A question, do colors of the images look "normal"? The first time i tried posting the same screens colors were too bright and with too much contrast, one of the program i used has the gamma correction that seems random :\
Yeah, the blonde hair looks too bright, you should try different tones of green or even pink and go for a more contrasted shading.
Holy... That's some serious evolution, man. The more you clean her sprite, the more it reminds me of Masami Kurumada and his ultra detailed Saint Seiya covers. Great stuff.
Thank you, that's a great compliment.
I love these, crazy evolution.
I saw a few tweets about this but didn't note the difference until you posted this comparison. I think you've done a great job here.
Sorry for the tweet spree... Some long time gamedev fellow (who has been following me since my very first attempt at creating a character) told that this last revision was but a natural evolution, and I thought it would be cool to show them how I've changed her design over the years as I grew up... thanks!
She seems to be dressing more and more sensibly, good.

Pretty cool to see the evolution and how you've improved. How old is the first version?
Thank you. Your comment made me think of other female characters who have happened to follow the reverse path: they went from more to less clothing (think of Rikku, Blaze Fielding, etc)
The first version must be from 2004-2005, so its 10 years old. It's easy to tell that I started making pixel art, got better at it, switched to digital drawing, and kept aiming for higher resolution sprites.
Lol, it's also easy to tell during which years I was using a broke monitor by her skin colour.
I casted this "small" redesign to get rid, at least partly, of that "designed by a horny teenager" halo the character had. If you've been seeing what I've posted here, it's easy to tell that I'm trying to make a serious game (and perhaps that I'm putting a lot of effort in it), and honestly, the boobs had nothing to do with it.
Not that I have anything against female chars wearing revealing clothing, I do like her previous design. But thinking about it coldy, the "suggestive" content added NOTHING to the character. If anything, all it did was getting in the middle, keeping you from actually getting interested in her story. And as I said, a lot of people could think that this project isn't serious bussiness just because of the boobs.
But I like her better with the new clothes. She looks more athletic, less sexualized...
I think that if I'm given the chance, I'm able to create a good character leading an enjoyable adventure. I can do better than a distracting, jiggling set of boobs.
I'm really thankful to a certain GAF user that helped me to make up my mind on this change
tamsoft called, you have the job!
Say hwat
(full size shot
+5 points for not saying Vanillaware or Tecmo, tho.