I remember that very first time when I was playing the game and I was doing one of those bonus challenge rooms (the ones that you need a purple key for), and it was the first time during that playthrough when I experienced this visceral adrenaline rush that literally made me step away from the computer after it was over because I felt like my chest was about to explode and my hands were shaking.
There are so many battles in this game that can be overwhelming to the senses and to the brain by forcing you to process extremely high amount of information and make all those split-second decisions, and the battles can keep going for such a long time that your mind will start begging for a little bit of relief. However, at the same time, it puts you into such an intense state of arousal and focus that it's very difficult to just hit the Escape key and take a voluntary break from the action. That sense of exhilaration and satisfaction is just too good to stop. It felt like being on top of the world, kicking incomprehensible amounts of ass, and I couldn't believe in the pure insanity taking place on screen and the fact that I was still somehow pulling through and feeling like a total badass doing it. It was like a drug, man.
I must have played through this game like six times by now, and every time I kept pushing myself even harder with higher difficulties or Master Levels, but that feeling of absolute elation sooner or later had to start coming with diminishing returns, to the point where playing an insanely hectic and chaotic battle feels kinda ordinary now.
But what's even worse about this is that in the years following the release of Doom Eternal, barely any other game has managed to excite me, no matter how epic or crazy it got. I will just stare at the screen with a blank expression on my face thinking "wow, this would've blown my socks off 10 years ago" but overall I'm barely getting any excitement out of it. Obviously, I can still feel invested in emotionally resonant stories, but Doom Eternal was such an absolute peak when it came to providing a purely spectacle-driven adrenaline rush, that no other game since then managed to excite me as much as it probably should.
There are so many battles in this game that can be overwhelming to the senses and to the brain by forcing you to process extremely high amount of information and make all those split-second decisions, and the battles can keep going for such a long time that your mind will start begging for a little bit of relief. However, at the same time, it puts you into such an intense state of arousal and focus that it's very difficult to just hit the Escape key and take a voluntary break from the action. That sense of exhilaration and satisfaction is just too good to stop. It felt like being on top of the world, kicking incomprehensible amounts of ass, and I couldn't believe in the pure insanity taking place on screen and the fact that I was still somehow pulling through and feeling like a total badass doing it. It was like a drug, man.
I must have played through this game like six times by now, and every time I kept pushing myself even harder with higher difficulties or Master Levels, but that feeling of absolute elation sooner or later had to start coming with diminishing returns, to the point where playing an insanely hectic and chaotic battle feels kinda ordinary now.
But what's even worse about this is that in the years following the release of Doom Eternal, barely any other game has managed to excite me, no matter how epic or crazy it got. I will just stare at the screen with a blank expression on my face thinking "wow, this would've blown my socks off 10 years ago" but overall I'm barely getting any excitement out of it. Obviously, I can still feel invested in emotionally resonant stories, but Doom Eternal was such an absolute peak when it came to providing a purely spectacle-driven adrenaline rush, that no other game since then managed to excite me as much as it probably should.