neihborhood at all hours :(


When I was in High School some idiot friends of mine stole a cat........I don't want to go into what they did to it however.......


Kind of weird hearing all this stuff about not letting cats outside. Here in the UK I'd say cats are let out more often than not. I understand that you wouldn't let a cat out in a big city like London but in the suburbs and quieter places, its quite common to see cats out while you're walking in the street.


i'm sorry to hear about your cat i hope you find her..! i know how you must feel my cat went missing too and my story is a sad one we never found him and i still get sad thinking about it...!
belgurdo said:
Why do people need to steal animals? Is it that hard to scrounge up 200 bucks and just drive to a pet store?

Shit, they just have to go to the animal control in their city, or the pound, and they can get a dog or cat for practically free. If it's a kitten/puppy, then they might have to pay for the neutering/spaying, which is like $25-35.


Blackace said:
Always shocks me how easy people use this word...
Ok? what do you want me to say , we were actually good friends grew up together, lived on the same street , but that was years ago....


I used to have an orange cat, it was a bit older than a kitten, but still a young cat. I remember how I first found her..... under my bed. Somehow the cat got into the house and into my bedroom. Anyway, when I found her, my family decided to keep her. We didn't let her out of the house for the first couple of months. After 2 month, she somehow got outside, my dad found her a day after she was lost in our frontyard....... in 3 pieces. Either a stray dog got her or some very sick individual. Decided not to get another cat after that(more likely couldn't bear getting another cat to replace her).
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